Becoming an Art Connoisseur

There have been many gifted and sharp-eyed curators (keepers and protectors) in the 129-year history of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art — hundreds of them, expert in fields as diverse as ancient Egypt, Arms and Armor, and Prints, Drawing, and Photographs. Line up the letters designating the advanced degrees held by the curators who worked at the Metropolitan over the years — those M.A.s, M.F.A.s, and Ph.D.s — and they'd stretch from Maine to Oregon. Yet, the single most accomplished curator in the history of the grand institution had no advanced degree and was self-taught in art history. He was, for most of his life, a stockbroker. His name was William Ivins, and he was responsible for establishing the all-encompassing Prints collection. He was perhaps the most legendary "eye" or connoisseur in the history of the Metropolitan.

What is an "eye"? Simply, someone who can instantly spot quality in art in all its subtle gradations. How did Bill Ivins become such a special "eye"? First, he had the urge to know about art, and second, he possessed an inborn talent for appreciating art, which he may not have recognized for some years. But he needed more than that. He recognized he'd never be able to appreciate art in the right way if he didn't get saturated.

The bottom line of connoisseurship and art appreciation is saturation — seeing it all. Ivins immersed himself in prints, tens of thousands of them of all kinds and levels of quality. Soon he was cataloging in his keen mind every unique quality — the strokes of genius and the glitches, too. If you examine every one of thousands of existing prints of Rembrandt van Rijn, those in great condition, the messed up ones, the genuine articles, the copies and fakes, in a shorter time than you think, you'll be able to recognize quality. Ivins did. Just by opening his eyes and looking.

Distinguishing the good from the bad

If you keenly examine every painting, sketch, or drawing by that grand Flemish master of the 17th century, Peter Paul Rubens — there are hundreds — you'll be able to distinguish yards away which one is real and which questionable. If you saturate yourself in absolutely everything Claude Monet ever painted, no matter if that painting is hanging in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, in the Getty in Los Angeles, or in the bedroom of some wealthy private collector on Park Avenue, you'll become an expert in Monet. After a total immersion, you'll be able to spot a top piece — or a phony — a hundred feet away.

You don't have to start at such heights. If you saturate yourself starting with those ceramic green frogs or clowns on black velvet, you'll soon gravitate to something better and better, and before you know it, you'll be blissfully soaking up Rembrandt prints, or Monet paintings, or drawings by Peter Paul Rubens. Gravitating upward is the normal process — it's all but automatic with the passage of time.

Examining the real thing

Book learning and attending countless lectures by the best art professors and scholars may help sharpen your eye. But they won't equal a gradual and complete saturation. When you look at works of art, grill them as though they were living human beings. Ask questions! Why is something this way, and something else that way? Peel the work of art like an onion with your eyes! Interrogate it.

For example, a certain piece had been given to the Metropolitan in the early 1930s by a wealthy industrialist who'd specialized in collecting medieval reliquaries. Finger reliquaries are the rarest of the rare — and ones embellished with emeralds were unique. This object was stunning and very costly, but it was not 13th century. It was a fraud. To find out something like this, you might ask questions like the following:

  • Why can't the emerald ring be removed? That was a bad sign, for no genuine finger reliquary would ever be adorned, when it was made, with such a secular ornament. Rings were always added later in homage to the saint whose finger bone was preserved in the finger.

  • Why were there three small silver hallmarks on one of the feet? The problem was that they were typical export marks only applied to gold, not silver, and during the 18th, not the 13th, century, in France, not Germany.

  • Why was the black material making up the inscription (which happened to be unreadable, by the way) actually made of common tar? The material should be a hard jet-black enamel (called niello).

The problematical answers to the questions all summed up to the reliquary being a fake, made, no doubt, to trap the rich collector who had to pay dearly because, naturally, the emerald was real. In time, through saturation, art connoisseurs can conduct their own interrogations and find whatever inconsistencies existed. You can't learn how to do this by reading books or attending seminars.

Keeping your eye in tune

It doesn't matter how you go about gorging yourself. To see originals is vital, but photographs can keep your eye constantly trained. One of the keenest great, late art dealers never went to sleep without poring through dozens of photographs of a wide variety of works. Keeping his eye in tune.

Saturation means not only examining all the originals of the artist or period. It also means a judicial reading of the scholarly literature and picking through specialist magazines. But the bottom line is looking, looking, and more looking. Looking will transform a totally untrained person with a keen mind and good vision (for it helps a lot to have great eyesight or polished glasses) into a superior art expert. And the beauty is that anyone can do it with a little obsession and a little time.

The bottom line is never pass up the opportunity to look hard at any work of art (even those frogs), and pass your fingers over its surface (if you're allowed), and ask a bunch of sharp questions. You will invariably discover something revealing and profound.



Why California Wines Are So Popular

The Golden State of California makes more wine than all other U.S. states combined. Its wine production is huge even on a world scale. The U.S. as a whole ranks fourth for the quantity of wine it produces. But California owns that number-four spot even all by itself, producing 7 percent of the world's wine — more than every country besides Italy, France, and Spain.

All that production reflects a big demand for California wine. Two out of every three times that someone in the U.S. grabs a bottle of wine to take home, points to a wine name on a restaurant wine list, or clicks on the computer screen to buy wine, that wine comes from California.

So, why are California wines so popular? Following are some of the primary reasons:

  • The way California wines taste. In general, California wines are very fruity (that is, they have aromas and flavors that suggest fruits) and very flavorful (those fruity flavors are intense and easy to notice when you taste the wine), and these tastes appeal to the typical American palate.

  • The smart marketing that the California wineries practice. Winemakers in California understand what people want and make wines that fill those needs. That's why California wines run the whole gamut of styles and types. Wine drinkers themselves run the whole gamut of taste and price preferences.

  • The quality of California wines. Starting in the 1970's, California pioneered many winemaking innovations that improved wine quality. Flaws that used to exist in wines all over the world are now rare because the highly trained winemakers of California discovered how to prevent them, and other winemakers followed suit. In terms of fundamental quality, California wines are among the most reliable in the world.

California stands apart from the rest of the U.S. states for the quantity of wine it produces, the international reputation of those wines, and the degree to which wine has permeated the local culture. To say that in the U.S., wine is California is not a huge exaggeration.



The Manga Studio Tools Palette

Manga Studio includes a wide range of tools you use to create your Manga cartoons — or even Western-style cartoons. The following illustration shows the Manga Studio tools palette toolbar, and the Tools Palette table beside it tells you the name of each tool and its shortcut key:




How to Read Spotify Inbox Messages

When you have Spotify running and see a number next to the Spotify icon in the Start bar in Windows 7 or your Dock on the Mac, it means that you have that number of new items waiting in your Inbox. This number also appears next to Inbox in Spotify’s left sidebar.

Click Inbox in the left sidebar to view these items, as well as who sent them. Each unplayed item is shown in bold white to make it stand out and has a blue dot next to the item name. If the item is a track, double-click it to start playing it right away, and the track becomes unbold.

Double-click an album or playlist to go to its track listing, or double-click an artist to go to his artist page. From there, you can play the individual tracks, if you want.

If the person who sent you the item has left you a message, you see a small speech bubble appear next to her name. Click this speech bubble to read the message, which appears in a little pop-up window.

You can’t really reply to tracks in the traditional sense to say thanks, but why not send the user a thank you track as a reply, with your own message?

By the way, tracks play on your computer only if they’re already in Spotify’s streaming database or stored locally — otherwise, they appear grayed-out and are unplayable.



Nonprofit Operations Planning

The term operations typically refers to how companies carry out their business; that is, how they handle day-to-day activities and how they produce products and provide services efficiently and cost-effectively in order to maximize profits. To nonprofit organizations, efficient operations are just as important, but for different reasons.

In your world, efficiency means that your organization does more with less. It means that you leverage maximum value out of every donor dollar by spending as little as possible to deliver quality services and support for your causes. And that means you end up reaching more people, doing more good, and, as a bonus, having an easier time raising funds in the future.

See that your business plan includes a discussion of how you’ll address the following four areas that comprise your operations:

  • Location: As an example, an organization providing food to homeless people needs a location close to homeless shelters and social services.

  • Equipment: For example, if you plan to enhance online donor communications, you may need to acquire computers, a server, modems, software, and other equipment.

  • Labor: No matter what your mission, you need a plan for recruiting and training paid staff and volunteers.

  • Process: You need to describe how you’ll operate your organization. A food bank, for example, needs a process for gathering food contributions, sorting them in a central location, and delivering them to those in need.

As a nonprofit, your operations are important for another reason, too: Your organization will likely apply for grants, and grant applications require a detailed description of operational procedures in order to assess your ability to serve your constituents, recruit and keep necessary staff, and do your good work efficiently and effectively.

Successfully managing these areas allows you to achieve a positive return on the grant dollars being invested in your organization. The good news is that you can probably cut and paste directly from your business plan — or at least borrow from the main points.



Expanders Role in Home Recording

In music mixing, the expander is to the gate what a compressor is to a limiter — instead of reducing the volume of notes below the set threshold by a specified amount, the expander reduces them by a ratio.

In other words, with the gate, you set a certain amount, in dB, that a signal is reduced, and with the expander, you reduce the signal by setting a ratio. The ratio changes the signal gradually, making the affected signals sound more natural.

You use an expander when you want to subtly reduce noise from a track, rather than just filtering it out completely. A classic example is when dealing with the breath sounds from a singer. If you use a gate, the resulting track sounds unnatural, because the gate filters out the breaths completely.

However, you can set the expander to reduce the breath sounds just enough to be less noticeable, but still leave a little of the sound so that the singer sounds normal. (Everyone has to breathe, right?)

Use the following settings to get started:

  • Threshold: The threshold in an expander works the same way as with the gate — anything below the threshold is affected and signals above the threshold pass unaffected.

  • Ratio: The ratio dictates how much the signal is attenuated by the expander. When using a ratio of 2:1, for instance, the expander reduces signals below the threshold by a factor of 2. In this case, a signal that is 10dB below the threshold is reduced to 20dB below it; likewise, a signal that’s 2dB below the threshold would be reduced to 4dB below it.



How Vitamin D Can Help Prevent Cancer

7 of 12 in Series:
The Essentials of Vitamin D Benefits

Over the last 30 years, evidence has accumulated that shows higher vitamin D status intake or higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels may prevent cancer. Since 1980, 16 different cancers have been shown to be associated with low vitamin D!

Studies in cultured cells done with calcitriol (active vitamin D) show that it may affect cancer in numerous ways. Some of the most important capabilities of calcitriol seem to include the following:

  • Suppressing the proliferation of cells; cancer arises from abnormal cell proliferation

  • Promoting the death of abnormal cells that may become cancerous

  • Preventing blood vessels from forming in a developing tumor, which keeps nutrients from the tumor and prevents it from getting bigger

  • Stopping cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body, thereby preventing metastases, the spread of cancer to healthy organs

Doctors are not yet at the point where they can recommend a specific level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blood that can prevent or help to treat any specific cancer.

How vitamin D promotes normal cell growth

When vitamin D is converted to calcitriol, it can decrease cell division and increase normal maturation of cells. Both of these events should slow the development of cancer. Calcitriol may do this in a number of ways:

  • Stimulates the production of proteins, such as p21 and p27, which stop cells from multiplying.

  • Stimulates the production of E-cadherin, a protein that binds cells together. When E-cadherin is lost, cancer can leave the tumor and spread.

  • Inhibits the function of beta catenin, a protein that regulates genes that cause cells to multiply. Increased activity of beta catenin is involved in a number of cancers, including skin cancer, colorectal cancer, and ovarian cancer.

  • Blocks the production and action of prostaglandins, fatty substances that promote the construction of blood vessels and stimulate cell growth.

How vitamin D encourages the death of abnormal cells

Calcitriol not only protects against the development and growth of cancer cells, but also destroys cells that may turn into cancer. It causes apoptosis (death) of cells that have acquired changes that could make them cancerous or malignant.

Calcitriol may cause cell death in two ways. First, it may stimulate apoptosis by prompting the release of calcium from special storage spots inside cells. In cancer cells, calcitriol can also block the production of proteins that prevent cell death while enhancing the production of proteins that cause cell death.

As a result, calcitriol may also sensitize cancer cells to cancer treatments like radiation therapy and chemotherapy, which further enhances the death of cancer cells.

How vitamin D protects cells from things that cause cancer

Scientists have been using new and sophisticated tools to examine all the ways that calcitriol might influence normal or cancerous cells. These studies have shown that calcitriol affects more than just controlling how cells multiply or die. Some of these new roles include:

  • Induces the production of proteins that repair damage to the genes caused by factors like UV light from sunlight. DNA damage to genes is what causes mutations, and these mutations can affect the function of a gene thereby starting the process of cancer.

  • Regulates the ability of cells to control molecules that can damage DNA or proteins. These molecules are called reactive oxygen species (ROS).

  • Suppresses the production of chemicals that cause inflammation. Inflammation is a process that can make cancer develop more quickly or aggressively.

Vitamin D’s effect for those who already have cancer

The current thinking is that vitamin D, as calcitriol, may help your body ward off cancer before it forms or that it slows and kills cancer cells at the earliest stages (soon after they’ve formed) so that it never develops into a disease that needs treatment by a doctor.

The reason for this is that cancer is a creative disease. It figures out ways to get around all of the protections your body has to fight it. For example, whereas your immune system normally recognizes abnormal cells and kills them, tumors have developed ways to shut down this protection.

The same thing also seems to be happening with vitamin D. There is evidence that as a cancer moves through the stages to become more advanced, the cancer makes it harder for vitamin D to work. In some cancers the level or function of the vitamin D receptor is reduced; in others, enzymes that break down calcitriol are increased; and in others, the production of calcitriol is shut down in the cancer tissue.

However, doctors have seen all the good things that calcitriol appears to do to cancer cells in cell cultures, so they have also been trying to use calcitriol or drugs based on its structure as a way to treat established cancer. Calcitriol has been used alone and in combination with anti-cancer drugs.

One major problem is that calcitriol is so potent at controlling calcium metabolism that the levels needed to treat established cancer cause hypercalcemia (excessively high blood levels of calcium). Hypercalcemia, in any patient, can cause nausea, vomiting dehydration, weight loss, muscle weakness, confusion, and even coma and death. Consequently, calcitriol has been largely abandoned as a potential cancer treatment.

If it proves effective, the form of vitamin D that might become used in the treatment of cancer is not the vitamin D that you eat or that you make in your skin, but it will be a synthetic drug which has some similarity to calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D.



How to Lock the Focus on a Point-and-Shoot Camera

If you’re taking up photography using a point-and-shoot camera, the first skill you need to master is getting the camera to focus on the image you want. The only way to make sure that an autofocus point-and-shoot focuses correctly — especially if the main subject isn’t centered in the frame — is to lock the focus before you take a picture.

  1. Look through the viewfinder — or at the viewing screen on a digital point-and-shoot — and place its focus point (the marks in the middle) on the main subject.

    Doing this centers the subject in the frame.

  2. Press the shutter button halfway down to lock the focus.

  3. Holding the shutter button halfway down, compose the shot the way you want.

  4. Press the shutter button all the way to take the picture.



Capital Expenditures and Other Cash Needs for a Business

A key element of the budgeting process for a business is to prepare a capital expenditures budget that goes to top management for review and approval. A business has to take a hard look at its long-term operating assets — in particular, the capacity, condition, and efficiency of these resources — and decide whether it needs to expand and modernize its property, plant, and equipment.

In most cases, a business needs to invest substantial sums of money in purchasing new fixed assets or retrofitting and upgrading its old fixed assets. These long-term investments require major cash outlays. So, each division of a business prepares a formal list of the fixed assets to be purchased, constructed, and upgraded.

The money for these major outlays comes from the central treasury of the business. Accordingly, the overall capital expenditures budget goes to the highest levels in the organization for review and final approval. The chief financial officer, the CEO, and the board of directors of the business go over a capital expenditure budget request with a fine-toothed comb (or at least they should).

At the company-wide level, the financial officers merge the profit and cash flow budgets of all profit centers and cost centers of the business. (A cost center is an organizational unit that does not generate revenue, such as the legal and accounting departments.) The budgets submitted by one or more of the divisions may be returned for revision before final approval is given.

One main concern is whether the collective cash flow total from all the units provides enough money for the capital expenditures that will be made during the coming year — and to meet the other demands for cash, such as for cash distributions from profit. The business may have to raise more capital from debt or equity sources during the coming year to close the gap between cash flow from operating activities and its needs for cash.



Unmasking Myths about Heart Disease

It's no surprise that myths about heart disease often prevail. After all, the heart is a truly mythic organ — the fount of all life. Throughout the world's cultures, heroes and heroines of mythology and legend usually are persons of great heart. The same can be said of persons of great cunning. Their hearts are the embodiment of the courageous lifestyles that inspire the masses. But although myths can and do inspire, they also can kill . . . particularly the many myths surrounding heart disease. So let's bust a few.

The myth of modern maturity

Heart disease is a disease of middle age and older years.

Many people think of heart disease as a problem of middle and older age, because that's when the manifestations of heart disease, such as angina and heart attack, strike. What a dangerous myth. Although the manifestations of coronary artery disease typically occur during the middle and later years of life, the roots of coronary artery disease lie in childhood. Using heart-healthy lifestyle measures not only will help you but also will enable you to set an example for your children and grandchildren.

The myth of the old-boy network

Men are much more likely to get heart disease than women.

Way too many women think that heart disease is mainly a male disease. However, heart disease is by far the leading cause of death for women. Women are six to ten times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer (which women fear more). When cardiovascular disease and stroke are combined, these two diseases claim more female lives every year than the next 16 causes of death combined.Even so, many of these deaths are preventable.

The Eisenhower Myth

After you've had a heart attack, your life will move inexorably downhill.

In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower suffered a heart attack while in office — a first. His cardiologist, Dr. Paul Dudley White, from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, appeared on national television to assure the anxious public that if President Eisenhower paid attention to what he ate and became involved in a regular walking program, he could continue to fulfill the strenuous duties of the highest office in the land. Most people were surprised to hear it. As Ike proved, you have no reason whatsoever to give up after you've had a heart attack. Modern cardiac rehabilitation can help people who've suffered a heart attack or have other serious forms of heart disease to live full, vigorous lives for many years after they experience the first manifestations of heart disease.

The myth of no pain, no gain

To get cardiac benefit from exercise, you need to get sweaty and out of breath.

Many sedentary individuals (and, indeed, many exercisers!) share the myth that you have to exercise at a fairly intense level to achieve cardiac benefits. To some degree, this myth grew from the advice of well-intentioned exercise physiologists, who said that improving your aerobic fitness requires at least three or four 20- to 30-minute sessions of continuous vigorous exercise every week. Without question, this advice is excellent if your only goal is improving your aerobic capacity. However, if your goal is lowering your risk of heart disease, totally different rules apply . . . you simply need to become more active. Accumulating 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most, if not all, days is a solid goal.Don't let the myth that you have to sweat like crazy for 30 minutes straight keep you and your heart declining . . . uh, reclining on the couch.

The cave man myth

If you're having chest pain, the best thing you can do is wait and see whether it goes away.

The Peanuts character Linus once asked Charlie Brown how he approached a problem. Did he tackle it right away, or think about it first? Charlie Brown responded, "I try to go into a cave and hope that it will go away." That may work in other areas of your life, but ignoring the symptoms of acute heart disease is a bad idea. The longer the delay before treatment of a heart attack begins, the greater the potential heart damage. If you're having significant chest discomfort, shortness of breath, or any other symptoms that suggest a heart attack, call 911 immediately so you can be transported to the emergency room. Don't hide in a cave!

The myth of the stiff upper lip

Dying of a broken heart or being scared to death is not possible.

Folk wisdom long has suggested that people can be scared to death or die of a broken heart. Many cardiologists, however, say that your emotions and mental state can affect your behavior but not your heart. From this point of view, it doesn't matter whether you keep a stiff upper lip and bury your fears, pain, and stress or deal with them. Multiple scientific studies show that important mind/body connections exist for health in general and cardiovascular health in particular. Your levels of stress, your connection to other people, your sense of giving and receiving love all are extremely important for your cardiovascular health. Your goal should be using these profound linkages to promote cardiovascular health.

The myth of Jupiter

We all will die of heart disease, if we live long enough.

Jupiter, the Roman King of the Gods, killed mere mortals by hurling thunderbolts from the sky. This myth expresses the presumption that heart disease is an act of God. Not so. Dying of heart disease is not inevitable. Recognize that your own habits and actions play the biggest roles in whether you develop heart disease. Take a tip from baseball great Mickey Mantle, who humorously said of his health-destructive lifestyle, "If I knew I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself!"



Getting Started Using Reverb in your Home Recordings

Reverb is like garlic: The more you use, the less you can taste it. Just as the new chef puts garlic in everything (and lots of it), many budding sound engineers make the same mistake with reverb. Go easy. Remember: Less is more.

Here are some other points to keep in mind:

  • Mixes often sound better when you use reverb on only a few instruments instead of them all. For example, it’s common for just the snare drum of the drum set to have reverb on it. The rest of the drums and cymbals remain dry (unaffected).

  • Think about how you want each instrument to sit in the mix when you choose reverb. Make sure that the type and amount of reverb fit the song and the rest of the instruments.

  • Try putting the dry sound on one side of the stereo field and the reverb on the other. For example, if you have a rhythm guitar part that you set at 30 degrees off to the right of the stereo field, set the reverb 30 degrees off to the left. This can produce a nice effect.

  • To keep the vocals up front in the mix, use a short reverb setting. A vocal plate is a great choice because the decay is fast. This adds a fair amount of the reverb to the vocal without making it sit way back in the mix.

  • Experiment with room types, sizes, and decay times. Sometimes a long decay on a small-room reverb sounds better than a short decay on a large-room or hall reverb.



MySpace For Dummies

MySpace makes social networking easy. With this cheat sheet, you can make your MySpace profile page look great with some basic HTML commands, and choose how widely you want to share everything from posts to pictures. And, if you’re new to MySpace, you get tips for looking like a MySpace veteran in no time.



Tips to Go from MySpace Newbie to MySpace Pro

It’s tough being a MySpace newcomer with an empty Web page and just one friend while others have fancy pages and thousands of MySpace friends. Take a few steps to make your page tell the world that you’re a MySpace veteran:

  • Get signed up: You need a computer with access to the Internet and an e-mail address.

  • Fill in your profile: Add information to your page that tells a little about yourself.

  • Add a profile photo: Put your smiling face on your MySpace profile page.

  • Add a profile song: Search MySpace for your favorite artist and share a song on your page.

  • Add a profile video: Nothing can tell your story better than a well composed (or slightly goofy) video.

  • Fill up your Friends List: Search for friends and invite them to your profile.

  • Launch your blog: Share a thought with the world or with just a few friends

  • Keep in contact with your friends: Send mail messages to individual friends — or post a bulletin for all your friends to see.

  • Post an event and invite friends: Are you throwing a party or going to a show? Set up an event for the world to see or just for your friends to know about and then send invitations.

  • Customize your page: Dress up your drab MySpace page with colors, images, and text of your choosing.

  • Shore up your security: MySpace’s account settings let you set your profile so it’s viewable only to friends.




How to Make Your MySpace Profile Secure

Alter your MySpace profile settings to limit who can see the information you post to the site; you'll increase your online security. Keep your MySpace page safe from unwanted contact by using the following tips:

  • Set your profile as private: The Privacy Settings link on the Change Account Settings page directs you to an option where you can limit full viewing of your profile to users who are on your Friends List. Non-friends can still see your profile name, location, age, profile photo, and MySpace URL.

  • Block photos from other users: Clicking the Add/Edit Photos link on your MySpace home page directs you to the Upload Photo page. The page includes an option to prevent other MySpace users from seeing your photos. Click the Only You button under Allow Your Photos to Be Viewable By: option to keep your photos to yourself.

  • Limit your blog audience: After you compose a fresh entry in your blog, you can determine who can read your entry.

    Consider your choices:

    • Diary: Readable only by you.

    • Preferred List: Readable by members of your Friends List you select and add to your list.

    • Friends: Readable by all members of your Friends List.

    • Public: Readable by all MySpace users.

  • Don't accept instant messages: The Account Settings page offers a link to set instant message privacy. You can choose to allow anyone to send you IM, limit to your friends only, or block IM altogether. The Privacy Settings link takes you to an option to block your online status, thus never letting other MySpace users know when you're available to receive messages.

  • Approve comments: Your Privacy Settings option also allows you to review comments before they're posted to your profile page. This option is helpful if you want to keep your friends from putting any information on your page that you don't want to share. You can also disable HTML in your profile settings so MySpacers who leave comments can't add photos or video to your comments.

  • Block users: Ignoring unwanted messages usually gets the point across (to most MySpace members) that you don't want to talk. For the persistent few who can't take a hint, you can click the Block User option in the Contact box on the would-be pest's profile page. Adding a user to your Block list keeps your mailbox free from contact with that person.

  • Deny, delete, edit, and erase: Your MySpace page is always under your control. If you ever feel that your profile settings, a comment, a blog entry, or a friend is hurting your privacy, MySpace includes the settings to edit your page.




Basic HTML for MySpace

Use HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to change how your MySpace profile looks and what appears on your MySpace page. Here's some basic HTML that you can use with your profile. (You fill in the text between the quotation marks.)

ActionHTML to Use
Bold text<b>Enter bolded text here</b>
Italicize text<i>Enter italicized text here</i>
Font color<font color="Color of Font"></font>
Font size<font size="Size of font from 1-7"></font>
Bulleted list<li>Listed Item</li>
Insert an image into a comment, message, or on your profile
<img src="URL of the image" width="width of image in
Insert a link into a comment, message, or on your profile
<a href="URL of web page">Title of link</a>

Note: You can add the target="blank" option to open
the link in a new window.
Link an image in a comment, message, or on your profile
<a href="URL of web page"><img src="URL of image"
width="width of image in pixels"></a>

Note: When you link an image, a border automatically appears
to show that it's linked. If you want to remove that border, you
can add the border="0" option to your <img> tag.
Display a text box that allows users to easily copy code or
<textarea rows="number of rows in text box" cols="number of
columns in text box">Text or code that you want to be
Special MySpace charactersYou can use these MySpace characters in the text you enter,
such as your display name, your headline, and any type of message
you send.

Heart: &hearts

Trademark: &trade

Copyright: &copy

Restricted: &reg




Exploring the New Dreamweaver MX 2004 Interface

With Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia integrated ColdFusion and HomeSite into one single, powerful interface, though you had the choice of working with that new interface or with the old Dreamweaver 4 interface (or, in Macromedia parlance, workspace). With Dreamweaver MX 2004, Macromedia dropped the Dreamweaver 4 workspace and enables you to choose from only two versions of the Dreamweaver workspace: Designer style and HomeSite/Coder-Style.

Selecting a workspace on start-up

When you start Dreamweaver for the first time, you're asked to choose the way you want your workspace set up. You have two options:

  • Designer: The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface, which shows the page you are working on much like it would be in a Web browser. This style is more appropriate for Web design novices working on basic HTML pages.

  • HomeSite/Coder-Style: The style that shows the page you are working on as an editable text document, which is appropriate for experienced coders and for pages on which you're editing ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) or other dynamic code.

Introducing the new Start page

After you've selected a workspace, when you launch Dreamweaver by double-clicking its icon on the desktop or by selecting it from the Windows Start menu, you'll see something new to Dreamweaver: a Start page. The Start page allows you to perform the following tasks with a single click of your mouse:

  • Open pages you've recently edited: Simply click the file name of the page you want to open.

  • Create a new page in one of seven formats: Simply click the type of page you want to create, from basic HTML to ColdFusion (CFML) to CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).

  • Create a new Dreamweaver Site: Click the Dreamweaver Site icon (in the Create New column) to open the Site Definition wizard, which guides you through the process of setting up the directory location, FTP information, server technology (if applicable), and more for your Web site.

  • Create a new page based on Dreamweaver's built-in samples: Click an option in the Create from Samples column to open the New Document dialog box and choose from the preset formatting options for that type of page.

The Start page also gives you fast access to a quick tour and set of tutorials for Dreamweaver, and to Macromedia's Dreamweaver Exchange page, where you can find lots of nifty widgets that extend Dreamweaver capabilities.

If you find the Start page incompatible with your working methods, you can prevent it from appearing in the future by selecting the Don't Show Again check box at the lower-left corner of the page.

Introducing the Document Window

Your primary workspace in Dreamweaver is the Document window, which appears automatically when you open a page in Dreamweaver. In the Document window, you construct your individual Web pages using panels and dialog boxes to format your work. The three primary views in Dreamweaver are as follows:

  • Design view: The graphical view of your document. You can select this view by choosing View --> Design.

  • Code view: This view shows the underlying code of your document. You can select this view by choosing View->Code.

  • Split view: As you may expect, this is a split screen view that includes both the Code and Design windows. You can select this view by choosing View --> Code and Design.

You can toggle between these views easily at any time by clicking their corresponding buttons at the top left of the Document window.

When you have several documents open in a site, you can select which document you want to work on by clicking the document's name at the top of the Dreamweaver Document window. You can also click the Site tab in the Files panel to work on an entire site.

The Insert bar sits directly underneath Dreamweaver's main menu. It gives you quick access to eight sets of buttons you can use to insert everything from tables to Flash movies to form elements in your page. To select one of the eight categories, click the Insert bar's name (Common, Layout, and so on) and choose a new category from the drop-down list.



Asus Eee PC Function and Control Keyboard Commands

To navigate your way around your Asus Eee PC easily, take a look at this chart of some common keyboard commands using the control and functions keys:

Fn+F1Puts the Eee PC in standby mode. Press the Power button to
Fn+F2Turns the wireless card on and off. On models with Bluetooth,
also Toggles Bluetooth on and off.
Fn+F3Decreases the screen brightness.
Fn+F4Increases the screen brightness.
Fn+F5Toggles the display mode between the Eee PC screen, an attached
VGA Device (monitor or projector), or both.
Fn+F6Runs the Task Manager.
Fn+F7Mutes the speaker.
Fn+F8Decreases speaker volume.
Fn+F9Increases speaker volume.
Fn+F11Turns keyboard Num lock on and off.
Fn+F12Turns keyboard Caps lock on and off.
Fn+InsRuns the Print Screen program in Linux. Saves a copy of the
screen to the clipboard in Windows.
HouseShows the Linux desktop.
Ctrl+Alt+DelIn Windows, brings up the Task Manager and allows you to reset
your computer.
Ctrl+Alt+BackspaceIn Linux performs an immediate system reset.



Components of Good Singing Posture: Released Hips

One way singers can improve posture and enable easy breathing is to release their hips to open the muscles. Open muscles means less tension and better singing.

To find just the right position for your hips, rock back and forward — that is, move your pelvis by pushing your buttocks back and then pushing them forward. When you rock the hips back, you can feel the tension created in your lower back. That tension isn’t good for singing.

Rocking the hips forward helps you feel when they’re too far forward — you feel like your hips are in front of your torso. Instead, you want your hips right underneath your torso, with your tailbone tucked under you.

When you’re confident that you can feel when your hips are centered under you, you can move your hips from left to right. Many people stand with their hips sticking out to the left or right. That posture may be fine for casual conversation, but it’s not helpful for singing.

When your hips are off to one side, your back is out of alignment, causing tension. Watching yourself in the mirror, move your hips from left to right or front to back until you feel the centered position underneath your torso. This centered position, neither front, back, right, nor left, is the correct position for singing.

Because most women sink into their hips, you want to understand what it feels like to lift out of your hips. Lifting out of your hips means that you feel an opening between your hips and your torso. You can intentionally sink into your hips to feel the added pressure on your body. You may feel heavier and slumped when you sink into your hips.

To lift out of your hips, feel the spring or shock absorber between your hips and torso, and imagine your torso rising out of your legs.

The position of your feet affects your hips and you want to position your feet under your hipbones and keep your toes parallel. This position affects not only the muscles in your legs, but also the muscles in your hips and the positioning of the sit bones.

The sit bones, or sitz bones, are the bony points of your pelvis that you may feel sticking out inside your buttocks. By positioning the hips and toes in just the right position, you allow the sit bones and hips to stay released and the muscles to stay open. You then have great posture and easy breathing for singing.



Online Community Manager: How to Represent the Brand

As the most public representation of your brand, you, the online community manager, are the one whom everyone will be reaching out to with comments, questions, suggestions and even business propositions. When acting as a brand spokesperson, you have many items to consider:

  • Policies on disclosure, transparency, and what to release to the public: Sometimes the most innocent comments cause a stir. These comments may not even cause a stir for you or your community, but your company may feel they’re inappropriate.

    Before getting started, lay some ground rules. Talk with your team about the kinds of things you like to talk about with the community and how you handle public complaints or discourse. Discuss what kinds of responses are appropriate, what you can handle on your own, and when you should check before making a statement.

  • Legalities: Before releasing any public statement, you may have to check with the legal team. Sometimes everything has to be worded just so. If you have to run everything through legal, it will be one of the most frustrating parts of the job, especially because they may not understand the benefits of transparency or writing in a casual voice.

  • Going through the proper channels: Because the community manager is wearing so many hats, you can easily step on toes if you’re not careful. Always make sure to check with the proper departments before speaking of anything having to do with them. Always try to get the blessing of all parties involved.

  • Not addressing everything: Not everything warrants a response. Gauge the situation and discuss it with your team. This isn’t to say that you should sweep issues under the rug, but not everything needs to be a major production.

    If you have to issue a press release for every single company burp or make a public statement every time a misstep occurs or a coupon code is issued, folks are going to start rolling their eyes. Not everything needs to turn into a public issue.

  • Having someone else address an issue: Now and then, you need to give someone else a chance to talk. Online communities love to hear from executives, corporate VIPs, and company celebrities. Even having them stop by community haunts to say hello goes a long way toward brand loyalty.

Because you’re the voice of your brand, you’re on your honor to behave in the best interests of the brand, especially on company time or while using the company social-media accounts. Speak in a conversational tone, but keep the salty talk to a minimum — or, better yet, no salty talk at all.

Be careful about dropping too much information (TMI). Your dates and sex life don’t concern the community. As brand and community spokesperson, it’s up to you to represent both in the most professional light possible.

Community managers are public representations of their brand. They need to act in a matter befitting the brand and not be afraid to respond to public outcry.

Keep in mind that most community situations aren’t negative, and 99 percent of the job is in creating fun promotions and campaigns your community is sure to love. Just be sure to be prepared for that 1 percent when you have to battle negativity.



How a Soccer Coach Supports the Players

As a soccer coach, your players count on you during the season for guidance and support. The following are some ways to help your kids through the soccer season:

  • Be specific with your praise

  • Stop practices to point out when a player does something well rather than when they make a mistake

  • While providing feedback, use the “sandwich” method by placing a critical remark between two encouraging comments

  • Pile on the praise for kids giving their best and displaying good sportsmanship

  • Provide constant positive reinforcement — it’s the key to improvement

  • Focus on fun and safety instead of wins and losses

  • Be passionate and enthusiastic and it carries over to your players

  • Have reasonable expectations and set attainable goals for the kids

  • Remember that kids making mistakes is all part of the learning process



How to Select Fruiting Plants for Container Gardening

Certain characteristics make some fruits better than others for growing in containers. But first and foremost, grow what you like to eat! If you love fresh strawberries on your cereal, by all means give them a go. If blueberries are your morning fruit of choice, plant those. And if you live in Minnesota but still dream of having a lemon tree, containers make it possible.

Some fruiting plants are just smaller than others and, consequently, make easy container subjects. Strawberries, for example, grow on tiny, clumpy plants that are perfect for pots.

Even within fruit types, some varieties can be better for containers than others. Meyer lemons, for instance, are compact plants that easily stay below 6 feet in a large container. Eureka lemons, on the other hand, get huge — upward of 20 feet — not a good container choice.

Not all fruits can be grown everywhere. Fruit trees have varying degrees of hardiness to winter cold temperatures. Many also need a certain amount of winter cold (called chilling hours) before they bloom and set fruit; types that set fruit in mild winters are called low-chill. Some, like peaches, grow best where summers are hot and dry. Others, like raspberries, prefer cool summers. Remarkable differences in adaptation even exist among different varieties of the same fruit type. The point is, if you want to grow quality fruit, select types and varieties that are well adapted to your area. To find out for sure, ask your local nursery person or Cooperative Extension agent.

Fruits grown in containers are less winter-hardy than those grown in the ground. Even hardy trees and shrubs, such as apples and blueberries, need winter protection in cold climates. Move evergreen citrus and other semitropicals into a greenhouse or indoors in winter.

Most good potting soils work fine for growing fruit and berries. Blueberries are an exception — they require a very acidic soil, which can be created by mixing any good potting mix with 50 percent peat moss.

In general, the bigger the container the better. For most fruit, you need at least a 15-gallon size container or one with at least an 18- to 24-inch-wide diameter. Half barrels work well. Strawberries and some dwarf blueberries can be grown in smaller pots.

Fruit and berries can be purchased bare-root (without any soil around their roots) during the dormant season or already growing in containers at other times of year. Fruits and berries need full sun and regular water and fertilizer. Skimp on any of these, and you’ll get reduced yields and poorer fruit quality.



Ratios That Demonstrate Your Success as a Real Estate Agent

How do you make your performance as a real estate agent stand out? These points are gauges that demonstrate your success and stake your competitive place in the real estate world:

  • Average list price to sales price. This ratio exhibits your effectiveness at achieving the result that your client expects when you price a home and place it on the market.

  • Average days on the market. This ratio shows your ability to sell a home quickly. It conveys your skill and success level and also indicates your knowledge of competitive pricing.

  • Average listings taken versus listings sold. The higher the percentage of listings sold, the lower the risk a seller assumes when choosing to work with you to sell a home.



Using Your Modalities and Submodalities

Everything you experience is as a result of information that you take in through your senses – visual (what you see), auditory (what you hear), kinaesthetic (touch and feelings), olfactory (smell), and gustatory (taste). These are known as modalities. Each modality has its own level of fine-tuning known as submodalities. For example, a picture can be bright or dull, black and white, or in colour; a sound can be loud or soft and so on.

Because submodalities are the basic building blocks of your experiences, they’re crucial tools in managing your mind and your emotions. You may find it useful to keep notes on how you can use submodalities to enhance the good areas in your life or change what isn’t working.

This can be done by assessing the submodalities in negative memories you have and appreciating the qualities of that memory. Being able to associate into and dissociate out of a memory gives you the power and control to understand the intensity behind any feelings you have in response to that situation. Looking at these memories of situations and/or people in an objective, calm and collected way, you can make great personal progress to overcome or just deal better with things that challenge you.



Post-Weight Loss Surgery Possibility: Cosmetic Surgery

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and after working hard to lose so much weight, you may be discouraged to find that your skin drapes down in unattractive folds or looks damaged with stretch marks. This doesn't happen to everyone, but if it happens to you, what do you do about it? Do you live with it or do you have it taken care of through plastic surgery?

Excess skin isn't just a cosmetic issue. If your skin starts to sag, hygiene can become a major issue. Any skin fold can be prone to rashes, which are usually a type of yeast infection. Common areas are under the breasts, in the belly button, and above the pubic area and groin. Yeast infections occur as these areas get very hot and moist. Using an antifungal powder and keeping the area dry can help, but if the problem is something you battle continuously, you may decide to opt for surgery.

Chafing is another major problem, and this can occur between the thighs, under the arms, and in areas that rub against the bra. Wearing longer fitted garments on the arms and legs can decrease irritation and breakdown of the skin in these areas, but again, you may decide that surgery is your best option.

Plastic surgery following weight loss surgery often requires individualized body contouring. In body contouring, excess skin and pockets of fat are removed from the abdominal area, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and breasts. It is a total reworking of the body that is becoming more popular. Body contouring can require several days' hospitalization, six weeks off work, and a year until scars heal. A complete body contouring with a facelift can cost $30,000. The total number of surgeries is usually spread over several months.

The plastic surgery procedure will most likely be more painful than your weight loss surgery.

Knowing whether you'll need plastic surgery

It would be nice if your skin just snapped back to where it should be, but that doesn't always happen. Your skin is like a balloon that you blow up and deflate. When you lose a huge amount of weight, your skin can look like that deflated balloon.

The good news is that not everyone who has weight loss surgery will require plastic surgery. Before you lose all your weight, you can't really be sure whether you'll need plastic surgery. Although there are no guarantees, here are some factors that affect whether you'll need plastic surgery:

  • Your age: People who are younger have more elasticity in their skin, and their skin will snap back more easily.

  • How much weight you have to lose: The more overweight you are, the more your skin is stretched, and the more likely you are to need plastic surgery.

  • How many times you've gained and lost weight in your lifetime: Your skin is like that balloon that goes up and down. The stretching and deflating cause the skin to lose elasticity.

  • Where you carry your weight: If the majority of your weight is concentrated in one area, such as your abdominal area, rather than all over your body, then your chances of needing plastic surgery are increased.

  • Whether you've ever smoked: Smoking breaks down collagen, a major component of skin and other structural components of the body. Smokers develop more loose skin than nonsmokers.

  • Whether your skin has been exposed to a lot of sun over the years: All of that sunworshipping makes your skin less elastic.

  • Your skin type: Some skin types have more elasticity than others. Genetics plays a part.

Looking at steps you can take

It would be nice if there were something you could do about hanging skin, short of plastic surgery, but generally there is not. Although exercise will help your weight loss, it won't do anything for your excess skin. What exercise can do is give you very nice, well-defined muscles under all that skin, which can help fill out the sag.

Hydration and the elasticity of your skin go hand in hand. Be sure that your skin stays well hydrated by drinking lots of water.

In the months leading up to plastic surgery, doing the following will help give you better results:

  • Exercise so your muscles are toned.

  • Eat a lot of protein so you'll heal faster.

  • Be as close to your goal weight as possible.

  • Take all your vitamins so you're healthy.

  • Don't smoke. Smoking will directly affect your ability to heal. As you smoke, less oxygen is available for the healing process, and removing pounds of skin requires a lot of healing.

As you lose weight, before you have plastic surgery, you may find that your hanging skin significantly impacts what clothes you can wear, and your clothing size can vary because of the "spare tire" you're carrying. You can find many different elastic or spandex girdles to strap yourself in and give yourself a smoother silhouette — these can really be effective. Unfortunately for guys, these options are mostly available for women.



How to Use Phone Interviews to Narrow Job Candidates

Conducting a telephone interview can help you narrow down the list of job applicants to call in for an interview. Before calling a job applicant, review the resumé and cover letter carefully, noting questions to ask. Here are a few good questions:

  • “Tell me a little about yourself and your work history.”

  • “What interests you about this job?”

  • “What skills can you bring to the job?”

  • “What sort of work environment brings out your best performance?”

Estimate how long you’ll need to effectively conduct a telephone interview with job applicants. It typically can take from 15 to 30 minutes: 15 minutes for a basic interview and 30 minutes if you want to ask deeper questions for a more comprehensive initial assessment of match and fit to your company.

Without a guideline, you may spend too much or too little time on a phone interview. The key is to be consistent with your questions so that you can fairly compare job hopefuls.

If the candidate isn’t available and you need to leave a message, suggest a timeframe for when he or she should return your call the next day. This request can be a good test of initiative — candidates who fail to return the call or who don't make a reasonable effort to contact you to make alternative arrangements demonstrate either a lack of interest or a lack of commitment.



Windows Recovery Tools for the A+ Certification Exams

One of the hardest tasks to perform when troubleshooting a system is fixing a system that will not boot. The A+ Certification exams expect you to be comfortable with the different recovery tools available in Windows. This table reviews popular recovery tools and specifies where you can find the recovery tool — be sure to know these for the exam.

Recovery ConsoleCommand line interface for troubleshooting disk issues and boot
Boot off the Windows installation CD or using the boot menu if
Repair ModeProvides access to GUI and command line recovery toolsBoot off the Vista installation CD
Restore pointsA snap-shot of a system’s configuration; used to revert
to a system’s state before a driver or software was
From the Start menu, select All
Programs→Accessories→System Tools→System Restore.
Select Restore My Computer to an Earlier Time and click Next.
Choose your desired restore point and click Next, and then click
Next again. Windows will now boot to that restore point.

Windows Vista allows you to boot your operating system to a restore
point which allows you to revert back to that system configuration
— very useful if your system has been hit with a virus. In
order to boot to a restore point, you boot off the Windows Vista
Installation CD/DVD and choose Repair Your Computer, then System
Restore from the System Recovery dialog box.
Safe ModeLoads the operating system with minimal driversAn advanced startup menu option (F8)
Last Known Good ConfigurationLoads the configuration from the last time you successfully
booted and logged on
An advanced startup menu option (F8)
Automatic System Recovery (ASR)An automated installation and restore of WindowsPress F2 during bootup



Using Cactus in a Low-Maintenance Container Garden

Figure 1: Use a rolled up paper towel or newspaper to remove a cactus from its container.



The Internet For Dummies

For well over a decade, people have been surfing the Internet and browsing web pages. Here you'll find a list of the top four web browsers and their features and the most common plug-in programs you are apt to run across on the Internet.



Using Firefox to Browse the Internet

The Firefox web browser makes surfing the Internet a breeze. Firefox was the first web browser to implement tabbed browsing. The following list outlines Firefox's main features:

  • Download Firefox for free from or After that, it can update itself automagically. (Choose Firefox→Options→Advanced→Update.)

  • Add the current page to your bookmarks: Press Ctrl+D.

  • Edit your bookmarks: Press Ctrl+Shift+B.

  • Set your browsing preferences: Choose Firefox→Options.

  • Set the current page (or pages) to be your start page: Choose Firefox→Options→General, and select Use Current Pages in the Startup section. If you have multiple tabs open, Firefox remembers them all.

  • Erase cookies or the history of which websites you've viewed: Choose Firefox→Options→Privacy and click Clear Your Recent History (or press Ctrl+Shift+Del).

  • Block pop-up windows: Choose Firefox→Options→Content and make sure that Block Pop-up Windows is selected. Click Exceptions (to its right) to specify sites that can or can’t open pop-ups.




Using Google Chrome to Browse the Internet

Chrome offers all the speed and reliability you have come to expect from a Google product. The following list outlines the main features of Google Chrome:

  • Download Chrome for free from

  • Add the current page to your bookmarks: Press Ctrl+D.

  • Edit your bookmarks: Press Ctrl+Shift+B to display or hide the Bookmarks toolbar. To open the Bookmark Manager, click the Customize and Control icon (the wrench) and choose Bookmarks→Bookmark Manager.

  • Set your browsing preferences: Click the Customize and Control icon and choose Options.

  • Set your start page: Click the Customize icon (the wrench), choose Options, and click Use Current Pages in the On Startup section.

  • Erase cookies or the history of which websites you've viewed: Click the Customize and Control icon, choose Options, click Under the Hood, and click Clear Browsing Data. (Or, press Ctrl+Shift+Del.)

  • Block pop-up windows: Chrome automatically blocks pop-ups.




Using Microsoft's Internet Explorer to Browse the Internet

Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) is the most familiar web browser, because it comes preloaded on most Windows PCs. The following list outlines Internet Explorer's main features:

  • Internet Explorer comes with Windows. Download and install new versions from Beware of Internet Explorer’s many security holes, for which Microsoft issues frequent updates to patch. Check for updates at The current and recommended version as we write this page is IE 9.

  • Add the current page to your favorites: Click the Add to Favorites Bar icon or press Ctrl+D.

  • Edit your favorites: Click the Favorites icon or press Alt+C.

  • Set your browsing preferences: Choose Tools→Internet Options.

  • Set the current page to be your start page: Choose Tools→Internet Options→General, and select Use Current in the Home Page section.

  • Erase the history of which web sites you've viewed: Choose Tools→Safety→Delete Browsing History (or press Ctrl+Shift+Del).

  • Control cookies on your computer: Choose Tools→Internet Options→Privacy, click Advanced, select Override Automatic Cookie Handling, and then set First-party Cookies to Accept and Third-party Cookies to Block.

  • Block pop-up windows: Choose Tools→Pop-Up Blocker.




Using Apple's Safari to Browse the Internet

Safari is the default browser for most Mac users. There’s a free version for Windows, too. Safari works differently than other browsers, but it’s still small and fast.

  • Safari comes supplied on the Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad. You can download the Windows version at

  • Set your browsing preferences: Click the Settings icon (the gear above the right corner of the web page) and choose Preferences, or Press Ctrl+, (comma).

  • Add the current page to your bookmarks: Click the plus-sign icon at the left end of the Address bar.

  • Set your home page: Click the Settings gear icon, choose Preferences, click the General tab, and set New Windows Open With to Home Page.

  • Erase the history of which web sites you've viewed: Click the Settings icon, choose Preferences, click the Privacy tab, and click Remove All Website Data.

  • Control cookies on your computer: Click the Settings icon, choose Preferences, click the Privacy tab, and set the Block Cookies option.

  • Block pop-up windows: Click the Settings icon, choose Preferences, click the Security tab, and click the Block Pop-up Windows check box if it doesn’t contain a checkmark.




Web Browser Plug-Ins You Should Have

Plug-ins are small programs that you install on your computer to view or play some web applications. The following outlines the most common plug-ins you'll need:




Raise Small-Business Capital with Investor Capital

Major capital investors fall into two categories: venture capitalists and angel investors. Venture capitalists are professional investor groups whose major motivation is return on investment. Angels are successful and wealthy entrepreneurs who invest in up-and-coming companies with their money and also with their expertise and guidance.

Both types invest in established companies with proven products, markets, and business models, but angel investors are more willing than venture capitalists to entertain smaller investment requests and to invest at an earlier stage in a company’s life cycle. Whichever approach you decide to pursue, when you’re trying to raise capital through investors, you need to present much of the same information that bankers require — and then some.

Whereas bankers want to know how you’ll repay them, investors want to know when and how they’ll see not only a repayment, but also a sizeable return on their investments.

How does being an established business influence investors when you’re asking for money? Both types will only fund existing businesses with established plans. As you make a proposal to investors, be sure to cover the following points:

  • The amount of funding you’re seeking

  • How you’ll use the funds and what impact the investment will have on your success

  • What return on investment the investors can expect to receive

  • When the investors will get their money back

  • What the investors will receive for their backing (equity in the company, for example, or a role on your board)

  • What reporting you will provide to keep investors informed about how you are spending their money

Investors want to see that your idea will provide a return on their investment. Don’t waste your time or theirs unless you’re certain that your executive summary and business plan can convince them that your business idea is unique and timely with a large and growing market; that you have proven personal leadership abilities; that your management team has strong and relevant expertise; and that your strategy is capable of delivering impressive sales and profit margins.



Tips for Surviving a Kitchen Remodel

After your kitchen is out of commission, you’ll have a better appreciation of just how much time you spend in it and how much you miss having it. Besides the inconvenience, you’ll also find that a sizeable chunk of money will be spent on eating meals out.

Don’t forget to build this expense into your remodeling budget. A family of four can easily spend $20 to $30 on an evening meal, even at a fast-food restaurant. Add in the cost of breakfast and lunch for the same size family and you’re looking at between $75 and $100 a day for meals, so budget accordingly.

Here are a few ideas that will help you make it through mealtimes without breaking the bank:

  • Move appliances into other rooms: Just because your cooktop and oven aren’t available, doesn’t mean you can’t cook at home at least some of the time. The microwave oven and refrigerator can be moved to temporary homes and still be used. Move the microwave into another room to cook foods or heat up leftovers. Although frozen foods may not be five-star cuisine, they’re cheaper than eating out. Just remember not to overload circuits and don’t put both of these appliances on the same circuit — even for the short period of remodeling.

  • Alter your normal eating habits to save money: For example, breakfasts don’t have to include bacon and eggs every morning. Try eating fresh fruit and muffins instead. And when it comes to lunches and snacks, buy things that can be stored without refrigeration or don’t need to be reheated or cooked. Be open to alternatives and willing to adjust your eating habits during the remodeling process. Besides, after your new kitchen’s done, you’ll be able to fix all of your old favorites in the new digs!

  • Ask for help: If family or friends ask what they can do to help, tell them to invite your family over for dinner or to bring in lunch on a couple of days. Feeding the troops is just as important as swinging a hammer or hanging drywall!

If you’re planning a lengthy or involved kitchen remodel, plan a weekend away from everything somewhere near the middle of the project. Go to a hotel or motel for a couple of nights and relax. Take in a movie or see a play; do something other than remodeling! This short break may be the best gift you can give yourself during the project.

Yes, you’ll spend some money, but this hiatus will bring you back rested and energized, ready to finish up the project. If you do build in a mid-project getaway, try to schedule around parts of the projects that may have fumes or odors to deal with, for example, when the cabinet or floor finish is being applied and needs to dry. If you can’t find the time for a mid-project getaway, you may want to reward yourself with a weekend getaway when the project’s completed.



CSS Layout Modification in Adobe CS5 Dreamweaver

Abode Creative Suite 5 (Adobe CS5) Dreamweaver provides multiple ways to change a Cascading Style Sheets page layout. A CSS layout is controlled completely by style sheet rules, so you can modify the look and feel of the page directly from the CSS Styles panel and the Property inspector.

Each column, box, and space on your new page is positioned and sized using CSS rules and properties, all of which you can adjust from either the Property inspector (on the CSS Styles panel) or the CSS Rule Definition panel.

  1. If the CSS Styles panel isn’t already open, choose Window→CSS Styles to open it.

  2. Select the All tab to display the style sheet and its rules.

    The internal style sheet is shown as <style> at the top. Click the arrow to its left to expand it and show all the rules it contains. Layouts using an attached (external) style sheet display the style sheet name (such as styles.css) instead of the <style> tag.

  3. Select the body rule.

    This tag-based style controls the general formatting of the entire page (everything inside the <body> tag).

  4. Click the field next to the background rule to edit it; rather than keep the #4E5869 (medium gray) setting, type a hexadecimal color (such as #CC0000 for red) to change the page’s background color.

  5. Click the swatch next to the color rule to open the Swatches panel; pick a new default type color for the text on your page.

  6. At the top of the CSS Styles panel, select another style (for example, the .twoColElstHdr #container style) to view its properties.

    The .twoColHybLtHdr #container ID style controls the size and appearance of the main layout container on the page.

  7. In the Property inspector, edit the properties to change the appearance of the style.

    For example, you can change the width of the rule by entering a new number in the Width Rule text box. If you enter 95%, for example, you make the entire layout wider.

Each column and section that comprises your layout is controlled by one of the ID styles listed in the CSS Styles panel. Most every ID style features a width property you can use to change the size of different areas on the page.

Continue to modify different styles listed in the CSS Styles panel and see how they affect different elements on your page. Try changing the type color, font family, and other properties, such as padding and background color.

To figure out exactly which ID controls which column or section, click within the page area and look at the tag selector at the bottom of the Document window. The last <div> tag at the end of the chain shows you which container you’re in and its corresponding ID in the CSS Styles panel (for example, <div#mainBox>).



Questions to Ask a Mortgage Loan Modification Expert

When facing home foreclosure, you may want to discuss your options with a loan modification expert. Screen candidates carefully to make sure they have what it takes to successfully modify your mortgage. Always ask the following questions:

  • Are you licensed or certified, and if so, in which profession?

  • How long have you been in business?

  • How long have you been doing loan modifications?

  • How many loan modifications have you handled?

  • Of the total number of cases you’ve taken on, how many resulted in an affordable loan modification?

  • How many successful modifications have you negotiated with my lender?

  • How many clients have you turned away?

  • Who’s going to negotiate on my behalf?

  • Are you an attorney? Will I meet with an attorney?

  • How many hours does an attorney spend on my file?

  • How much do you charge?

  • Do I have to pay upfront?

  • What’s your refund policy?

  • If I reject the lender’s offer because it isn’t affordable or reasonable, do I get a refund?

  • I’m also considering Company XYZ; are you familiar with them?

