Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies

Android is an open source, Linux- and Java-based software framework for mobile and portable devices. The Android operating system now powers nearly half of all smartphones in the world today. Android not only has a majority of users, but also has a well-designed Java-based SDK to make developing apps straightforward and fun. This cheat sheet concentrates on commonly used code handy for any developer wishing to try their hand at building their own Android applications.



Commonly Used Code in Android Application Development

"My app needs a broadcast receiver. Can someone remind me how I can code a broadcast receiver? And while you're at it, how does an activity return a result? Oh, heck. Where can I find all that stuff quickly?"

Having examples of the kinds of code used in Android application development ready-to-hand can be a big help. You find plenty of examples right here.


Here's an activity that starts another activity:

public class CheatSheetActivity extends Activity 
implements OnClickListener {
Button button1;
static final String MY_ACTION = "com.allmycode.action";
static final String MY_URI
= "my_scheme:my_scheme_specific_part";

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
button1 = (Button) findViewById(;

public void onClick(View arg0) {
Intent intent = new Intent();

And don't forget — when you create a new activity class, you must add a corresponding <activity> element to your AndroidManifest.xml file. The OtherActivity element's intent filter looks something like this:

<action android:name="com.allmycode.action" />
android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:scheme="my_scheme" />

To get a result from an activity, add the following code (or something resembling it) to your app:

final int CODE_NUMBER = 42;
final String CLASSNAME = "CheatSheetActivity";

public void onClick(View arg0) {
Intent intent = new Intent();

startActivityForResult(intent, CODE_NUMBER);

protected void onActivityResult
(int codeNumber, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
if (codeNumber == CODE_NUMBER) {

And in the activity that creates the result, add code of the following kind:

Intent intent = new Intent();
setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);


A service typically does its work without bothering (or even notifying) the user. For example, a stock price service might reach out to the web and get the latest prices of the user's favorite picks. Another app's activity might get data from the service and display the data on the device's screen.

The following code is a complete (but not very accurate) weather service:

public class MyWeatherService extends Service {

Messenger messengerToClient = null;

MyIncomingHandler myIncomingHandler =
new MyIncomingHandler();
Messenger messengerToService =
new Messenger(myIncomingHandler);

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return messengerToService.getBinder();

class MyIncomingHandler extends Handler {
public void handleMessage(Message incomingMessage) {
messengerToClient = incomingMessage.replyTo;

Bundle reply = new Bundle();
reply.putString("weather", "It's dark at night.");
Message replyMessage = Message.obtain();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {

In another package, you put the code to call the weather service. Here's some sample code:

public class ServiceConsumerActivity extends Activity
implements OnClickListener {

Messenger messengerToService = null;

MyIncomingHandler myIncomingHandler =
new MyIncomingHandler();
Messenger messengerFromService =
new Messenger(myIncomingHandler);

ServiceConnection connection =
new MyServiceConnection();
SharedPreferences prefs;
boolean isBound = false;

void bind() {
Intent intent = new Intent();
isBound =
bindService(intent, connection,

public void queryService() {
if (isBound) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("location", "Philadelphia");

Message message = Message.obtain();
message.replyTo = messengerFromService;
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
} else {

class MyIncomingHandler extends Handler {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
Bundle bundle = msg.getData();

void unbind() {
if (isBound) {
isBound = false;

class MyServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {
public void onServiceConnected(
ComponentName className, IBinder binder) {
messengerToService = new Messenger(binder);

public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName n) {
messengerToService = null;

// I don't include the onCreate method or the
// onClick method in this example.

Of course, no app survives without some elements in the manifest file. To register this section's service, you need an element of the following kind:

<service android:name=".MyWeatherService">
<action android:name="com.allmycode.WEATHER" />

Broadcast receivers

When you do a broadcast, you fling an intent out into the wild. Broadcast receivers with compatible intent filters wake up and do something useful with the broadcast information. (After doing something with the broadcast info, the receiver goes back to sleep. In my next incarnation, I want to be a broadcast receiver.)

To create your own broadcast receiver, you extend Android's BroadcastReceiver class and you declare an onReceive method. For example, the following code responds to matching broadcasts:

public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// Do important stuff

Another app creates a broadcast with code of the following sort:

Intent intent = new Intent();

You can register a broadcast receiver in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<receiver android:name=".MyReceiver">
<action android:name="com.allmycode.ACTION" />

For more flexibility, you can register a receiver in your Java code. The following Java code does essentially what the <receiver> element in an AndroidManifest.xml file does:

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
registerReceiver(new MyReceiver(), filter);

Content providers

An app's content provider makes data available to other apps that run on the same device. The provider's interface resembles a database's interface, with tables, rows, cursors, and all that good stuff. For example, the code to query a content provider looks like this:

public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] columns,
String whereClause, String[] whereArgs,
String sortOrder) {
Cursor cursor = null;
int code = uriMatcher.match(uri);
if (code == 1) {

cursor =
db.query(SIMPLETABLE, columns, whereClause,
whereArgs, null, null, sortOrder);

} else if (code == 2) {
String[] columnNames = { "_id", "name", "amount" };
String[] rowValues = { "Table ", "4 ", "2" };
MatrixCursor matrixCursor =
new MatrixCursor(columnNames);
cursor = matrixCursor;
return cursor;


A fragment is like a view — a visible thing that you can display inside an activity. But unlike a view, a fragment has its own lifecycle methods. So Android can create a little stack of fragments inside an activity. When the user presses the Back button, Android pops a fragment off of the stack. (If there are no fragments to pop, Android pops the entire activity off the task stack.)

You can put a fragment into the following frame layout:

<FrameLayout android:id="@+id/docs"
"?android:attr/detailsElementBackground" />

To put a fragment into the layout, you perform a fragment transaction. Here's what a fragment transaction looks like:

DocsFragment docsFragment = DocsFragment.newInstance(index);
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction =
fragmentTransaction.replace(, docsFragment);

Intents and Intent Filters

When an intent meets the right intent filter, the result is a match made in heaven. But the rules for matching intents with filters are complicated. The rules read like the legal clauses in a prenuptial agreement.

You can use Java methods to describe an intent. Here are some often-used methods:

  • setAction: Sets the intent's action. (An intent can have only one action.)

  • addCategory: Adds a category to the intent. (An intent can have many categories.)

  • setData: Sets the intent's URI, and removes the intent's MIME type (if the intent has a MIME type).

  • setType: Sets the intent's MIME type and removes the intent's URI (if the intent has a URI).

  • setDataAndType: Sets both the intent's URI and the intent's MIME type. According to the docs, "This method should very rarely be used."

You can also use XML code to describe an intent.

<action android:name="string" />

<category android:name="string" />

<data android:scheme="string"
android:mimeType="string" />

In the URI, the scheme is http, the host is, the port is 80, and the path is android. The authority (which isn't one of the attributes in a <data> element, but is useful to know about) is

You typically set an intent filter's values in the AndroidManifest.xml file. But in Java code, the android.content.IntentFilter class has lots of useful methods. Here are a few of them:

  • addAction: Adds an action to the filter.

  • addCategory: Adds a category to the filter.

  • addDataScheme: Adds a scheme to the filter.

  • addDataAuthority: Adds an authority to the filter.

  • addDataPath: Adds a path to the filter.

  • addDataType: Adds a MIME type to the filter.

An intent filter can have many actions, many categories, and so on.

Here's a brief list of requirements for a match between an intent and an intent filter. This list isn't complete so, if you want a complete list, you better buy Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies by Barry Burd.

  • If an intent has an action, in order to match the intent, an intent filter must have an identical action. The intent filter can have additional actions. Any of these additional actions have no effect on the match.

  • If an intent has categories, in order to match the intent, an intent filter must have these (and possibly more) categories.

  • If an intent has a MIME type, in order to match the intent, an intent filter must have a matching MIME type. The intent filter can have additional MIME types. Any of these additional MIME types have no effect on the match.

  • If an intent filter has MIME types, in order to match the intent filter, an intent must have a MIME type and the intent's MIME type must match one of the filter's MIME types.

  • To a limited extent, the matching of MIME types can involve wildcards and regular expressions.

  • If an intent has a URI scheme, in order to match the intent, an intent filter must have a matching URI scheme.

  • If an intent filter has URI schemes, in order to match the intent filter, an intent must have a URI scheme and the intent's URI scheme must match one of the filter's URI schemes.

To finish this list, copy the last two rules, changing a word or two in each of the copies:

  • If an intent has a URI host, in order to match the intent, an intent filter must have a matching URI host.

  • If an intent filter has URI hosts, in order to match the intent filter, an intent must have a URI host and the intent's URI host must match one of the filter's URI hosts.

  • If an intent has a URI port, in order to match the intent, an intent filter must have a matching URI port.

  • If an intent filter has URI ports, in order to match the intent filter, an intent must have a URI port and the intent's URI port must match one of the filter's URI ports.

  • If an intent has a URI path, in order to match the intent, an intent filter must have a matching URI path.

  • If an intent filter has URI paths, in order to match the intent filter, an intent must have a URI path and the intent's URI path must match one of the filter's URI paths.




Christian Prayer For Dummies

The habit of Christian prayer is one you can integrate into your life in just a few weeks. From the essentials of praying to using the ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method to listening for God's voice, you can make praying an integral part of your everyday life whether you're at work or at home. And, you can go beyond the standard prayers to include prayers such as the Trinity Prayer.



Essentials of Christian Prayer

As a Christian, praying doesn't need to be complicated. If you're approaching God in Christian prayer, make sure that you approach your prayer with the five qualities in the following list to be certain that you're prayer-ready:

  • Be aware. When you pray, be aware of exactly whom exactly you're praying to, acknowledging the Lord.

  • Be real. Don't put up a front or say words that you think God wants to hear; simply be honest and open to God.

  • Be repentant. Unconfessed sin in your life can be a major block to your prayers, so always approach prayer with a repentant heart.

  • Be dogged. When you pray, be diligent, praying, then praying some more, and, when you think you're all done, praying more about it.

  • Be expectant. Have the certainty that God will answer your prayer.




Incorporate Christian Prayer into Your Life in Three Weeks

Develop the habit of Christian prayer in just 21 days! Following the schedule in the following steps, you'll be surprised by how much Christian prayer can become part of your life after just three weeks.

  1. Determine the optimal prayer time that you're going to set aside to pray.

  2. Choose a specific location where you know you can be quiet at that time.

    Go to that same place each day at the specific time you've set aside for prayer.

  3. Spend those minutes in prayer.

  4. For those 21 days, stick with it no matter what.

    If you happen to miss a day, don't get down on yourself. Just make sure that you get back into the routine again the following day.




Wisdom from the Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer (or the Our Father) is the most well-known Christian prayer. Examining the Lord's Prayer can equip and empower your entire Christian prayer life. Focus on the following six essential pieces of advice gleaned from the Lord's Prayer to help live a more prayerful life:

  • Praying together is Jesus' first priority.

  • Pray to a personal God, not a title monger.

  • Surrender to open the door to God's blessings.

  • Live a life of trust, one day at a time.

  • Knowledge of sins done by and to you underscores the depth of God's grace.

  • Pray for protection in a dangerous world.




The ACTS Method of Christian Prayer

Ensure that your Christian prayer is complete by remembering ACTS — not the book of the Bible, but the acronym. The ACTS method of Christian prayer goes like this:

  • Adoration: Give God praise and honor for who he is as Lord over all.

  • Confession: Honestly deal with the sin in your prayer life.

  • Thanksgiving: Verbalize what you're grateful for in your life and in the world around you.

  • Supplication: Pray for the needs of others and yourself.




How to Hear God's Voice during Christian Prayer

Christian prayer is a method of speaking to God. To get the full benefit of Christian prayer, though, you can't just speak, you must prepare yourself to listen, as well. The following tips can help you hear what God is saying to you:

  • Get the inside scoop on what God will say to you by reading his diary (the Bible).

  • Listen actively and attentively to all of his message.

  • Expect a whisper, not a yell.

  • Discern the tone of the voice. God's tone is patient and calm. False voices are rushed and impulsive.

  • Look at the circumstances to see whether God is trying to get your attention.

  • Because listening is an art, not a science, always be humble and reliant on him to hear you.

  • Make listening your lifestyle, a byproduct of how you live your life.




Finding Time for Christian Prayer at Work

Incorporating a habit of Christian prayer at work can be difficult if you work full-time. You add prayer time to your workday, however, by following these tips:

  • Pick a dedicated prayer time that avoids the rush of the day. If your schedule permits, get up early and regularly spend time in prayer before going to work.

  • Whether you go by car, bus, or subway, praying during commute time can be an ideal way to transform what is usually dead time into quality moments with the Lord.

  • After you eat, spend the rest of your lunchtime in prayer.

  • When praying at work, close your office door or take a walk around the building.

  • If you don't pray at work, then don't turn on the television, DVD player, or computer at home until after you're finished with prayer time that evening.

  • Don't let work or any other activity become more important than being still with God.

  • Don't wimp out on prayer on weekends. Set up a different weekend schedule for prayer that works on days that you aren't in the office.




The Christian Trinity Prayer

The Trinity Prayer is an easy Christian prayer for children to learn Grownups can pray the short Trinity Prayer in just a few moments at most anytime for a brief prayer break:

Love of Jesus, Fill us.

Holy Spirit, Guide us.

Will of the Father be done.





Persuading Your Customers to Buy More

Your business can probably make additional sales to your current customers. Capturing additional sales for your business means you have to determine customer buying behavior and inventory your full product line. Additional items in your inventory may seem like a perfect fit.

  • Determine which products your customers are buying from your competitors rather than from your business. Evaluate reasons behind this uncaptured business.

  • Discover which products your customers aren’t buying from you or anyone else. Decide whether to drop certain products from your line or whether these products merit reintroduction via a new marketing investment.

  • Figure out the combinations of products that your customers tend to buy. If your best customers consistently purchase a certain combination of products from you, use this information to create added-value product packages that bundle the offerings along with a bonus product or a beneficial price.

    This approach gives your best customers additional value and may attract the interest of others like them.

  • Develop ways to lock in sales of products that your customers buy on a regular basis. Try to turn your repeat clients and purchasers into customers for life by seeking to automate the purchases they make from you on a frequent basis.

  • Offer an annual contract at a preferred rate. Your customer will benefit from preferential pricing while you benefit from assured business.

  • Sell a service contract at the time of equipment purchase, or bundle the price of the contract right into the purchase price. Your customer’s purchase gets consistent service, and you tie the customer to your business through frequent contact and a positive ongoing relationship.

  • Think of ways that you can establish an on-approval agreement with your best customers. You deliver new offerings on the condition that customers can return them (or you pick them up) if they aren’t wanted or needed.



Defining Business-Casual Menswear

Business casual can be a tough assignment for some men. Although most men understand formal or business dress, they might have difficulty defining business-casual dress. One of the biggest reasons men struggle with sharp casual clothing is because there is some gray area with company policies and the guidelines of business casual.

Business casual and Friday casual are distinct from one another:

  • Business casual: Generally means khaki pants, a plain polo shirt or a long-sleeved casual button-down oxford shirt, a V-neck sweater, sometimes a sports coat or blazer, and brown leather shoes. Loafers are a good choice, and you should wear socks.

  • Casual (or Friday casual): Includes all the business-casual options, and in some companies, can include jeans (that aren't torn or ratty), T-shirts (that are clean and inoffensive), and tennis shoes.

Don’t forget these general guidelines:

  • A short-sleeved shirt is, by definition, always a casual (or business-casual) shirt.

  • Khaki and flannel pants are business casual for most businesses.

  • Tank tops, shorts, and sandals are weekend wear, not business wear.

  • Plain shirts are best, in general; shirts with ads on them are for fishing.

  • Button-down oxford shirts are business casual; T-shirts are for musicians and computer types (and for mowing the lawn).

  • Loafers and dark walking shoes are business casual; clean sneakers, running shoes, and hiking boots are for play but can make occasional appearances on casual Fridays.

  • Blazers and sports coats are business casual for some businesses and dressy for others.



Integrate Your Website and Blog into Location-based Campaigns

Social media and location-based marketing gain momentum from cross-promotion with more traditional online marketing like your website and blog. Yes, believe it or not, having a website and a blog are now considered mainstream, but they can provide some advantages that your social media presence cannot.

While Facebook and Twitter provide access to hundreds of millions of potential customers, you are limited in what you can do by their user interfaces, functionalities, and, ultimately, terms of service. To that end, it’s easier to connect with customers on your website or blog. After all, you own your website and blog and control all the content.

The advantage of incorporating your LBS campaign into your website provides a few benefits to your company, including these:

  • Increased website traffic: It can allow customers to check in right from your website, which is a great boon if you’re running a business that doesn’t have a brick-and-mortar location.

  • Reviews and other helpful information: Customers can see tips and comments from other customers. These can serve as the mini-equivalent of Yelp reviews or more formal social commerce functionality that you get from ratings and reviews.

  • Hot tips and deals: You can alert your customers to specials that you want them to have access to before the general public gets that information. This could involve a multiple-step customer activity such as finding a code on your website or blog and entering it after customers check in.

  • Custom badges: Incorporate custom badges that let customers know that you are on a particular LBS (or several).

Include your own videos instructional videos on topics like “what is foursquare?” or “why did we decide to go with the service that we chose?” — or even “we’re looking for your feedback on our offers; how are we doing?”

If you produce shows, write books, or create any other kind of nonvenue-based content, consider including your products on GetGlue. This service allows people to check into shows, books, magazines, and other nonlocation-based items. Even better, they can comment as they check in and then cross-post that check-in to Twitter or Facebook.



Network Performance: Network Infrastructure

A network infrastructure is the physical components between your servers and your clients any of these components can participate in a performance problem. The following network infrastructure items can slow down your network:

  • Switches: Because switches are so inexpensive now, you can affordably solve a lot of performance problems by replacing outdated hubs with switches. Using switches instead of hubs reduces the overall load on your network. Also, make sure that your switches can handle the performance requirements of your network. For best performance, the switches should have gigabit ports.

  • Segment sizes: Keep the number of computers and other devices on each network segment to a reasonable number. About 20 devices is usually the right number. (Note that if you replace your old hubs with switches, you instantly cut the size of each segment because each port on a switch constitutes a separate segment.)

  • The network’s speed: If you have an older network, you’ll probably discover that many — if not all — of your users are still working at 100 Mbps. Upgrading to gigabit speed will speed up the network dramatically.

  • The backbone speed: If your network uses a backbone to connect segments, consider upgrading the backbone to 1 Gbps.

The hardest part about improving the performance of a network is determining what the bottlenecks are. With sophisticated test equipment and years of experience, network gurus can make pretty good educated guesses. Without the equipment and experience, you can still make pretty good uneducated guesses.

Sometimes a malfunctioning network card or other component slows down the network. For example, a switch may malfunction intermittently, occasionally letting packets through but dropping enough of them to slow down the network. After you identify the faulty component, replacing it will restore the network to its original speed.



How to Clean Your Range Top

How you clean your range depends on whether it's gas or electric. Suggestions for cleaning both types are outlined here. When cleaning a range top, pull off the upper and lower control knobs and wash them separately in warm soapy water. Air-dry the knobs thoroughly and completely before replacing them. Use a hair dryer to remove moisture from nooks and crannies if necessary.

When food spills occur, immediately sprinkle them with table salt, which absorbs moisture and makes the spill easy to clean up later when the stovetop cools. Cut and remove filmy grease with full-strength white vinegar or lemon juice.

Electric range tops

Plug-in burners tend to collect grease and moisture down at the tips where they go into the power source receptacle. This leads to minor arcing (electrical shorting) that slowly builds and eventually ruins the burners. When you replace a burner, you must also replace the plug-in receptacle to prevent the arcing problem — not a cheap or convenient repair.

To prevent this problem, remove the plug-in burners and carefully clean the surfaces and tips with a damp rag or stiff nylon brush. You can use a soapy steel wool pad if plain water and a rag or nylon brush don't do the trick.

Never submerge plug-in burners in water. If you do, trace amounts of moisture usually remain on the plug-in tips and electric receptacles even if the metal prongs appear fully dry. The tips and receptacles contain porcelain, which is extremely porous and absorbs water. The result: You've brought water and electricity together for a potential electric shock.

Another kind of electric burner, the fixed unit, is hard-wired and generally lifts up for cleaning. The advantage of this type is that the tips never corrode or burn out from dripping grease.

Euro-style solid cast-iron burners (also called hobs) have a coating that wears off with use. To prevent rusting, manufacturers and dealers offer a special cleaner/sealer that you apply to a cold burner; it burns off when the burner heats. You can also use a light coat of mineral or cooking oil to prevent rusting, but oil smokes a bit when the burner heats. Turn on the vent fan to remove any light residual smoking or burning odor.

Round cast-iron tops that cover elements to create a neat Euro-burner look distribute heat more evenly and prevent spills from dripping down into the drip pan and receptacle below — but they often cause undue heat stress and can shorten the life of a burner. It's a question of whether you want to trade a longer lifespan for a slicker image and ease of cleaning.

Gas range tops

Take out removable gas burners periodically and clean them with a stiff nylon brush, cleaning the gas jet holes with baking soda and hot water. Between the burners is a connector tube (called a flash tube) with an opening and a pilot light or electric spark igniter. This is where the gas is ignited and carried or drawn to each burner by what's called a venturi action. Cleaning is important since the flash tube can become clogged with grease.

Clean nonremovable sealed gas burners with a small brush and a solution of baking soda and water. If you have a sealed gas burner, the drip pan that surrounds each burner is anchored securely to the cooktop and can't be removed. The only components that can be removed for cleaning are the burner grate (the part that rests above the flame, where you put the pots) and the burner cap, which distributes the flame evenly. Use an all-purpose cleaner to clean these components.

Never use soap to clean burners. The chemicals in soap trigger corrosion on burner housings, which are made of aluminum. Baking soda is noncorrosive and is not harmful to aluminum.

Make sure that you wipe the burner housings thoroughly clean and remove all water from the gas jet holes — first use a soft cloth and then use a hair dryer to remove any remaining moisture.



How to Buy Spotify Download Bundles

Although you can buy a one-off track for £1.15, Spotify has negotiated with the record labels to provide download bundles, a group of credits that you can purchase and use to download whatever tracks are available. Bundles come in lots of 10, 15, 40, or 100. The more tracks in a bundle, the cheaper individual tracks become — proof that bulk buying really does extend to the digital world!

The current prices for buying tracks and track bundles on Spotify in the U.K. vary. Prices differ depending on your country; you can see the latest prices when you go to purchase a track.

To keep tabs on how many tracks are left in your download bundle, a number with a down-pointing arrow appears next to your name in the top-right corner of the Spotify window. When your downloads are close to expiring, Spotify regularly alerts you by displaying a yellow alert bar across the top of the window.

You can buy more downloads to extend their validity by clicking your name and then selecting Buy Downloads from the drop-down list that appears. Then follow the same method for purchasing a bundle.

Hang on a minute. You can download from Spotify for as little as 50 pence a track, you say? For prices that cheap, there has to be a catch, right? Well, kind of: Bundles are valid for 30 days, meaning that you have only a month to choose the tracks you want to download.

That’s fine if you buy only a 10- or 15-download bundle, but when you have 100 tracks to play with, you really need to know what tracks you want to purchase before you make that £50 commitment — perhaps several albums or playlists you’ve always wanted to own.

If you can’t decide what to buy and your 30-day limit is about to expire, then ironically, you can buy another bundle (of any size) to give all downloads, including the older ones, an expiration date of 30 days from the latest purchase.

Downloads can be extended in this way only up to a maximum of 90 days (any unused downloads initially purchased more than 90 days ago expire, even if you keep buying more bundles).

Don’t worry if you feel like this bundle-purchasing procedure is all too much to take in; as long as you use your download bundle within 30 days, you don’t have to worry about losing any downloads.

Remember, the tracks are DRM free, so they can be transferred to other computers — perhaps if you can’t use all your credits in time, you can find other people in the family who want to own some music.



Right-Click to Perform Common Tasks in QuickBooks Simple Start

To perform a common task related to a window, transaction, or item in QuickBooks Simple Start, you can use the right mouse button to display a shortcut menu. For example, right-clicking often displays commands for deleting or voiding the transaction or creating a QuickReport on the transaction. The commands vary depending on the type of transaction you select or the window you’ve right-clicked.

  • In a register, select and right-click a specific transaction

  • In a list, right-click an item

  • In a form, display a transaction and right-click a blank area of the form.

  • In a list window, right-click somewhere inside the window.



Responsibilities of an Accounting Department

5 of 12 in Series:
The Essentials of Accounting Basics

Most people don’t realize the importance of the accounting department in keeping a business operating without hitches and delays. That’s probably because accountants oversee many of the back-office functions in a business — as opposed to sales, for example, which is front-line activity, out in the open and in the line of fire.

Folks may not think much about these back-office activities, but they would sure notice if those activities didn’t get done. On payday, a business had better not tell its employees, “Sorry, but the accounting department is running a little late this month; you’ll get your checks later.”

Typically, the accounting department is responsible for the following:

  • Payroll: The total wages and salaries earned by every employee every pay period, which are called gross wages or gross earnings, have to be calculated. Based on detailed private information in personnel files and earnings-to-date information, the correct amounts of income tax, social security tax, and other deductions from gross wages have to be determined.

    Stubs, which report various information to employees each pay period, have to be attached to payroll checks. The total amounts of withheld income tax and social security taxes, plus the employment taxes imposed on the employer, have to be paid to federal and state government agencies on time. Retirement, vacation, sick pay, and other benefits earned by the employees have to be updated every pay period.

    In short, payroll is a complex and critical function that the accounting department performs. Many businesses outsource payroll functions to companies that specialize in this area.

  • Cash collections: All cash received from sales and from all other sources has to be carefully identified and recorded, not only in the cash account but also in the appropriate account for the source of the cash received. The accounting department makes sure that the cash is deposited in the appropriate checking accounts of the business and that an adequate amount of coin and currency is kept on hand for making change for customers.

    Accountants balance the checkbook of the business and control who has access to incoming cash receipts. (In larger organizations, the treasurer may be responsible for some of these cash flow and cash-handling functions.)

  • Cash payments (disbursements): In addition to payroll checks, a business writes many other checks during the course of a year — to pay for a wide variety of purchases, to pay property taxes, to pay on loans, and to distribute some of its profit to the owners of the business.

    The accounting department prepares all these checks for the signatures of the business officers who are authorized to sign checks. The accounting department keeps all the supporting business documents and files to know when the checks should be paid, makes sure that the amount to be paid is correct, and forwards the checks for signature.

  • Procurement and inventory: Accounting departments usually are responsible for keeping track of all purchase orders that have been placed for inventory (products to be sold by the business) and all other assets and services that the business buys — from postage to forklifts.

    A typical business makes many purchases during the course of a year, many of them on credit, which means that the items bought are received today but paid for later. So this area of responsibility includes keeping files on all liabilities that arise from purchases on credit so that cash payments can be processed on time.

    The accounting department also keeps detailed records on all products held for sale by the business and, when the products are sold, records the cost of the goods sold.

  • Property accounting: A typical business owns many substantial long-term assets called property, plant, and equipment — including office furniture and equipment, retail display cabinets, computers, machinery and tools, vehicles (autos and trucks), buildings, and land.

    Except for small-cost items, such as screwdrivers and pencil sharpeners, a business maintains detailed records of its property, both for controlling the use of the assets and for determining personal property and real estate taxes. The accounting department keeps these records.

The accounting department may be assigned other functions as well, but this list gives you a pretty clear idea of the back-office functions that the accounting department performs. Quite literally, a business could not operate if the accounting department did not do these functions efficiently and on time. To do these back-office functions well, the accounting department must design a good bookkeeping system and make sure that it is accurate, complete, and timely.



Bellows: The Original Extension Tube

Bellows are an alternative to extension tubes used for macro and close-up photography. They’re based on a design from older large-format and field cameras, which used a mechanical system to extend and retract a lens from the film plane (which is now your digital sensor).

Much like extension tubes, bellows are positioned between your lens and your camera. They contain no glass optics, and their purpose is to create distance between the lens and the digital sensor to allow for a closer focusing range.

The difference between bellows and extension tubes is that bellows can be adjusted to increase or decrease the distance between the lens and the camera with precise movements. This allows more possibilities for creating the exact level of magnification you desire, and provides more versatility in combination with each lens you own.

Although bellows are a more versatile tool, they are generally not as compact as extension tubes and usually don’t provide auto-focusing controls.

Some high-end bellows systems come equipped with tilt/shift technology, which enables you to alter the orientation of your focal plane and to correct distortion caused by extreme camera angles. Use this piece of equipment when available as an alternative to other distortion correction techniques.



Cultivating Spiritual Virtues

Your spiritual growth becomes visible to yourself and others through how you think and act in each moment of your life. Although it is helpful to put efforts into watching and uplifting your outer actions, the good news is that spiritual awareness itself inspires you to be naturally virtuous. The more you understand the spiritual nature of this world, the more sense it will make for you to act with honesty, compassion, surrender, and humility. When you understand, realize, experience, and express the greatness that you, knowingly or unknowingly, already are, spiritual virtues naturally manifest through the way you think and the things you do.

When you see life with an expanded spiritual awareness, virtuous actions are the only ones that make sense. Therefore, the easiest path to cultivating virtues is to stay focused on your life as an expression of pure spirit and on your intention to grow into that awareness and role.

Intention and faith in your own divine nature protects you from the muddy waters of desire, greed, and other not-so-spiritual qualities. With faith and intention, the conscious universe — God, Allah, Jesus, Krishna, and that which exists behind all these divine images and faces — can more easily work with you. That universal friend presents you with situations that challenge you to rise into greater levels of purity in how you live your life. Along with these challenges comes the grace to prosper from them.

Your effort plus universal grace is the magic combination for finding spiritual growth in everything. Some spiritual scriptures describe these two elements, grace and self-effort, as the two wings of a bird. If only grace is flapping, or if only self-effort is flapping, your spiritual flight would be wobbly and inefficient. When the two are working together, your efforts will bring more grace, and grace will support your efforts.

Your inner peace and self-respect are the most powerful tools you have in growing into new virtues. Have you noticed how, when you're feeling happy and full of love, you're naturally kinder and more generous with the people around you? In the same way, when you develop greater respect and love for yourself, you discover, year after year, that you naturally become more virtuous toward others. Moreover, your virtues will be real — not plastic, manufactured, or ready to fall apart at the first gust of the winds of challenge or temptation.

Seeing how one virtue leads to another

As you become more aware of your own spiritual nature and the spirituality of all things, you naturally begin to act and think in greater accordance with the higher good of all. With a higher vision, spiritual virtues are not only qualities you force yourself to have and reveal, but also the best (and perhaps only) way to respond to the world.

Following is a list of ways your inner spiritual transformation can transform all of your personal qualities into divine virtues:

  • As you seek truth, your own sense of honesty strengthens and you're able to see more clearly into your pure, spiritual heart.

  • As you look into your heart, you begin to appreciate the perfection of your spiritual nature and become more content with who you are, how you are, and where you are.

  • As you become more content, your worldly attachments and desires naturally dissolve into the stream of your higher aspirations.

  • As you become free from limited desire, your faith and surrender increase, allowing the beneficence of universal grace to guide your steps.

  • As you allow yourself to be moved and guided by divine grace, your humility keeps that dastardly ego from tripping your steps.

  • When your ego is kept at bay, your ability to forgive expands into gratitude for the perfection of everything that comes to you.

When you glimpse this universal perfection, you attain the gem of equal vision, seeing that everything is made of one substance.

Helping yourself through your compassion for others

You may go through some terribly difficult experience. The challenge brings up feelings of helplessness, anger, frustration, grief, or sadness. Then, the next thing you know, your concern for other people becomes stronger. Or, perhaps someone doesn't offer you a helping hand when you needed one, so you make a commitment to help others in the future when you see them in need. You may have known the pain of losing a loved one and extend your help, care, and blessings to someone else who is going through the same sense of loss. This is where compassion comes in.

Compassion for the suffering of others also helps you to learn the lessons of your own challenges.

  • Sometimes it is easier to see the patterns of someone else's life than your own.

  • Sometimes it's easier to have compassion for others than for yourself.

If you feel a sense of compassion for someone who is suffering — especially from something you have previously gone through — you're giving a message to the conscious universe that you got the message! You have properly digested your suffering from that challenge and have learned from it. Now, you won't necessarily have to go through the same kind of event repeatedly to wear down your wrong understandings some more. Therefore, more compassion equals less suffering.

The tricky part of having compassion is to bring all the other virtues along as well, especially non-attachment! Compassion isn't meant to entangle you in other people's situations or make you feel upset or angry with whomever or whatever is causing another person to suffer. Rather, compassion is a sense of empathy and a tenderness of the heart.



Honing Your Performance as a Rookie Teacher

After you've created organized lesson plans, you still haven't accomplished anything concrete yet. Everyone will evaluate you based on how well you teach the material in the classroom, not on how neatly you wrote your lesson plans or how much time you spent preparing them. Certainly, the more prepared you are, the better the odds that the resulting class will go smoothly, but that's not a guarantee. Even the greatest stars in Hollywood are judged based on the quality of their last performance, and so will you. Meryl Streep never won an Academy Awards for learning her lines in record time — nobody really cares about that, even though it's important to her overall performance. What matters is what happens when the film starts rolling, the curtain goes up, and that final late bell sounds in your classroom. You're on!

You're an entertainer and a showman, and students' opinions of you will be based more on how you teach than what you teach. Students would much rather be engaged in class and be interested in what you're saying than be bored to death during the most informative lecture ever delivered. Pay close attention to your delivery to make sure that it heightens the value of your class notes instead of seriously detracting from your performance.

Move around the room as you teach

Whether you're lecturing, monitoring group work, or proctoring a quiz or test, you should move around the room throughout the period. You don't have to be moving constantly, but don't stand up there or lurk behind your desk all period long.

Moving around is unnatural for most rookies. If you don't force yourself to walk up and down the aisles to check work or answer questions as often as possible, your students will start to think of the desk-littered part of the room as "their area" and your desk as "your area."

If you get too stationary, students will figure out your routine and use it against you. If they don't expect you to ever walk the rows of class during a test, they may get brave enough to "accidentally" leave a page full of notes on their lap during an exam. Besides, if you never come out from behind your desk, how are you ever going to bond with your students?

Your desk is an emotional, as well as a physical, barrier between you and your kids, and you have to breach that barrier to establish a relationship with students. Some days, when your feet are tired, you could even sit at an empty student desk and teach for a while from there. It'll make you more like "one of them," and your students will appreciate it.

Don't carry your lesson plans around with you

Most rookie teachers walk around with a spiral or three-ring notebook full of lesson plans with them at all times, as if the notebook were stapled to their forearms or contained medication that kept their hearts beating. Teachers who always have their notes in hand give off the impression that they aren't very knowledgeable about what they're teaching and need cheat sheets throughout the period. Doubts and fears creep into students' subconscious minds: "If he can't even remember these notes, then how am I supposed to remember them on test days?"

Instead of toting them around, leave your notes on your desk, open to the page you're teaching. If you need to quickly check them, stroll past your desk and consult as necessary. However, after you have your train of thought back on the tracks, move around the room again.

Make eye contact with your students

Eye contact is the only way to truly gauge whether your students are understanding you at all. Because students are usually so hesitant to ask questions, you need to constantly monitor their faces to look for frowns and confused stares that tell you to explain yourself better.

Students feel neglected when you don't make eye contact with them. However, they think it's hilarious when you try to fake eye contact. Every school has one teacher who is physically unable to establish eye contact with students. This teacher will keep his eyes fixed at some indiscriminate point on the back wall of the classroom at all times as he addresses his students. This point of attention usually floats just above the heads of the all the kids in the class, so no one is ever sure who he's talking to. Students make fun of him mercilessly because, in their book, anyone who can't make eye contact with them can't be trusted.

You can't possibly be an effective teacher if your eyes aren't constantly darting around the room, trying to sense trouble, drawing students into your class, and demonstrating that you're on full alert at all times. As you talk, catch and hold eye contact with individual students for between two and three seconds and then move on. Don't stare at a kid, or she'll begin to get uncomfortable. Also, try not to always look at the same student or students, even if you like them better than the rest of your class. Visually engage everyone in the room each day at least once.

Avoid verbal crutches

Nothing makes you fair game for harassment faster than a distinct verbal crutch, you know? Listen to your speech patterns and edit out anything you say repeatedly — noises like "uh," words such as "Okay," or phrases like "Got it?" or "Isn't that easy?" You may possess an amazing measure of intelligence and expertise in your field, but because of a repeated, guttural noise or catch phrase, your students won't hear a word you say.

Speaking to your students is just like holding any other conversation — there will be natural lulls and pauses in the dialogue. Don't try to fill these pauses with awkward and repetitive verbal crutch words; just allow those moments of silence to pass unspoiled. These tiny intermissions give students a chance to catch up to you in their note-taking, to file away what you're saying into their brains, and to mull over the lesson, all very important things.

Stand so your students can see what you're writing on the board

Too many teachers stand right in front of whatever they're writing on the chalkboard, and the entire class has to wait until the teacher moves to see what's going on. This causes class to move slowly, because students are always a couple steps behind you.

Stand as close as you can to the chalkboard, with your body parallel to the writing surface. Write with your arm stretched away from you, so there is space between your body and your notes. If you're right-handed, begin at the right side of the chalkboard and work your way left so that your body at no time blocks the contents of the board (as shown in Figure 1). If you're left-handed, do the opposite: Start at the left side of the board and work right.

Figure 1: How a right-handed teacher should work the chalkboard. Lefties do it the opposite way.

By the way, always write your notes on the board while students are in the room. This gives you a chance to explain things as you go along. Students universally dislike the teachers that have all their notes on the board when students come in then simply say, "Copy these down." An ocean of prewritten notes says one thing: "I'm either too lazy or way too important to write things down more than once."



How to Get Potential Online Community Members to Sign Up

A bunch of people who you met offline liked you and liked what they heard about your online community. Don’t be too excited, though; only a small percentage of the people who you spoke to will become actual members. Sure, they seemed interested and gladly took your business card, but a few days later, they don’t always remember why there were so excited about your community or your brand.

You have to make signing up interesting for them. You have to give them a reason to sign up, beyond the good vibe received at a conference or networking event:

  • Trial membership: If you have a pay-to-play community or your community is centered around a subscription-based service, consider offering a trial membership to potential members. They can sign up, look around, participate, and, hopefully, become more permanent members. Not everyone who takes part in a trial membership commits to a full-fledged membership, but if you get a one commitment for every ten trial memberships, you’re doing well.

  • Swag: Make it so that members can’t forget you. Entice them with a perk. Use a trick many Internet marketers are now using and offer potential community members something of value for being a part of your community.

    T-shirts, Internet apps or programs, ebooks, or any other product or service entices potential members enough to have them sign up for your newsletter, join your forum, or commit to another aspect of membership.

  • Discount or freebie: You know what attracts potential members? The feeling that they’re getting a bargain. Everyone loves discounts, and everyone loves to save.

    Whole communities are devoted to discounts and freebies; every time something is offered at a lower rate or a free sample is up for grabs, members of these communities share them with other members, and thousands of people will come by to see what you have to offer.

    Even if your discount isn’t shared in deal-seeking communities, when you offer a perk during your offline recruiting, you’re sure to bring in a few new members.

When potential members sign up for promotions and offers, you can offer a spot for them to opt in for future mailings. As your mailing list grows, so will your customer base.



How to Deal with Popcorn Ceilings

The page you are looking for was recently moved. Don't worry, it's still here; it just has a new address:



How to Choose Stock Market Indicators

The good news is that every kind of stock market indicator works, at least some of the time. Moving average indicators, channel breakouts, trading in a three-to-five-day time frame with candlestick analysis all work. But indicators only indicate. They don’t dictate the next price move.

All newcomers to technical analysis (and many old hands, as well) tend to lose sight of the limitations of indicators. Folklore says that technical traders are always seeking the Holy Grail, or the perfect indicator or combination of indicators that is right 100 percent of the time. It doesn’t exist. One of the reasons it doesn’t exist is that you are different from the next guy. Equally important, you change over time. The ideal indicator that delivered great profits ten years ago is one that you now avoid as carrying too much risk. In other words, an indicator is only what you make of it — how you apply it.

How you use an indicator isn’t set by the indicator itself, but by the trading rules you use. Indicators and trading rules have a chicken-and-egg relationship. The process of selecting and using indicators involves not only the characteristics of the indicator, but also a consideration of the trading rules you must employ to make the indicator work properly for you.

For example, you may like an indicator but find it generates too many trades in a fixed period, so you don’t execute every single signal. Someone else may use the identical indicator, but instead of overriding indicator signals with personal judgment like you, he modifies the exact timing of trades by using a second indicator.

Modifying indicators with trading rules is always better than overriding them. To override your indicator haphazardly is self-defeating. You’re letting emotion back in. Plus, you won’t get the expected result from the indicator — and then you’ll blame the indicator.

Fortunately, most indicators are fairly flexible. They can be adapted to fit the trading style you prefer, such as the frequency of your trades. Indicators are about price-move measurement. Trading rules are about you and your tolerance for risk. Trading rules must be appropriate to the indicators you choose. In short, don’t pick indicators that you can’t follow, like a momentum indicator that gives ten trading signals per month when you don’t have the time or inclination to trade that often.



Tips for Living Successfully with Celiac Disease

If you or your child has celiac disease, you can still live healthy, active, full, rich and rewarding lives. Staying gluten-free is just one part of not just surviving but thriving with celiac disease. Follow these helpful tips and you’ll be well on your way to living successfully:

  • Strive to be healthy. Commit to living gluten-free, eating nutritiously and exercising regularly.

  • Keep informed about your disease. Keep tabs on good quality Web sites. Join a support group in your community (or online).

  • Prepare for your child’s visit to friends. Let your child’s friend’s parents know that your child must not eat gluten and let them know what this means. Help out by sending gluten-free snacks with your child.

  • Learn how to eat out without standing out. Call ahead before you go to a restaurant for dinner to let them know of your gluten-free eating needs and to make sure they can accommodate them. Show restaurant staff dining cards that contain information on gluten-free eating.

  • Be prepared for questions about your celiac disease. Many people, either out of concern and caring, or sometimes out of simple curiosity, will ask you about your celiac disease, so be prepared to provide an answer you’re comfortable sharing.

  • Prepare for travelling adventures. Where you go, your celiac disease goes with you, so think about how you will manage your gluten-free eating needs whether you’re travelling to the cottage, across the country, or across the globe.

  • Deal with the slipups. At some point or another, and for a variety of reasons, you’re bound to consume some gluten. Don’t get discouraged; life happens. Just remind yourself that gluten isn’t plutonium; your misadventure won’t kill you; then jump right back on the gluten-free wagon.



Kindle Keyboard Shortcuts

The Kindle is a cinch to use, and the buttons are very intuitive. Even so, a few shortcuts make using a Kindle even more convenient and can further enhance your reading experience.

Keyboard ShortcutWhat It Does
Alt+QTypes 1
Alt+WTypes 2
Alt+ETypes 3
Alt+RTypes 4
Alt+TTypes 5
Alt+YTypes 6
Alt+UTypes 7
Alt+ITypes 8
Alt+OTypes 9
Alt+PTypes 0
Alt+BSets or removes a bookmark
Alt+HomeGoes to the Kindle Store
Menu buttonDisplays the time and available memory
Right on the 5-Way ControllerMoves to next chapter (when you are within a book). On the Home
screen, pressing the right arrow on the 5-Way Controller brings you
to the information screen about the book, blog, or other content
that you are viewing.
Shift+SymTurns on Text-to-Speech
SpacebarPauses Text-to-Speech
Back buttonTurns off Text-to-Speech
Alt+spacebarPlays or stops MP3s
Alt+FSkips to the next MP3
Alt+GRefreshes the screen
Shift+Alt+MPlays Minesweeper
Shift+Alt+GTakes a screenshot of the current screen



Items to Keep Out of Your Compost

Your compost pile isn’t a trash can. Some materials definitely don’t qualify as compost ingredients because they contain pathogens, attract pests, or cause other problems. You must take care to add only the right organic ingredients to feed the decomposition process. Leave out the following items:

  • Ashes from charcoal barbecues: Dispose of this residue in the trash, not your compost pile or bin. It contains sulfur oxides and other chemicals you don’t want to incorporate into your compost.

  • Ashes from fireplaces or wood stoves: Small amounts of ash (a few handfuls per pile) are okay if you have acidic soil. Never use wood ashes if your soil is alkaline, however, because the ash increases alkalinity.

  • Disease- or insect-infested plant material: Pathogens and pests can survive the composting process if the heap doesn’t get hot enough. Just leave this material out — better safe than sorry!

  • Meat, bones, grease, fats, oils, or dairy products: This kitchen waste may turn rancid and attract rodents and other pests.

  • Waste: Feces from cats (including soiled litter), dogs, birds, pigs, and humans may contain harmful pathogens that aren’t killed during decomposition.

  • Weeds with seed heads: Toss the leafy foliage into your compost as a source of green nitrogen, but send weed seeds to the trash. If seeds survive the decomposition process, they’ll sprout wherever you spread finished compost.



Software for Creating a Banner for Your Etsy Shop

To personalize your Etsy shop, you can add a banner that runs across the top of the page. You can make this banner from scratch using any number of graphics programs. The banner you create needs to give viewers some idea of what they'll find in your shop and has to reflect the aesthetic of the items you make in some way. It also must tie in with your overall branding.

If you have commitment issues, fear not. You can change your banner any time you want. For example, you can change your banner to reflect promotions that you're running or update it seasonally to keep your shop looking fresh.

You can create your own banner using just about any image-editing software you like — even free stuff online. Here are just a few image-editing tools to choose from:

  • Photoshop: Photoshop is so ubiquitous, it has crossed over into the vernacular. It's by far the most respected and full-featured image-editing program available today. It's also among the most expensive and complicated to use (although Adobe, the maker of Photoshop, does offer a cheaper, scaled-down version called Photoshop Elements, which has more than enough bells and whistles to do the job).

  • GIMP: This free, downloadable image-editing tool is nearly as powerful as its costly counterpart, Photoshop — albeit somewhat clumsier in design. It's great for performing essential image-editing tasks like resizing, editing, and cropping. You can even use it for more advanced purposes, such as adjusting levels and the like.

  • Picasa: Offered free from Google and available for download for both Mac and Windows, Picasa supports basic photo-editing functionality, including color enhancement and cropping.

    The downside? You can't create new images within Picasa; you can only edit existing ones. If you use Picasa, you have to use some other image-editing program to create a basic version of your banner, and then import that version into Picasa for enhancement purposes.

  • Picnik: Picnik, also owned by Google, enables you to edit images free, directly from the website. It also offers lots of artsy and fun fonts and filters.

    As with Picasa, you can't use Picnik to create new image files; you have to import an existing file into the site before you can prettify it.

If you use a Windows PC, you can also use the Paint program, which was included free with your computer. Yet another option is to use the software that came with your digital camera.



Droid Bionic Tricks to Remember

Using a Droid Bionic smartphone means easy web access, fun with apps, and more. Boost your Droid Bionic productivity with these handy time-saving tricks (which might even strengthen your hopeless addiction to your new smartphone).

  • If you don't plan on using the phone for a while – and you seriously need some peace – put the Droid Bionic to sleep: Press and hold the Power Lock button and choose the Sleep command. Press and hold the Power Lock button again to wake up the phone.

  • Dictation! You can speak into the phone as an effective and quick alternative to using the onscreen keyboard.

  • Use the Swype keyboard for rapid text entry.

  • Press and hold a key on the onscreen keyboard to confirm that your stubby fingers have selected the right character.

  • Spread your fingers to zoom into a web page, where it's much easier to click on links.

  • Quickly put the Droid Bionic into vibration mode by pressing the Down Volume button until the phone jiggles.

  • When you're on the phone, press the power button to lock the phone and turn off the touchscreen.

  • When downloading updates, new apps, or for faster Web browsing, activate the Droid Bionic's WiFi.

  • Use the Search soft button to look for things on the phone, on the Internet, or in a specific app.



Print a Document in Windows Vista

After crafting your masterpiece, you often want to print your document. Windows Vista offers several ways that you can print your document.

Chances are, you’ll be using these printing methods most often:

  • Choose Print from your program’s File menu.

  • Right-click your document icon and choose Print.

  • Click the Print button on a program’s toolbar.

  • Drag and drop a document’s icon onto your printer’s icon.

If a dialog box appears, click the OK button; Windows Vista immediately begins sending your pages to the printer.

If the printed pages don’t look quite right — perhaps the information doesn’t fit on the paper correctly or it looks faded — you need to fiddle around with the print settings or perhaps change the paper quality. Follow these suggestions:

  • If you stumble upon a particularly helpful page in the Windows Help system, right-click inside the topic or page and choose Print. (Or, click the page’s Print icon, if you spot one.)

  • For easy access to your printer, right-click your printer’s icon and choose Create Shortcut. Click Yes to confirm, and Windows Vista puts a shortcut to your printer on your desktop. To print things, just drag and drop their icons onto your printer’s new shortcut.

  • To print a bunch of documents quickly, select all their icons. Then right-click the selected icons and choose Print. Windows Vista quickly shuttles all of them to the printer, where they emerge on paper, one after the other.



Home Recording Vacuum Tube Stuff

Vacuum-tube microphones, preamps, compressors, and equalizers and other home recording equipment have been around for decades. In fact, before solid-state (transistor) technology was developed, everything electronic had vacuum tubes in it — both good-quality and bad-quality audio gear.

Vacuum-tube equipment definitely had a sound to it, and tube technology definitely had its limitations — the main one being the coloration that was added to the music. This coloration is now highly sought after in today’s world of digital recording, so the tube stuff has become increasingly popular.

To get the pleasing analog distortion that’s so popular today, you don’t need to buy gear with vacuum-tube circuitry. Some top-quality solid-state gear can get you the same sound as the vintage tube stuff.

In fact, some of the most sought-after vintage preamps, equalizers, and compressors — particularly those bearing the “Neve” name — are solid state, and they still have a beautifully colored (distorted) sound. So, when you go in search of the tube sound for your studio, remember that you can get the sound you’re after without having to buy actual vacuum-tube gear.

Not all “tube” gear produces a pleasing sound. Sometimes the distortion that a piece of gear adds to your music creates more noise and mud (lack of clarity in the sound) than it adds warmth. Be sure to listen to the equipment that you’re interested in before you buy it.

Make your purchase decision based on whether you like the way the equipment sounds for your particular music. Do your homework before adding any tube gear — or any new equipment that you spend your hard-earned money on. Read reviews and specifications, talk to people, and above all, listen to the equipment before you buy.

Many audio-recording retailers allow you a certain amount of time after you buy a piece of equipment to return it if you don’t like it. Of course, you have to pay for it before you leave the store, but you usually have a timeframe in which you can return it. Ask your music retailer to be sure of its return policy before you buy.



Fashion Staples Every Woman Should Invest In

Before you buy anything else, make sure that your closet has all the fashion basics. You can spend a little more on these fashion items because they’re essentials for every woman’s closet, and you’ll wear them over and over again:

Little black dress (LBD)Dark denim jeans
Black blazerBlack pumps
White button-down shirtTwo cardigan sweaters, one black and one white
Black trousersBlack leather bag
Knee-length black skirtSet of pearls
Classic beige trench coatDiamond (or small cubic) studs



Budget Weddings For Dummies

Planning a wedding shouldn’t break the bank — it should be fun, exciting, and worry-free. To plan a budget wedding that looks anything but cheap, make a priority list, cut back on food (the biggest wedding expense), and consider adding some wallet-friendly touches that are also good for the environment.



Save Money on the Wedding of Your Dreams

When you’re planning a wedding on a budget, you want to get the best value for your dollar. You aren’t interested in anything that looks cheap; you want your fairytale wedding for less. If you follow these tips, your guests will never imagine that they’ve been invited to a budget wedding:

  • Choose a budget-friendly wedding date and time: Getting married on a weekday, on a Sunday, in the morning, or on a Saturday in November or January will save money on everything from the ceremony and reception venues to the band or DJ you hire.

  • Don’t go overboard on invitations: Buy for the number of households, not the total number of guests. Otherwise, you end up wasting money on unused invitations.

  • Find a less-expensive wedding dress: Search online retailers, borrow a dress, rent a gown, or buy a bridesmaid’s dress in white, cream, or ivory.

  • Create your own wedding playlist: Recorded music is the least expensive way to have the melodies you want for your ceremony. It’s also the easiest way to mix and match the styles and songs that best suit you as a couple. Put the playlist on your MP3 player and check whether you have access to the sound system at your ceremony site.

  • Skip pew or chair decorations: Guests won’t miss them, and you’ll save money.

  • Pick something other than flowers: Ditch the bouquet idea altogether and carry a fan, a small parasol, a loved one’s Bible, a rosary, or even a fancy clutch or evening bag. Or opt for a bouquet made of feathers, crystals, candy, antique buttons, or origami.

  • Serve only beer and wine. This common compromise doesn’t violate any etiquette rules. As a variation, you can serve beer, wine, and a signature drink. This variation gives your guests more drink choices but still keeps expenses down.

  • Do without the wedding cake: You can serve alternative desserts — like cookies, bars, brownies, cheesecake, pies, or tarts — in any number of ways: as a dessert buffet, as centerpieces on your tables, or as butler-passed treats.

  • Forgo favors: You can make a donation to a charity in your guests’ names for less than you’d pay for some favors.




Budget Wedding Tips: How to Spend Less on Food

Food and alcohol represent the biggest expense for most weddings. So it makes sense to cut back on that expense if you’re planning a budget wedding. Broaden your idea of what a stylish and elegant wedding reception looks like and prepare to save. Your guests will eat to their heart’s content, but you won’t break the bank when you host one of these receptions:

  • Brunch: Brunch fare can cost less than half — even as little as a third — of a full dinner menu. Consider providing a variety of specialty buffets, such as a fruit bar or an omelet station.

  • Garden parties: No one expects you to provide a full meal, so go all out on fancy appetizers. Serve a signature cocktail in lieu of a full bar.

  • Afternoon tea: Pull out all the stops for a traditional British affair and limit alcohol to Champagne for toasts.

  • Dessert reception: If you have a sweet tooth, this is the best way to indulge it! Serve nothing but sweets — wedding cake, petit fours, cheesecake, sundaes, and a chocolate fountain.

  • Cocktail reception: Alcohol will consume the biggest part of your budget with this type of reception, but you save by serving appetizers and dessert instead of a full meal.




Plan an Eco-Friendly Budget Wedding

Green is the new white — at least when it comes to eco-friendly weddings. Even better, going green can save you money. That’s always a plus if you’re planning a budget wedding. Even though some green wedding products and services are pricier than the traditional ones, others cost far less than you’d expect. The following list tells you how to save some green on your green wedding:

  • Eliminate paper. Bypass printed invitations, response cards, and maps in favor of Web-based versions. Provide maps and driving directions on your wedding Web site, issue save-the-date info and invitations via e-mail, and keep track of your guest count and meal requests with Web-based forms.

  • Choose a green dress. To find an inexpensive dress that’s environmentally friendly, shop vintage stores, peruse eBay, or consider renting your gown.

  • Think locally. Using caterers and florists who work with local producers can save you money, and it reduces the environmental impact of your wedding by cutting down on transportation emissions.

  • Go for green gold. For more eco-friendly (and potentially more budget-friendly) wedding rings, look in pawn shops and at estate auctions for vintage rings that can be updated. Or collect your unused gold jewelry and hire a jeweler to melt it down and make your wedding bands out of it.

  • Opt for reusable decorations. Rent potted plants or silk flower arrangements that can be used again. Or pot your own plants or flowers and incorporate them into your new home after the honeymoon — you’ve just cut down on your interior decorating budget!




Make a Priority List for Your Budget Wedding

If you’re planning your wedding on a budget, prioritizing is a must. Without a priority list, you’re likely to overspend — often before you even realize you’re going over your budget. To keep your wedding finances on track, sit down with your fiancé(e) and compare your lists of priorities for the big day.

If you aren’t sure how to come up with a priority list, start by jotting down what you liked and disliked about other weddings you’ve attended. Then think about the wedding traditions you’re familiar with and decide whether you want to follow them. Don’t worry about the associated costs just yet.

When you compare your list with your fiancé(e)’s priorities, talk about how each item fits into your overall budget. Then you can decide together whether the expense of getting married in a dream location is worth giving up the acres of orchids you always imagined seeing at your ceremony.

After you and your intended identify what you really want for your wedding, write your priorities on a sheet of paper so you can refer to them when you’re making wedding decisions. You may even want to carry the list in your wallet as a reminder when you’re interviewing vendors.


