C++ for Dummies

Understanding and running C++ programming, which is the standard for object-oriented languages, is easier when you know the expressions, declarations, and operators to perform calculations.



Expressions and Declarations in C++ Programming

To perform a calculation in the C=++ program you need and expression. An expression is a statement that has both a value and a type. In the C++ program, a declaration is statement that defines a variable or it’s a “holding tank” for some sort of value like a number or character.


Expressions take one of the following forms:

objName                         // for a simple object
operator expression // for unary operators
expr1 operator expr2 // for binary operators
expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 // for the ternary operator
funcName([argument list]); // for function calls


Declarations use both intrinsic and user-defined types. The intrinsic types are

[<signed | unsigned >]char
[<signed | unsigned >]wchar_t
[<signed | unsigned>] [<short | long | long long>] int
[long] double

Declarations have one of the following forms:

[<extern|static>][const] type var[=expression]; // variable
[<extern|static>][const] type array[size][={list}]; // array
[const] type object[(argument list)]; // object
[const] type object [= {argument list}]; // alternative
[const] type * [const] ptr[=pointer expression];// pointer
type& refName = object; // reference
type fnName([argument list]); // function

A function definition has the following format:

// simple function
[<inline|constexpr>] type fnName(argument list) {...}
// member function defined outside of class
[inline] type Class::func(argument list) [const] {...}
// constructor/destructors may also be defined outside of class
Class::Class([argument list]) {...}
Class::~Class() {...}
// constructors/destructor may be deleted or defaulted
// in lieu of definition
Class::Class([argument list]) = <delete|default>;
Class::~Class() = <delete|default>;

An overloaded operator looks like a function definition. Most overloaded operators may be written either as member or simple functions. When written as a member function, *this is the assumed first argument to the operator:

MyClass& operator+(const MyClass& m1, const MyClass& m2);// simple
MyClass& MyClass::operator+(const MyClass& m2); // member;

Users may define and instantiate their own enumerated types:

enum [class] Name = {label1[=value], label2[=value]...};
Name variable = Name::label1; // used in an assignment

Users may also define their own types using the class or struct keywords:

<struct | class> ClassName [ : [virtual] [public] BaseClass]
// constructor
ClassName([arg list]) <[: member(val),...] {...} |;>
ClassName() [= <delete|default>;]
// destructor
[virtual] ~ClassName() <{...} | [=<delete|default>;>
// public data members
type dataMemberName;
// public member functions
type memberFunctionName([arg list]) [{...}]
// const member function
type memberFunctionName([arg list]) const [{...}]
// virtual member functions
virtual type memberFunctionName([arg list]) [{...}];
// pure virtual member functions
virtual type memberFunctionName([arg list]) = 0;

In addition, a constructor with a single argument may be flagged as explicit.

Template declarations have a slightly different format:

// type T is provided by the programmer at use
template <class T, {...}> type FunctionName([arg list])
template <class T, {...}> class ClassName { {...} };




Operators in C++ Programming

All operators in C++ perform some defined function. This table shows the operator, precedence (which determines who goes first), cardinality, and associativity in the C++ program.

Highest precedence() [] -> .unaryleft to right

! ~ + - ++ — & * (cast) sizeofunaryleft to right

* / %binaryleft to right

+ -binaryleft to right

<< >>binaryleft to right

< <= > >=binaryleft to right

== !=binaryleft to right

&binaryleft to right

^binaryleft to right

|binaryleft to right

&&binaryleft to right

||binaryleft to right

?:ternaryright to left

= *= /= %= += -= &= ^= |= <<= >>=binaryright to left
Lowest precedence,binaryleft to right




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