How to Use NaturallySpeaking with Other E-Mail Applications

Dragon NaturallySpeaking can make managing your email more manageable, even when using email applications other than Outlook. For most businesspeople, reading and answering e-mail takes up way too much time. Several books have been written about how to cope: when to check e-mail and how to manage your inbox. But, there’s no good way to eliminate its presence. NaturallySpeaking can be your ally in dispatching the job quickly.

Using NaturallySpeaking with Gmail

In NaturallySpeaking, Gmail is a Full Text Control application that doesn’t work with Natural Language Commands. That means it has limitations in what you can do. If you were using Outlook and move to Gmail, you may be frustrated that it isn't as easy to use with NaturallySpeaking.

For example, adding contacts is not supported. But it gets the job done, and if Gmail is your application of choice, fear not. It can work for you.

One secret to using Gmail with NaturallySpeaking is to use the Click command. Doing so enables you to manage e-mail tasks quickly. For example, you can say, “Click reply,” “Click delete,” or “Click report spam.”

The Gmail program doesn’t have a reading pane, but closely follows the other structures of other e-mail programs. To send mail in Gmail after launching NaturallySpeaking and your Gmail window, follow these steps:

  1. Say, "Click compose mail.”

    The e-mail window opens with the cursor in the address box.

  2. Dictate the address and then say, “Move to next field.”

    Move through the subject field the same way.

  3. Dictate your e-mail.

  4. Say, “Click send.”

Using NaturallySpeaking with Windows Live Mail

If you move to the Windows 7 operating system, you must upgrade from Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail (WLM). WLM was created to work with the Windows 7 operating systems. To send an e-mail with WLM, make sure that NaturallySpeaking 11.5 is running and do the following:

  1. Say, "Open Windows Live Mail."

    The application opens.

  2. Open the e-mail form by saying, “Create a message.”

    The mail form opens.

  3. Move through each field by saying, “Go to <field name>.”

    For example, say, “Go to Subject field.”

  4. When you move into the body field, dictate your message.

  5. Say, "Send message."

    The e-mail is sent.

Four other commands you can use with WLM are

  • Go to address book

  • Reply to author

  • Forward the message

  • Go to the outbox folder

When NaturallySpeaking is unclear about the instructions for Live Mail, it shows numbered options as it does in most other applications. Just as you would anywhere else, select the option by saying, “Choose <number>." Once you get used to doing this, it’s easy to get around.



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