Doggy bad breath usually is a sign that all is not well in your dog’s mouth. If your furry friend has a bad case of dog breath, it can be the result of poor dental hygiene. About 70 percent of dogs have gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). When plaque and calculus build up on the teeth, they give bacteria lots of nooks and crannies in which to grow. And bacteria produce smelly byproducts that result in bad breath.
Check your dog’s teeth, especially the big molars on the sides. If there is yellow or brown material on the teeth adjacent to the gums, make an appointment with your vet for your dog to have her teeth cleaned. The vet will remove the accumulated plaque, polish the teeth, and check for loose or fractured teeth. Best of all, no more dog breath!
After you get your pup’s pearly whites all fixed up, be sure to brush her teeth as often as possible — every day is best. This helps prevent gingivitis and the possibility of your canine friend losing her teeth.
Another cause of nasty dog breath is the canine habit of eating feces. Naturally, animals who feel compelled eat crap often have breath that smells like the poop they’ve had in their mouths. The solution is to brush well and try to steer your dog clear of any waste material on the ground.
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