When you create iPhone applications, you use delegates to implement application-specific behavior for generic views or classes. The table includes all known available delegates used in iPhone application development, though others may be possible. Exceptions to when you need to use a delegate are shown in the Special Use column.
Class | Delegate(s) Protocol | Special Use |
ABPeoplePickerNavigationController ABNewPersonViewController ABNewPersonViewController ABUnknownPersonViewController | ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate ABNewPersonViewControllerDelegate ABNewPersonViewControllerDelegate ABUnknownPersonViewControllerDelegate | |
AVAudioRecorder | AVAudioRecorderDelegate | |
AVAudioSession | AVAudioSessionDelegate | |
CAAnimation | None | |
CAAnimationGroup | None | |
CALayer | None | |
CLLocationManager | CLLocationManagerDelegate | |
EAAccessory | EAAccessoryDelegate | |
GKSession | GKSessionDelegate | |
GKPeerPickerController | GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate | |
NSError | NSErrorRecoveryAttempting | |
MKMapView | MKAnnotation | |
MKMapViewDelegate | ||
MkReverseGeocoder | MKReverseGeocoderDelegate | |
NSNetService NSNetServiceBrowser | NSNetServiceDelegate NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate | |
NSStream | NSStreamDelegate | |
NSPort NSMachPort | NSPortDelegate NSMachPortDelegate | |
NSFetchedResultsController | NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate | |
NSKeyedArchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver | NSKeyedArchiverDelegate NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate | |
NSURLConnection | None | |
MFMailComposeViewController | MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate | |
SKRequest SKProductsRequest | SKRequestDelegate SKProductsRequestDelegate | |
UIAccelerometer | UIAccelerometerDelegate | |
UIActionSheet | UIActionSheetDelegate | |
UIAlertView | UIAlertViewDelegate | |
UIApplication | UIApplicationDelegate | Also used for push notifications |
UIImagePicker | UIImagePickerControllerDelegate | |
UINavigationBar | UINavigationBarDelegate | To push or pop view controllers |
UIPickerView | UIPickerViewDataSource | |
UIPickerViewDelegate | ||
UIResponder | UIResponderStandardEditActions | Support for Copy, Paste, and Select |
UIScrollView | UIScrollViewDelegate | Under some circumstances |
UISearchDisplayController | UISearchDisplayDelegate | |
UISearchBar | UISearchBarDelegate | |
UITabBar | UITabBarControllerDelegate | To customize a tab bar |
UITableView | UITableViewDataSource | |
UITableViewDelegate | ||
UITextField | UITextFieldDelegate | To put away the keyboard |
UITextView | UITextViewDelegate | To examine text being edited |
UISearchBar | UISearchBarDelegate | |
UIWebView | UIWebViewDelegate | |
MPMediaPickerController | MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate | |
NSXMLParser | NSXMLParserDelegate |
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