Paragraph Alignment and Justification in Word 2007

In Word 2007, paragraph alignment refers to how the left and right edges of a paragraph align on a page. You can left-align, center, right-align, and justify a paragraph. The paragraph formatting commands are located in the Paragraph group on the Home tab of the Ribbon. The four options to format a paragraph are

  • Align Text Left

  • Center

  • Align Text Right

  • Justify

To format a paragraph, first click anywhere in the paragraph that you want to format. Then use one of the buttons in the Paragraph group (or a keyboard shortcut). Note: You can format all the paragraphs in a document by first selecting the entire document. The quick way to do that is to press Ctrl+A.

Align Text Left

A left-aligned paragraph is considered normal. The left side of the paragraph is even and the right side is jagged.

To left-align a paragraph, press Ctrl+L or click the Align Text Left button. This type of alignment is ragged right.


Centering a paragraph places each line in that paragraph in the middle of a page, with an equal amount of space to the line's right and left.

To center a paragraph, press Ctrl+E or use the Center button.

Align Text Right

A right-aligned paragraph has its right margin even. The left margin, however, is jagged.

To right-align a paragraph, press Ctrl+R or click the Align Text Right button. This type of alignment is ragged left or flush right.


Full justification occurs when both the left and right sides of a paragraph are lined up flush with the page margins.

To fully justify a paragraph, press Ctrl+J or click the Justify button.



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