Prominent Mom Blogging Events

Going to conferences can become an expensive habit, especially because many of them don’t pay a speaker’s fee and may not reimburse you for travel expenses. If you are speaking, you will most likely attend the event for free. Still, you have to choose your events wisely.

Many of the biggest events are absolutely worth the time and money investment; others, not so much. But the ones that aren’t worth it to one blogger might be invaluable to other bloggers.

The following sections list some of the most prominent and well-attended blogging events geared to moms and women, and they’re a great place to start. Remember that there are likely many local events happening in your area, and those may actually be the very best places to get started.


Where: Various locations

What: BlogHer is the largest blogging conference geared to women — with a very large percentage of moms. It’s in a different city every year, and it has several smaller conferences geared to specific topics, such as BlogHer Handmade and BlogHer Food.

With about 3,000 attendees, this conference attracts the most brands and publicity of all the events mentioned here. The sessions range from beginning- to advanced- level topics, for both personal and professional bloggers. They also offer on-site child care for an additional fee.


Where: Nashville, TN and Canada

What: Blissdom hosts a regular conference with three learning tracks: Professional Blogging, Writing, and Brand Sponsorships. They also have an additional day of workshop intensives geared to beginners and bloggers in specific topic niches. Each year this conference attracts about 250 attendees and usually has a few surprise celebrity guests.

Type-A Parent

Where: Asheville, NC

What: This event was originally called Type-A Mom and evolved into the Type-A Parent conference. This is the first of the mom-blogging events to specifically welcome dad bloggers. Type-A is an event for bloggers who want to take their business to the next level, so there is a heavy focus on business and marketing topics.

Parents with children can also take advantage of Kid Con, which is extremely affordable childcare that is mostly paid for by the event sponsors.

Mom 2.0

Where: Various locations held annually in the southern states

What: Mom 2.0 focuses specifically on moms and blogging and social media. This annual conference is billed as an open conversation between moms and marketers. Many sessions are led by both established bloggers along with professional brand representatives. Mom 2.0 doesn’t offer on-site childcare, but does allow infants 12 months and under into all sessions.

Bloggy Bootcamp

Where: Six locations in 2011 (San Diego, CA; Boston, MA; Seattle, WA; Chicago, IL; Denver, CO; Atlanta, GA)

What: Bloggy Bootcamp focuses on smaller attendance of 100–125 people to give the attendees a more intimate experience. The founders make an extra effort to offer an inclusive format and plenty of opportunities to easily meet other attendees. If going to conferences is intimidating to you, Bloggy Bootcamp is a great place to start.


Where: Salt Lake City Area, UT

What: Evo is a three-day annual event focusing on the evolution of women in social media.

New and smaller mom blogging conferences

The following events and conferences aren’t as well established as the ones described in the previous sections. However, they’re absolutely worth checking out.

General blogging events and conferences

The following blogging conferences are geared toward all blogging and social media professionals. These events tend to offer different and valuable content:



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