Edit iWeb Pages with Keyboard Shortcuts

An iLife ‘11 iWeb page is just a blank window until you start editing it to add content. When you add and format text, these iWeb keyboard shortcuts help you polish the look of it in no time. Simply select the text you want to format and use the keyboard shortcut to issue the desired command in iWeb. The instant results are almost as magical as the Internet itself.

Command+Option+IShow or hide the Inspector
Shift+Command+LShow or hide layout
Command+TShow or hide Font panel
Shift+Command+CShow or hide Colors window
Command+ +Make selected text bigger
Command+ -Make selected text smaller
Shift+Command+ {Align text flush left
Shift+Command+ }Align text flush right
Shift+Command+ |Center text
Option+Command+CCopy paragraph style
Option+Command+VPaste paragraph style
Shift + ReturnInsert a line break
Command+ ReturnTurn off text editing and select text box



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