If you already have a solving method for word search puzzles that works for you, consider adding it to the following list. In the meantime, give some of these tips a try:
Scan back and forth along each row of the letter grid, looking for the first letter in a word. Also scan up and down each column of the grid.
Use a finger or the (capped) end of your pen or pencil to help guide your search.
Do a circle search around letters to see whether they lead on to the next letter in the word you’re looking for.
Use a highlighter pen or light-colored pencil if you want to mark on top of the words you find. Otherwise, use a pen or pencil to draw loops around the words.
Search for less-common letters in a word, such as J, B, K, Q, X, Y, or Z. This strategy makes the rest of the word easier to find.
Search the grid for the double letters in a list word.
Look for circular letters, especially O, D, and Q.
If you see a Q in the grid with no adjacent U, you probably don’t need to follow it any further.
Cross off the words in the list as you find them.
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