Your Baby’s Growth during Pregnancy

At the eighth week of pregnancy (date of last menstrual period) the embryo is now referred to as a fetus. All organs are formed and the remaining 32 weeks of pregnancy is a time for the fetus to grow and mature. Take a look at this chart to see how your baby’s body weight and length changes during your pregnancy:

Weeks Pregnant (Measured from LMP)Average WeightAverage Length
80.035 oz (1 g)1.5 in (3.81 cm)
100.175 oz (5 g)2.4 in (6.10 cm)
120.7 oz (20 g)3.5 in (8.89 cm)
142.1 oz (60 g)4.1 in (10.41 cm)
164.2 oz (0.12 kg)6.25 in (15.88 cm)
188.0 oz (0.23 kg)7.8 in (19.81 cm)
2012.0 oz (0.34 kg)9.75 in (24.77 cm)
221 lb 0 oz (0.45 kg)11.0 in (27.94 cm)
241 lb 8 oz (0.68 kg)11.7 in (29.72 cm)
262 lb 0 oz (0.91 kg)12.5 in (31.75 cm)
282 lb 12 oz (1.25 kg)13.7 in (34.80 cm)
303 lb 10 oz (1.65 kg)14.8 in (37.60 cm)
324 lb 6 oz (2.00 kg)15.6 in (39.62 cm)
345 lb 3 oz (2.35 kg)16.4 in (41.66 cm)
366 lb 0 oz (2.72 kg)17.5 in (44.45 cm)
386 lb 12 oz (3.10 kg)18.7 in (47.50 cm)
407 lb 8 oz (3.40 kg)19.5 in (49.53 cm)

lb = pounds    kg = kilograms
oz = ounces    g = grams
in = inches    cm = centimeters



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