SharePoint 2010 All-in-One For Dummies

SharePoint Server 2010 offers a suite of services, at the heart of which is a new service-application architecture. This Cheat Sheet offers a quick look at SharePoint server roles in the architecture, summarizes the services offered, and reveals how to make them accessible from your SharePoint sites.



SharePoint 2010 Server Roles

Depending on the size of your SharePoint 2100 deployment, you may have one or more SharePoint servers assigned to serve specific purposes, or roles, including these:

  • Web server: This server (also known as a front-end Web server) hosts all Web pages, Web Parts, and Web services used when your server farm receives a request for processing.

  • Application server: This server hosts the service applications running in the farm, such as Visio Services.

  • Database sever: This server stores most of the data associated with a SharePoint 2010 implementation — including configuration settings, administration information, data associated with the service applications, and user content.

  • Query server: This server is responsible for querying the index, finding the matching content, and then sending the content back to the Web servers for presentation to users.

  • Crawl server: This server crawls (accesses and catalogs) content sources and then propagates the results to the query servers. The crawl server uses a crawl database to store the URLs of all sources crawled.

Roles aren't assigned directly to a server; instead, a server assumes a specific role in your configuration depending on what components it has installed, the services it runs, and its location within your server farm.




How to Manage Your Services in SharePoint 2010

In SharePoint 2010, the context-sensitive Ribbon menu on the Manage Service Applications page in Central Administration enables you to manage all your SharePoint service applications easily from a single place. The content on the management pages varies by Web service, but the basic method of accessing the pages is the same. Follow these steps to access the management pages of a service application by using Central Administration in SharePoint 2010:

  1. Navigate to the Central Administration home page.

  2. In the Application Management section, click Manage Service Applications.

  3. From the Manage Service Applications page, select the service application that you want to manage.

    When you select a service application, the Manage command on the Ribbon menu activates.

  4. In the Ribbon menu, click Manage; in the page that appears, configure the service application as desired.

    A page appears that's specific to the type of service application you're managing. For example, if you're managing a Search Service application, the appropriate Search Administration page appears.

  5. Click OK to save any changes to the service application.

    If you made configuration changes when you were managing the service application, you must save the changes before they can take effect.




How to ConnectYour Services in SharePoint 2010

To use services in your SharePoint 2010 sites, you have to connect your Web Application to the desired services by setting up service application associations. To use Central Administration to do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Central Administration home page.

  2. Click Application Management.

    The Application Management page appears.

  3. In the Service Applications section, click Configure Service Application Associations.

    The Service Application Associations page controls associations of Web Applications or service applications to proxy groups. The view you select determines the contents of the page; for example, Web Applications view lists your Web Applications, shows the application proxy group to which you can map them, and lists application proxies for that proxy group.

  4. In the Service Application Associations page, select either the Web Application to which you want to add an association or the application proxy group mapped to that Web Application.

    The Configure Service Application Associations page appears, allowing you to edit the associations for the application proxy group.

  5. From the Configure Service Application Associations page, select the service applications that you want to connect to the Web Application.

    You can add and remove service application associations as needed.

  6. Click OK to save changes to the group of connections.

    If you're editing the default application proxy group, any changes you make affect all Web Applications that make use of that proxy group.




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