Use Free Web Space to Store Your eBay Pictures

10 of 10 in Series:
The Essentials of Preparing and Uploading Your eBay Images

When you list items to sell on eBay, pictures are a must. Although your first picture is always free, you’ll probably upload multiple images for each item. To avoid paying extras fees for these images, you can use the free Web storage supplied by your ISP. This way, you can use your free site as an extension of your main business site.

When you signed up for Internet access, you had to sign on with an Internet service provider (ISP), which means you probably have your own Web space. Take a look at the following table, which compares some popular ISPs that provide free Web space.

ISPNumber of E-Mail AddressesTotal Space per Account
America Online (AOL)72MB per e-mail address
msnTV 2 (Internet on your television)112GB

Most ISPs allow you to have more than one e-mail address per account. Each e-mail address is entitled to a certain amount of free Web space. Through the use of hyperlinks (small pieces of HTML code that, when clicked, route the clicker from one place to another on the page or on another Web site), you can combine all the free Web space from each e-mail address into one giant Web site.

If America Online (AOL) is your Internet provider, you may already know that AOL often has serious issues regarding its users getting e-mail from the rest of the Internet. You can’t afford to run a business in an area that has e-mail issues. Your AOL account gives each of your seven screen names 2MB of online storage space. You can best utilize this space by using it to store images for eBay, not to run a business site. Each screen name, at 2MB, can store fifty 40K images.



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