Sorting a List in Outlook 2007

In Outlook 2007 terms, sorting just means putting your list in order. In fact, a list is always in some kind of order. Sorting just changes the order.

You can tell what order your list is sorted in by looking for triangles in headings. A heading with a triangle in it means that the entire list is sorted by the information in that column. If the column has numbers in it, and if the triangle's large side is at the top, the list goes from largest to smallest number. Columns that contain text get sorted in alphabetical order: A is the smallest letter, and Z is the largest.

From Table view

This is by far the easiest way to sort your Outlook list: When sorting from Table view, click the heading of a column you want sorted. The entire table is sorted according to the column you click — by date, name, or whatever.

From the Sort dialog box

Although clicking a column is the easiest way to sort, doing so enables you to sort on only one column. You may want to sort on two or more columns.

To sort on two or more columns, follow these steps:

1. Choose View --> Current View --> Customize Current View.

The Customize View dialog box appears.

2. Click the Sort button.

The Sort dialog box appears.

3. From the Sort Items By menu, choose the first field that you want to sort by.

Choose carefully; a much larger list of fields appears in this menu, as compared to what you can choose from in the view. It can get confusing.

4. Choose Ascending or Descending sort order.

Choose whether to sort from smallest to largest (ascending) or vice versa (descending).

5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each additional field that you want to sort.

The first column that you select is the most important. The entire table is sorted according to that field — and then by the fields you pick later, in the order you select them. If you sort your phone list by company first and then by name, for example, your list begins with the names of the people who work for a certain company, displayed alphabetically, followed by the names of the people who work for another company, and so on.

6. Click OK.

Your list is sorted!



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