Architecture Terms

You’re standing in front of the Parthenon or some other great work of architecture. The tour guide next to you starts talking about “orders.” You’re ready to put in your lunch request until you realize that she’s referring to the architecture. The terms in the following list can help you understand architectural lingo — and even speak it if you’re so inclined.

arch: a structure spanning an opening that is supported
from the sides.
minaret: a slim tower that is part of a mosque and is
used to call the faithful to prayers.
buttress: a support on the outside of a wall that helps
to stabilize a vault or roof.
orders: styles of classical architecture developed by
the ancient Greeks and Romans; they include the Doric, Ionic, and
column: a vertical post divided into a base, a shaft,
and a capital at the top.
portico: a porch with a roof supported by a row of
dome: a curved, semispherical roof structure that is
circular in plan.
quoin: a large stone at the corner of an exterior
entasis: a slight, outward curvature in a column that
corrects an optical illusion and gives the appearance of being
rustication: roughly surfaced stonework on exterior
walls; popular during the Renaissance.
façade: the face or exterior architectural
treatment of a building.
shaft: the section of a column between the base and the
gable: the triangular portion of a wall under the end of
a pitched roof.
tracery: curvy ornament in the upper part of a Gothic
hypar: short for hyperbolic paraboloid, a type of shell
structure with downwardly and upwardly curved surfaces.
uplift: raising of a structure in response to structural
Ionic: a type of classical architecture with scroll-like
decorations, called volutes, on the column capital.
vault: an arched ceiling or roof.
jamb: the vertical side of a doorway or window.wythe: a continuous band of brick or stone that is one
unit in thickness.
keystone: a wedge-shaped unit at the top of an
ziggurat: a type of stepped pyramid used as a temple in
ancient Mesopotamia.
lintel: a horizontal beam spanning the top of a door or



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