Everyday Shortcuts in QuickBooks

If you can type, then using keyboard shortcuts in QuickBooks works much faster toying with a mouse. Simply press the Ctrl key on your PC, together with one of these letters or symbols, and off you go!

QuickBooks Key or Keystroke CombinationShortcut Result
Ctrl-AOpens your Chart of Accounts
Ctrl-FFinds transactions, by amount, date, memo or name
Ctrl-GTakes you to a transfer account’s register
Ctrl-HDisplays the history of any accounts receivable or payable
Ctrl-ITakes you to the Create Invoice window
Ctrl-JOpens the Customer Centre
Ctrl-LOpens a drop-down menu’s list
Ctrl-MMemorises the current transaction or report
Ctrl-NCreates a new transaction for the active window
Ctrl-PPrints an on-screen form or register
Ctrl-QProduces a QuickReport for a transaction or item
Ctrl-RDisplays the account register
Ctrl-TOpens a memorised transaction list
Ctrl-UUses a list item (try Ctrl-L and Ctrl-U together for a super
Ctrl-WTakes you to Write Cheques (where you record all types of
Ctrl-YOpens an account’s transactional journal
Ctrl-F4Closes the active window
F1Opens help for active window
F2Displays info about your current QuickBooks version
Right-clickShows a list of nifty commands relevant to wherever you are in



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