Many Flash Professional CS5 menu commands offer keyboard shortcuts. The shortcuts are displayed on the menus, next to the command name. The most commonly used Flash Professional CS5 keyboard shortcuts for menu commands are shown in the following tables.
Flash Professional CS5 File Menu Commands
Command | Windows | Mac |
New | Ctrl+N | Command+N |
Open | Ctrl+O | Command+O |
Close | Ctrl+W | Command+W |
Close All | Ctrl+Alt+W | Command+Option+W |
Save | Ctrl+S | Command+S |
Save As | Ctrl+Sift+S | Command+Shift+S |
Import: Import to Stage | Ctrl+R | Command+R |
Publish | Shift+F12 | Shift+F12 |
Exit (PC)/Quit (Mac) | Ctrl+Q | Command+Q |
Flash Professional CS5 Edit Menu Commands
Command | Windows | Mac |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Command+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Y | Command+Y |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Command+X |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Command+C |
Paste in Center | Ctrl+V | Command+V |
Paste in Place | Ctrl+Shift+V | Command+Shift+V |
Clear | Delete/Backspace | Delete/Clear |
Duplicate | Ctrl+D | Command+D |
Select All | Ctrl+A | Command+A |
Deselect All | Ctrl+Shift+A | Command+Shift+A |
Timeline: Copy Frames | Ctrl+Alt+C | Command+Option+C |
Timeline: Paste Frames | Ctrl+Alt+V | Command+Option+V |
Flash Professional CS5 View Menu Commands
Command | Windows | Mac |
Magnification: 100% | Ctrl+1 | Command+1 |
Magnification: Show All | Ctrl+3 | Command+3 |
Snapping: Snap to Objects | Ctrl+Shift+/ | Command+Shift+/ |
Flash Professional CS5 Insert Menu Commands
Command | Windows | Mac |
New Symbol | Ctrl+F8 | Command+F8 |
Timeline: Frame | F5 | F5 |
Flash Professional CS5 Modify Menu Commands
Command | Windows | Mac |
Document | Ctrl+J | Command+J |
Convert to Symbol | F8 | F8 |
Break Apart | Ctrl+B | Command+B |
Shape: Add Shape Hint | Ctrl+Shift+H | Command+Shift+H |
Timeline: Distribute to Layers | Ctrl+Shift+D | Command+Shift+D |
Timeline: Convert to Keyframes | F6 | F6 |
Timeline: Convert to Blank Keyframes | F7 | F7 |
Group | Ctrl+G | Command+G |
Ungroup | Ctrl+Shift+G | Command+Shift+G |
Flash Professional CS5 Control Menu Commands
Command | Windows | Mac |
Play | Enter | Return |
Rewind | Shift+, | Shift+, |
Step Forward One Frame | . (period) | . (period) |
Step Backward One Frame | , (comma) | , (comma) |
Test Movie: In Flash Professional | Ctrl+Enter | Command+Return |
Enable Simple Buttons | Ctrl+Alt+B | Command+Option+B |
Flash Professional CS5 Window Menu Commands
Command | Windows | Mac |
Timeline | Ctrl+Alt+T | Command+Option+T |
Tools | Ctrl+F2 | Command+F2 |
Properties | Ctrl+F3 | Command+F3 |
Library | Ctrl+L | Command+L |
Actions | F9 | Option+F9 |
Movie Explorer | Alt+F3 | Option+F3 |
Align | Ctrl+K | Command+K |
Color | Shift+F9 | Shift+F9 |
Info | Ctrl+I | Command+I |
Swatches | Ctrl+F9 | Command+F9 |
Transform | Ctrl+T | Command+T |
Other Panels: History | Ctrl+F10 | Command+F10 |
Other Panels: Scene | Shift+F2 | Shift+F2 |
Hide Panels | F4 | F4 |
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