C Language Operators

In programming with C, you occasionally want to use common mathematical operators for common mathematical functions and not-so-common operators for logic and sequence functions. Here's a look at C language operators to use:

Operator, Category, DutyOperator, Category, DutyOperator, Category, Duty
=, Assignment, Equals!=, Comparison, Is not equal to>, Bitwise, Shift bits right
+, Mathematical, Addition&&, Logical, AND~, Bitwise, One's complement
–, Mathematical, Subtraction||, Logical, OR+, Unary, Positive
*, Mathematical, Multiplication!, Logical, NOT–, Unary, Negative
/, Mathematical, Division++, Mathematical, Increment by 1*, Unary, Pointer
%, Mathematical, Modulo--, Mathematical, Decrement by 1&, Unary, Address
>, Comparison, Greater than&, Bitwise, ANDsizeof, Unary, Returns the size of an object
>=, Comparison, Greater than or equal to|, Bitwise, Inclusive OR., Structure, Element access
<, Comparison, Less than^, Bitwise, Exclusive OR (XOR or EOR)->, Structure, Pointer element access
<=, Comparison, Less than or equal to<<, Bitwise, Shift bits left?:, Conditional , Funky if operator expression
==, Comparison, Is equal to



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