Fix Constant Spotify Offline-Mode Problems

If you don’t have an Internet connection, you can still run Spotify in Offline mode if you have a Premium account — you can still access tracks you mark as available in Offline mode. But what if you’re sure you have an Internet connection, but you still get a message in Spotify saying you’re in Offline mode?

Whenever this situation happens — and looking at the support forums, it happens a lot — it’s most likely because of security software blocking Spotify from sending and receiving data across the Internet.

Spotify works by using a peer-to-peer approach; your computer sends and receives tracks and track fragments with other Spotify users. But because this process involves allowing Spotify to access a part of your computer, your firewall — the software that acts like a protective barrier between you and malicious Internet nasties — wrongly thinks that Spotify might pose a threat to your computer.

In order to get around this problem, you need to include Spotify as a trusted resource. How to make this setting varies depending on the firewall you’re using, but it basically involves putting Spotify on your firewall exceptions list.

In Windows 7, your built-in firewall includes a section called Allow a Program or Feature through Windows Firewall. In this section, all your programs are listed, with a check box next to any allowed programs. To allow Spotify through your firewall, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Settings.

  2. Select the check box next to Spotify.

  3. Click OK.

    You may need your administrator name and password to make the changes.

On the Mac, the firewall is accessible in the Security section of your System Preferences. Follow these steps to make changes:

  1. Click the Firewall tab to open it.

  2. Click the lock icon in the bottom-left corner.

    You may need to enter your administrator username and password to continue.

  3. Click Advanced to bring up a firewall security dialog box.

  4. Click the plus symbol (+) below Block All Incoming Connections.

  5. Select Spotify from the Browse dialog box.

  6. Click Add.

In some cases, your workplace or school may have purposely blocked Spotify if it’s against the rules to use such applications on your computer. In that case, you need to contact the IT department (preferably after they’ve had their morning cups of coffee) to ask them very nicely whether they might let Spotify in. The work environment will be so much more productive as a result!

Like the firewall, your antivirus software may, incorrectly, think Spotify is a virus or malicious program. Spotify’s well-known enough now that this problem doesn’t happen if you’re using mainstream antivirus software, but in 2010, this issue did happen for people running Symantec, which manufactures the popular Norton antivirus products.

It wrongly thought that Spotify was a malicious Trojan Horse that could allow hackers to access your PC — an update fixed this confusion, but people who already had Spotify quarantined in their antivirus software had to both uninstall and reinstall Spotify and update that antivirus software.



Important Theories in Criminology: Why People Commit Crime

In criminology, examining why people commit crime is very important in the ongoing debate of how crime should be handled and prevented. Many theories have emerged over the years, and they continue to be explored, individually and in combination, as criminologists seek the best solutions in ultimately reducing types and levels of crime. Here is a broad overview of some key theories:

  • Rational choice theory: People generally act in their self-interest and make decisions to commit crime after weighing the potential risks (including getting caught and punished) against the rewards.

  • Social disorganization theory: A person’s physical and social environments are primarily responsible for the behavioral choices that person makes. In particular, a neighborhood that has fraying social structures is more likely to have high crime rates. Such a neighborhood may have poor schools, vacant and vandalized buildings, high unemployment, and a mix of commercial and residential property.

  • Strain theory: Most people have similar aspirations, but they don’t all have the same opportunities or abilities. When people fail to achieve society’s expectations through approved means such as hard work and delayed gratification, they may attempt to achieve success through crime.

  • Social learning theory: People develop motivation to commit crime and the skills to commit crime through the people they associate with.

  • Social control theory: Most people would commit crime if not for the controls that society places on individuals through institutions such as schools, workplaces, churches, and families.

  • Labeling theory: People in power decide what acts are crimes, and the act of labeling someone a criminal is what makes him a criminal. Once a person is labeled a criminal, society takes away his opportunities, which may ultimately lead to more criminal behavior.

  • Biology, genetics, and evolution: Poor diet, mental illness, bad brain chemistry, and even evolutionary rewards for aggressive criminal conduct have been proposed as explanations for crime.



Add Emoticons to Facebook Status Updates

Emoticons (or Smileys) have been used since the 19th century to punctuate the written word with graphics simulated by characters. On Facebook, users who put emoticons in their status updates add a little sparkle to the News Feed. Print out this table and keep it close at hand.

Facebook Emoticons
Type ThisWhat It Means
>:(Angry, mad
:PSticking tongue out at you
@~)~~~~Give someone a rose
:XLips are sealed



Parkinson&#8217;s Disease Words and Acronyms

Every condition, profession, sport, and what-have-you has its own vocabulary and its own acronyms. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is no different. The following list contains terms and abbreviations that are part of the Parkinson’s world:

  • akinesia: Inability to move spontaneously

  • ataxia: Impaired balance and coordination

  • bradykinesia: Slowed movement

  • carbidopa/levodopa: Medication to relieve PD symptoms

  • dopamine: Acts as one of the brain's messengers to signal movement and maintain balance and coordination

  • dyskinesia: Abnormal involuntary movements

  • PD: Parkinson’s disease

  • PWP: Person (or people) with Parkinson’s disease

  • T.R.A.P.: Acronym for four primary PD symptoms:

    • Tremor: Shaking of limb (usually hand) while at rest

    • Rigidity: Muscle stiffness and resistance to movement

    • Akinesia/bradykinesia: see above

    • Postural instability: See ataxia above



Determining Cell Data Types with Excel 2007's TYPE Function

Excel 2007's TYPE function is an information function that returns the type of value in a cell. Aptly named, this function enables you to build formulas with the IF function that execute one type of behavior when the cell being tested contains a value and another when it contains text. The syntax of the TYPE function is


The value argument of the TYPE function can be any Excel entry: text, number, logical value, or even an Error value or a cell reference that contains such a value. The TYPE function returns the following values, indicating the type of contents:

  • 1 for numbers

  • 2 for text

  • 4 for logical value (TRUE or FALSE)

  • 16 for an error value

  • 64 for an array range or constant

The following formula combines the CELL and TYPE functions nested within an IF function. This formula returns the type of the number formatting used in cell D11 only when the cell contains a value. Otherwise, it assumes that cell D11 contains a text entry, and it evaluates the type of alignment assigned to the text in that cell:


The following formula combines the NOT and TYPE functions and a mathematical operator nested inside an IF function. If the value in cell D11 contains either TRUE or FALSE, the formula returns the opposite value. Otherwise, the formula assumes that D11 contains a numeric value and adds the value in cell C11 to it.


You can't use the TYPE function to determine whether a cell contains a formula, only the data type that the formula returns.



Medical Supplies for Your Cat

Home care can be extremely difficult when a cat is frightened, leading to injuries for both owner and cat. But if you give your cat medical treatment at home, make sure that you have the first-aid supplies in the following list on hand:

Adhesive tapeKwik Stop powder
Benadryl antihistamineScissors
Betadine antisepticSterile gauze, both rolls and pads
Cat restraint bagSyringe with the needle removed, for giving liquid
Cotton swabs, balls, and rollsSyrup of Ipecac
Eye washThermometer
Forceps or tweezersTriple antibiotic cream or ointment
Hydrogen peroxideWater-based lubricating jelly, such as K-Y

If your cat is injured and in pain, it may be easier to put him or her into a carrier and head to the veterinarian.



Teaching Children about Money

As an adult, you need to model good money-management behaviors for children and involve them as much as possible in your decisions about money. Here are some ways you can interact with your children to help instill healthy money-management behavior:

  • Give children specific roles with regard to daily, weekly, and monthly money-management activities. This can include clipping coupons from the Sunday paper, making selections when grocery shopping, and going to the bank and interacting with the teller.

  • Help children discover that compromises are normal. Involve your children in a conversation about compromises regarding money-management decisions. Share the issues and your thoughts with your children and ask for their ideas.

  • Allow your children the opportunity to earn their own money and make their own decisions about what to do with it, with minimal influence on your part. If what they do with their money isn’t dangerous or illegal — regardless of how practical you think it is — allow them to proceed. Having responsibility and autonomy leaves them open to making bad decisions, but they’ll learn invaluable lessons about money management while you’re nearby to provide guidance when necessary.



How To Use Web Shortcuts with NaturallySpeaking

Many of the activities you normally perform on the Internet are supported by new special shortcuts created by Nuance. Take advantage of these shortcuts because you can use them no matter where you are. Check the Command browser to see a complete listing, which includes the following commands:

  • Searching the web: Use Google, Bing, or another search tool to find anything (well, not your misplaced car keys!). For example, say, “Search Google for patio furniture,” and your browser opens the search in Google and displays the results.

  • Searching using specific search categories: These include images, video, news, maps, or products. For example, say, “Search video for fossils.”

  • Searching a specific well-known site: Find exactly what you want at a specific website. Speak the website name, such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Amazon, and eBay, in your command. For example, say, “Search Amazon for Dragon NaturallySpeaking For Dummies.”

  • Searching using a web address: If you want to go to a specific website, say, “Go to address bar” and then say the URL you want to go to, as in “Red Cross dot org.”

View the shortcut options for the web and other commands by choosing Tools→Options→Commands.



The Flip Video Social Networking Register

Can't get enough of your Flip Video? Then get more Flip love by visiting the Flip Community. The Flip Community Web page acts as a virtual portal to jettison you to the latest virtual Flip Video happenings and includes links to Flip-centric Web pages on other sites, including MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter:

And don't miss Do You Flip, which features tons of user submitted videos specially chosen for their fun-with-Flip-ness.



Who Manages Your Hedge Fund?

Many different people work for, with, and around hedge funds. The person who organizes the hedge fund and oversees its investment process is the fund manager — often called the portfolio manager or even PM for short.

The fund manager may make all the investment decisions, handling all the trades and research himself, or he may opt to oversee a staff of people who give him advice. A fund manager who relies on other people to work his magic usually has two important types of employees:

  • Traders: The traders are the people who execute the buy-and-sell decisions. They sit in front of computer screens, connected to other traders all over the world, and they punch in commands and yell in the phones. Traders need to act quickly as news events happen. They have to be alert to the information that comes across their screens, because they’re the people who make things happen with the fund.

  • Analysts: Traders operate in real time, seeing what’s happening in the market and reacting to all occurrences; analysts take a longer view of the world. They crunch the numbers that companies and governments report, ask the necessary questions, and make projections about the future value of securities.

Because big dollars are involved, many hedge fund investors work closely with outside consultants who advise them on their investment decisions, market for accredited investors, and make sure that they’re meeting their investors’ needs.

Staff members who oversee large institutional accounts — like pensions, foundations, or endowments, for example — rely heavily on outside advisors to ensure that they act appropriately, because these types of accounts hinge on the best interests of those who benefit from the money.

Consultants can also help investors make sound investment decisions, ensure that they follow the law, give advice on the proper structure of their portfolios in order to help them meet their investment objectives, and so on.



Vegan Cooking For Dummies

Many assume a vegan diet forces you to avoid lots of ingredients, foods, and favorite recipes. However, stocking your vegan kitchen with some basic ingredients and making simple ingredient substitutions mean you can cook vegan meals easily without sacrificing flavor and excitement.



Ingredients to Avoid on a Vegan Diet

Although most people know vegan diets should avoid dairy- and egg-based ingredients, sometimes other nonvegan ingredients aren’t so easy to spot. To keep your diet vegan, check food labels to avoid these lesser-known animal-based ingredients:

  • Albumen: Made from eggs, milk, and animal blood.

  • Bone char: Derived from animal bone ash. It’s used to process white sugar.

  • Carmine or cochineal: Red pigment made from crushed beetles. It’s found in foods, supplements, and makeup.

  • Casein: A cow’s milk protein.

  • Methionine: Essential amino acids made from eggs or cow’s milk.

  • Pepsin: Made from hogs’ stomachs.

  • Rennet: An enzyme made from calves’ stomachs.

  • Whey: Made from milk.




Basic Ingredients for the Vegan Kitchen

Vegan cooking can seem intimidating, but always keeping a few basic vegan ingredients in your kitchen can bolster your confidence. Stock your kitchen with the following vegan basics so you always have the ingredients for a healthy, cruelty-free meal:

  • Whole- and cracked-grain porridges and boxed cereals

  • Bulk whole grains: Brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, barley, spelt berries, oat groats, kamut, teff, and rye berries

  • Whole-grain pastas in various shapes

  • Whole-grain baking mixes

  • Cornmeal polenta: Bulk, boxed dry, or premade

  • Frozen whole-grain pancakes, waffles, tortillas, and pizza crusts

  • Breads: Whole-grain loaves (sliced, frozen, or locally made fresh), pita bread, tortillas, bagels, rolls, English muffins, baguettes

  • Beans: Adzuki, anasai, black, black-eyed peas, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), cranberry, gigante, great Northern, lima, pinto, mung, navy, and soy

  • Lentils: Brown, green (also known as French), red, or yellow

  • Tofu

  • Tempeh

  • Miso paste

  • Naturally brewed soy sauce

  • Frozen foods: Spinach, peaches, cherries, blueberries, edamame, broccoli, beans, peas, and lentils

  • Nuts: Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and pecans

  • Seeds: Sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, and flax

  • Sea vegetables: Arame, kelp/kombu, dulse, and shakers from Maine Coast Sea Vegetables

  • Boxes or cubes of vegan vegetable stock, sea salt, and black pepper




Making Vegan Substitutions in Nonvegan Recipes

Just because you’ve become vegan doesn’t mean you’re ready to give up Mom’s classic nonvegan recipes. Luckily, you can often make ingredient substitutions to make those recipes vegan-friendly. Try these vegan substitutions in nonvegan recipes:

  • Use crumbled tempeh for ground beef in tacos, burritos, casseroles, pasta sauce, or old chipped beef recipes.

  • Try nutritional yeast flakes instead of Parmesan cheese on top of pasta dishes or air popped popcorn.

  • Cut up seitan to replace chunks of chicken or meat in spaghetti sauce.

  • Try shredded Daiya or Follow Your Heart brand vegan cheese instead of cow’s milk cheese in casseroles, grilled cheese sandwiches, or mac and cheese.

  • Substitute almond, rice, hemp, soy, oat, or other nut milks in place of cow’s milk for baking, cooking, or drinking.

  • Replace one egg in baking with 1/4 cup mashed tofu, 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds simmered with 3 tablespoons of water in a small saucepan until thickened, or 1/3 cup of mashed banana.




How to Undo Online Community Damage

You’re going to be seen as an ineffective online community manager if your community has become a place where the members snipe at one another and don’t respect you or your rules. As your job is a very public one, you can’t afford that hit to your reputation.

If you let a situation get out of hand once, it’s likely to happen again. When the damage is already done, it’s difficult to come in and keep the peace after the fact. It’s sort of like a sheriff coming in to run a town of outlaws.

Still, you can take steps to prevent a bad situation from getting more out of hand, while enforcing the policies and guidelines needed to prevent a similar situation from happening in the future.

Keep your damage control low-key. When you announce that you’re cleaning up the community after the community has been running amok, you only open the door for hecklers and nay-sayers who may tell you that you’re censoring their free speech. (You’re not.)

Also, determine whether to close comments to a discussion. If you do so, do it without fanfare. If community members complain and the complaints are not something you can handle privately, explain to all how the conversation violates your comment policy, and you closed it down in order to prevent it from escalating further out of control.

Don’t allow for arguments as there are certain times when you have to wear your authority hat. You may even need to close the comments on your any announcements (about closing comments) if you don’t think it will go over well. Be honest but not so brutally honest that folks take offense.

It may also be time to reintroduce everyone to your comment policies and community guidelines. First, see whether your guidelines need an update and make any necessary changes. Second, invite your community to read over the guidelines. They don’t need scoldings or smackdowns, as this is very insulting for adults. Simply point them in the right direction.

With the offending discussion topic closed for business and re-established community guidelines in place, you’re now in a better position to keep the peace in the future.



HDTV Insights: Knowing Why Altitude Can Matter with Plasma TVs

Plasma TVs rely on a thin layer of gas (which gets ionized and eventually turns into the picture you see). If you think back to your chemistry classes in high school and college, you might start remembering. You might also recall concepts like the ideal gas law (PV = nRT), which basically says that (all else being equal) the volume of a gas is inversely related to its pressure. This is a nice way of saying that if the atmospheric pressure goes down (as it does at high elevations), a gas expands.

As some folks living in high-altitude cities have discovered, this expanding gas can cause the glass screen in a plasma to bow outward and potentially vibrate and make an annoying noise. If you live some place high (say a mile above sea level or higher), check the manufacturer's specs before buying a plasma set. In response to this, manufacturers have begun to make specific design changes in reaction to this situation and have begun selling plasmas that won't get altitude sickness.

The bottom line is that you might hear stories about plasmas having issues at higher elevations. The altitude or gas issues plasmas have had in the early days have been effectively solved with the latest models.



Using Office XP on Your Pocket PC

Laptop computers continue to drop in price and weight, yet increase in power. Some of the latest laptop computers weigh less than three pounds and have enough memory and processing power to run a full-blown copy of Microsoft Office XP.

But rather than lug a laptop computer around the country, many people are opting for smaller, cheaper, and lighter handheld computers that run a slightly different operating system called PocketPC.

PocketPC comes with a miniature version of Microsoft Office — dubbed Pocket Office — that includes Pocket Word, Pocket Excel, Pocket PowerPoint, and Pocket Access.

These pocket versions of Microsoft Office provide fewer features than the complete Microsoft Office XP suite. But Pocket Office can share data with your Microsoft Office XP programs, making it perfect for taking your data on the road and viewing or editing it on a handheld computer.


So if you travel frequently but dread breaking your back carrying a heavy and expensive laptop computer, consider buying a handheld PocketPC computer and using Pocket Office instead.



Buddhism by the Numbers

Numbers have always played an important role in Buddhism. They help give structure to the teachings and practices of Buddhism.

3 Jewels of Refuge

  • Buddha

  • Dharma (the teachings)

  • Sangha (the Buddhist community)

3 higher trainings

  • Morality

  • Concentration

  • Wisdom

4 noble truths

  • Suffering

  • Cause of suffering

  • Cessation of suffering

  • Eight-fold path to the cessation of suffering

4 marks of Buddha's teachings

  • Compound phenomena are impermanent

  • Ordinary phenomena are unsatisfactory

  • All phenomena are insubstantial (selfless)

  • Nirvana is peace

5 aggregates (skandhas)

  • Form

  • Feeling

  • Recognition

  • (Mental) formations

  • Consciousness

6 Mahayana perfections

  • Generosity (giving)

  • Moral discipline (ethics)

  • Patience

  • Effort, energy

  • Meditative concentration

  • Wisdom

10 Theravada perfections

  • Generosity

  • Moral discipline

  • Patience

  • Effort

  • Meditative concentration

  • Wisdom

  • Renunciation

  • Truthfulness

  • Loving-kindness

  • Equanimity

8-fold path

  • Right view

  • Right intention

  • Right speech

  • Right action

  • Right livelihood

  • Right effort

  • Right mindfulness

  • Right concentration

10 non-virtuous actions

  • Body

    • Killing

    • Stealing

    • Sexual misconduct

  • Speech

    • Lying

    • Divisive speech

    • Harsh speech

    • Idle gossip

  • Mind

    • Craving

    • Aversion

    • Delusion

12 links of dependent arising

  • Ignorance

  • (Mental) formations

  • Consciousness

  • Name and form

  • Six Senses

  • Contact

  • Feeling

  • Craving

  • Grasping

  • Becoming

  • Birth

  • Aging and death



Online Community Comment Etiquette

Commenting also has its own list of unwritten rules. Most regular online community members discover these universal do’s and don’ts after a few months of participation. Some of them are common sense, while others aren’t so easily apparent, especially to newbies:

  • All caps means that you’re yelling.

  • Only post links to your own stuff in signature lines or posts inviting you to do so.

  • Practice respectful disagreement, not personal attacks.

  • Try to post something that adds value to a conversation (“me, too” doesn’t add value).

  • Stay on topic.

  • Ignore trolls.

  • Be brief and don’t turn every comment into your own personal blog post.

  • To avoid redundancy, read previous comments before posting your own.

  • It’s not all about you so avoid making every comment a testimony as to how awesome you are.

  • You’re a guest, so keep this in mind when commenting.

The beautiful thing about commenting etiquette is that it keeps most people in check, which makes your job a lot easier. In the real world, most rules of etiquette are embedded in memories, and people follow them simply because they’re the right thing to do.

The same holds true of commenting etiquette. You don’t often drill these unwritten rules into participants’ heads, but it’s stuff they know and follow anyway. It’s when commenters don’t care to follow the proper etiquette that the community manager steps in.



Discover Italian Wines: The Top Red-Grape Varieties

Twenty-one red grape varieties compose Italy's major varieties for red wine. Four of these are especially important, either for the quality of wine they produce or for their dissemination throughout the country. Explore this "fab four" of Italian red wine and discover a new favorite.


The indigenous Sangiovese (san joe VAE sae) is the most planted red variety in Italy's vineyards. It's the lifeblood of red wine production in the central Italian regions of Tuscany and Umbria; it also grows in several other regions. It is the major grape of Chianti and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, and the only variety in Brunello di Montalcino; many critically acclaimed Super-Tuscan wines also derive largely from Sangiovese. (Super-Tuscans are expensive wines with proprietary and often fanciful names and heavy bottles.) Common blending partners for Sangiovese include the native Canaiolo (can eye OH lo) grape, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot.

Dozens of clones, or subvarieties, of Sangiovese exist, some finer than others. (This variety changes in response to its grapegrowing environment, which accounts for its diversity.) One family, of clones responsible for many of the best Sangiovese wines is called Sangiovese Grosso ("large Sangiovese"). Some Tuscan producers call Sangiovese Grosso "Sangioveto," but this is not an official name.

The characteristics of Sangiovese include only a medium intensity of color, high acidity, firm tannin, and aromas and flavors of cherries and herbs. Most wines made from Sangiovese are lean in structure; they're generally medium-bodied, but some are light-bodied or full-bodied, depending on where the grapes grow. The more serious wines based on Sangiovese are capable of developing forest-floor aromas and a seductive smoothness and harmony with age.


The Nebbiolo (nehb be OH loh) variety is a specialty of the Piedmont region. This native Italian grape makes two of Italy's very greatest red wines, Barolo and Barbaresco, as well as several less exalted wines.

Nebbiolo produces full-bodied, characterful wines that are high in acid and have marked tannin, but generally have only medium color intensity. Nebbiolo's aromas and flavors vary according to the vineyard site, but cover a wide spectrum, from fruity (strawberry) to herbal (mint, camphor, and anise) to earthy (mushrooms, white truffles, and tar) to floral; these aromas can be very vivid and pure. The finest Nebbiolo-based wines take many years to develop and can live for decades; many approachable, young-drinking wines from Nebbiolo also exist. Nebbiolo is usually not blended with other varieties; when it is, Barbera and Bonarda are predictable partners.


Until Sangiovese dethroned Barbera sometime in the past 20 years, Barbera (bar BAE rah) was the most planted red variety in all of Italy. It still grows in many parts of the Italian peninsula, but its finest wines come from Piedmont, Barbera's home turf.

Barbera is a very unusual red variety because it has almost no tannin. It does have deep color and high acidity, as well as spicy and red-fruit aromas and flavors that are vivid in young wines. The combination of high acid, low tannin, and vivid flavor make Barbera wines particularly refreshing. The finest expressions of Barbera are unblended, but many blended wines containing Barbera do exist.


This unsung native variety is the pride of the Campania and Basilicata regions, in Southern Italy, where it makes Taurasi and Aglianico del Vulture (ahl YAHN ee co del VUL too rae), respectively. Aglianico came to Southern Italy from Greece millennia ago, and today grows as far north as Lazio; in the South, it also grows in Molise, Puglia, and Calabria.

At its best, Aglianico makes dark, powerful red wines of high quality. But its production is relatively small, and in many cases the variety is merely part of a blend with other southern varieties. Nevertheless, it is one of Italy's finest red varieties, and has excellent potential.

Other important red varieties

The following 17 red varieties are also quite important in Italy. Here they are in alphabetical order:

  • Cabernet Franc (cab er nay frahnc): This French variety has grown in Italy's northeastern regions for more than a century; today, its use is declining somewhat in favor of Cabernet Sauvignon (with which it is often blended)

  • Cabernet Sauvignon (cab er nay soh vee n'yon):Some Italian wines based on Cabernet Sauvignon show the dark color, firm tannin, and blackcurrant flavors typical of the variety, but many others are lighter in color, body, and tannin, and have vegetal flavors — all indicative of high crop yields and under-ripe grapes.

  • Cannanou (cahn nah NOW):This Sardinian variety is actually Grenache (as it's known in France) or Garnacha (as it's known in its native Spain). In Sardinia, it's the island's main red variety, making light- and/or full-bodied wines as well as rosés.

  • Corvina (cor VEE nah):Most Corvina-based wines have light to medium body, high acidity, medium tannin, and flavors of red cherries. It has great potential as a stand-alone variety for fine wine.

  • Dolcetto (dohl CHET toh): A variety that's quite important in Piedmont, where it's valued not only for its deep color and spicy, berry character, but also for its early-ripening tendency.

  • Lagrein (lah GRYNE):Technically Lagrein Scuro, or Lagrein Dunkel (dark Lagrein),an historic variety in Alto Adige, where it makes perfumed, medium-bodied reds and light roses, as well as some rich, dark, characterful red wines. Lesser clones of Lagrein also exist.

  • Lambrusco (lam BREWS coh):An ancient, native variety that's critical to the health of the wine economy in Emilia-Romagna, thanks to the success of Lambrusco wines in the U.S. This grape has delicious flavors of red fruits and spice, medium tannin, and fairly high acidity.

  • Merlot (mair loh):In Italy, this variety typically makes medium-bodied wines, at best, with medium color intensity and flavors that are vegetal and herbal (symptomatic of overly high crop yields or inappropriately cool climates).

  • Montepulciano (mon tae pull chee AH noh):It produces medium-bodied wines with unusual smoky, red-fruity, and vegetal flavors; these wines range from seriously good to quaffable in quality.

  • Negroamaro (NAE grow ah MAH roh):Literally, "black and bitter,"a native variety that's widely planted in the South, especially Puglia; it makes flavorful, high-alcohol wines.

  • Nero d'Avola (NAE roh DAHV oh lah): This high quality variety — known as Calabrese in its native Calabria — is important mainly in Sicily. It makes deeply colored, age-worthy wines that are full-bodied and moderate in tannin, with heady flavors of ripe fruit and herbs.

  • Pinot Nero (pee noh NAIR oh):This variety is significant throughout northeastern Italy and in Lombardy, in the Northwest, for both still and sparkling wines. Because it's one of the world's major red varieties, winemakers in various other regions, including Piedmont and Tuscany, are trying their hands with it.

  • Primitivo (prim ih TEE voh):Primitivo makes deeply colored wines with spicy, ripe berry character, full body, and high alcohol.

  • Refosco (reh FOES coh): A specialty of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, this variety makes velvety-textured, medium- and full-bodied wines with ripe plum flavors — many of which are quite good.

  • Sagrantino (sag rahn TEE noh):This variety is fairly limited in its production zone, but is responsible for the dark, intense, ageworthy red called Montefalco Sagrantino, from Umbria.

  • Schiava (skee AH vah):The most common variety in Alto Adige, where it generally makes light- to medium-bodied, easy-drinking red wines. German-speaking locals call it Vernatsch. Several sub-varieties exist.

  • Teroldego (teh ROHL dae go):A major, native variety in the Trentino sub-region, in northern Italy, where it produces fresh-tasting, fruity reds with good color; similar to Lagrein.



Quick-Start Home Decorating Tips

You can't wait to get started on your home decorating project, but taking a few minutes beforehand can save you time, money, and aggravation down the road. Use the tips in the following list to ensure that your home decorating projects run smoothly:

  • Fix your budget! Spend no more than what you have.

  • Formulate an action plan. Establish goals. Set priorities. Decide what room or rooms you want finished and in what order. Decorating goes faster when you have a plan.

  • Scope out the job. Create a floor plan using a computer-aided program or draw one by hand on graph paper.

  • Discover your personal style. Are you Contemporary or Traditional? Knowing your style eliminates confusion (and wasted time) by steering you toward the best choices.

  • Shop! Pick stores that stock a large selection for quick delivery or carrying home. Shop by mail. Surf the Internet for information on prices and products from the comfort of your home.

  • Do first things first. Have all carpentry and wiring performed before you cover your walls and floors. Decorate the ceiling, walls, and floor before you bring in furniture.

  • Buy major pieces of furniture first and accessories last.

  • Spice up your decor with accessories galore! Pick pieces with personal meaning.



Optimizing Video-Sharing Sites for SEO

Because search engines can’t directly parse the contents of multimedia, you must take advantage of all opportunities to use your relevant search terms in every video title, description, and ALT tag or any other option you find.

You can often use existing keyword research, meta tags from your website or blog, or optimized text that you’ve already created. For more information on indexing multimedia, see

Take advantage of context and form fields, included on video-sharing sites, to make your videos easier to find. Here’s a list:

  • Title and title meta tag: Try to attract viewers by including relevant search terms in your title and meta tags.

  • Category or directory: Select or name a category that draws your target audience. It never hurts if the label is a keyword.

  • Filename: A name such as video12 doesn’t help with SEO as much as tabby-cats-sing-jingle-bells does.

  • Tag: Use relevant keywords, just as you would with other social media.

  • ALT tag: Use this type of tag for a short description with a search term — for example, guided meditation mandala.

  • Long description meta tag: Try to incorporate four to six search terms, just as you would with the page description meta tag on your website.

  • Content: Surround embedded multimedia elements on any web or social media page with keyword-rich, descriptive content.

  • Transcription: Transcribe and post a short excerpt from a keyword-loaded portion of your video.

  • Anchor text: Use keywords in the text link that opens your multimedia file.

  • RSS and XML: Expand your reach with media RSS and site maps.



How to Figure Out How Much Receiver Power You Need

The amount of power needed for your home-theater receiver depends, in part, on the speakers you choose. Given a certain amount of power, different speakers have different sensitivities, a measure of how loud they are.

The standard measure for speakers' sensitivity is how many decibels the speakers produce with 1 watt of power at 1 meter’s distance from the speaker. A more sensitive speaker requires less amplification to reach the same volume level.

Keep the following factors in mind when deciding how much receiver power you need:

  • Consider the size of your home theater and how loudly you plan on playing your movies and music. If you want to create permanent hearing loss or have a room the size of the Taj Mahal, you might need a receiver that can pump out 150 watts per channel.

  • If you have relatively sensitive speakers and a moderately sized home theater, and you don’t plan on testing the thickness of your window glass with really loud music, a receiver with 70 watts per channel (or less) might do the trick.

  • In general, receivers with about 100 watts per channel (accurately measured) are more than powerful enough in just about any home theater.

Amplifiers (whether separate or in a receiver) make their power by using transistors. In the old days, amplifiers used vacuum tubes — and some really expensive high-end amps still use tubes because some audio enthusiasts prefer their sound.

Inexpensive receivers use an IC (integrated circuit), which provides the power-generating transistors for several audio channels on a single chip. Better receivers have discrete amplifier output transistors — separate transistors for each channel. Typically, you get more power and better sound from a discrete design.



Downloading PayPal Payment History for Your Records

Good recordkeeping is important for an eBay seller. That’s why PayPal allows you to download records of your buying and selling activity, in either a monthly or quarterly format.

To download your records, first log in to PayPal. Then, with the My Account tab selected, choose History→Download History. From there, you can tell PayPal which date range you want information for and what format you want the files in.

Recordkeeping means keeping track of everything: Every penny, sou, farthing, or ruble that you spend or take in. In the United States (and in most other countries), we have a little thing called taxes. We all have to turn in tax returns of several sorts when we run a business — and they’d better be correct. There may come a day when you receive a letter from a State or Federal tax agency asking to take a look at your books. This is simply a nice way of saying the dreaded word, audit.

The best defense against an audit is to have backup records. The more records you have proving your business income and expenses, the less painful your audit will be. One excellent piece of information to have at your fingertips is your PayPal history.

Besides meeting tax-reporting requirements, keeping good records keeps you on top of your business dealings. PayPal helps you with this all-important recordkeeping by providing reports on your buying and selling activity with these features:

  • 24/7 availability: PayPal allows you to customize and download your transaction reports at any time.

    You might want to consider downloading your reports on a monthly or quarterly basis — as well as generating one big report at the end of the year. Or you may want to download the reports to coincide with your state sales-tax payments (for backup documentation) or to keep a record of your monthly totals.

  • Various formats: You can download reports in several formats. The most flexible is a comma-delimited file that you can open and edit in a spreadsheet program, such as Excel or Microsoft Works.



Mastering Common Tasks of Android App Development

Android app development involves many tasks, including designing and building the core of your application; determining user interface components; and, importantly, making your Android app commercially available to the public. This table is a "how-to" for many of the tasks you perform when developing Android apps.

TaskHow to Accomplish
Create string, color, image, audio, and video resourcesIn the Android project look under the class="code">res directory. String and color resources are
placed in the strings.xml file in the
values sub-directory. Images, audio and
video are added in the raw
Create iconsIcons are added in the drawable
directories. Common icons are placed in class="code">res->drawable. Icons for specific screen
resolutions and sizes are placed in the extended class="code">drawable directories; class="code">drawable-hdpi for high-resolution screens,
drawable-mdpi for medium resolution
screens and drawable-ldpi for low-res
Create an activityCreate a Java class for the activity that extends class="code"> Create an entry
for it in the AndroidManifest.xml
Create the user interface for an activityCreate the layout file for each class in the res->layout
directory. Use setContentView(class="code">...) to create and
set the view for the activity. Use class="code">findViewById(...class="code">) to extract the components of the view.
Activity must implement the class="code">onClickListener interface (the class="code">onClick(...class="code">) method).
Create a menu for an activityDefine the menu in the res-menu sub-directory of the project.
Implement the onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu
method and the class="code">onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item).
Add logging to your applicationUse Log.v(class="code">...), class="code">Log.d(...class="code">), Log.i(class="code">...), class="code">Log.w(...class="code">), or Log.e(class="code">...) (verbose, debug,
information, warning, and error, respectively). Parameters to each
of these methods are a string tag and a string message.
Launch a web browser from your appUse:

Intent LaunchBrowserIntent = new
Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, theUri);

Record audio or videoCreate an intent using class="code">android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.RECORD_SOUND_ACTION.
Broadcast the event using the class="code">startActivityForResult(class="code">...). Implement a
protected method onActivityResult(int
requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
to receive the
result as an intent.

For video, use the same code, but with class="code">android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE.
Publish to the Android store.Create a Developer account by clicking on the link at the bottom of the home
page of the Android Market. Sign your application using
File→Export→Android→Export Signed Android
Application. Upload your application from the Developer Console of
the Android Market.



Common Scuba Diving and Snorkeling Hand Signals

Once you get the attention of your scuba diving buddy, usually done by rapping on your tank with a hard object, use these hand signals to communicate the most common messages underwater:




Win-Win Negotiating

You are about to end the negotiation, either by closing a deal or walking away from it. If you are going to close the deal, be sure that the deal is positive for both parties, producing a win-win situation. If you are thinking about walking away, be sure that you aren't overlooking some way to achieve a mutually satisfying outcome. This may be the most valuable moment in the entire negotiation.

In the commonly used sense of the phrase, a win-win negotiation is a deal that satisfies both sides. In an ideal world, a win-win agreement is the only kind of deal that would ever close. Even in today's world, the vast majority of negotiations end in win-win situations.

Win-win negotiating does not mean that you must give up your goals or worry about the other person getting what they want in the negotiation. You have your hands full looking out for your own interests. Let others bear the primary responsibility for achieving their goals. Don't think that you need to ride rough-shod over your opponents. Practice honesty and respect in all your negotiations. But looking out for the other side isn't your job. It's theirs.

Recognizing a good deal

A good deal is one that is fair under all circumstances at the time the agreement is made. It provides for various contingencies before problems arise. A good deal is workable in the real world.

To be sure that you have a good deal and a win-win situation, ask yourself the following questions just before closing:

  • Does the agreement further your personal long-range goals? Does the outcome of the negotiation fit into your vision statement?

  • Does the agreement fall comfortably within the goals and limits that you set for this particular negotiation?

  • Can you perform your side of the agreement to the fullest?

  • Do you intend to meet your commitment?

  • Based on all the information, can the other side perform the agreement to your expectations?

  • Based on what you know, does the other side intend to carry out the terms of the agreement?

In the ideal situation, the answer to all six questions is a resounding yes. If you are unsure about any one of them, take some extra time. Review the entire situation. Assess how the agreement could be changed in order to create a yes answer to each question. Try your best to make the change needed to get a firm yes to each question. Then, close the deal. Don't go for any more changes even if you think that the other person wouldn't mind. You never know!

When you work in a culture other than your own, being sure that you have a win-win solution takes a little extra effort. During a cross-cultural negotiation, be thorough in your investigation of what is and isn't acceptable.


If you can't alter the deal so that you can answer yes to each question, be very thoughtful about closing. If you decide to go forward, write down exactly why you are closing the deal anyway so that you don't become part of that army of people with tales of exploitation. This exercise is particularly helpful to your state of mind if the results don't work out; you have a record as to why you took the deal. You won't be so hard on yourself.

Knowing your counterpart

Remember that the people you are dealing with are more important than the paperwork you draft. Know your counterpart very well before you enter into a long-term relationship. No lawyer can protect you from a crook. Lawyers can just put you in a position to win your lawsuit. People do bad things all the time. Checking out references is one of the most overlooked resources. You can learn a great deal from checking out references, even from the most obviously biased sources.


Some people, especially women, tend to be overly concerned about the other party's welfare in a negotiation, smothering their own goals in the process. When you're engaged in a negotiation, you must allow other people to take care of themselves. You don't have to make things "nice" for everyone. That's not a negotiator's job. Your job as a negotiator is to get what you want. Remaining true to that objective may involve upsetting someone. Part of negotiating well is having the strength to take that risk.



BuddyPress and WordPress MU Support Forums

You must run WordPress MU before you can use BuddyPress. Here is where you can find communities of WordPress and BuddyPress users helping one another with troubleshooting, tips, and advice:

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and running on the platform
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Tuning Into Ten Short, Useful Perl Programs

Some people believe that short programs aren't good for very much, but that's not so with Perl. Just a couple lines of Perl code can go a long way. This article lists some handy teeny, tiny Perl programs.

Collecting unique lines

If your text file has many lines that are duplicates and you only want to see the unique lines, you can collect them into an array (in this case, it's called @Unique) with the following program:

open(IN, "somefile.txt"); @Unique=();
while(<IN>) { unless($i{$_}++) { push(@Unique, $_) } }

The trick here is that $i{$_}++ returns 0 the first time you create a key-value pair with $_ as the key, and some nonzero value after that.

Getting rid of multiple blank lines

Some text files have multiple, consecutive blank lines, which make them hard to read, particularly on small screens. The following program prints a text file, compressing all instances of two or more blank lines into a single blank line.

Note: A blank line can have whitespace characters in it, such as spaces and tabs, but no displayable characters.

open(IN, "somefile.txt"); $PrevBlank = 0;
while(<IN>) {
if(/\S/ or !$PrevBlank) { print $_ }
$PrevBlank = /^\s*$/;

The if statement in the preceding example is true if there are nonblank characters on the line or if the previous line was not blank. The $PrevBlank assignment tells you whether the current line is blank, meaning that it has zero or more whitespace characters and nothing else.

Printing lines from a file in sorted order

It's easy to forget how useful Perl's sort function is. The following program reads the entire file into an array, sorts the array, and prints the result. Short and sweet, and pretty efficient to boot:

open(IN, "somefile.txt");
print sort(<IN>);

Printing a range of lines from a file

Have you ever wanted to read just a few lines from a file, and not the whole thing? The following program prints just a range of lines. You run the program with two arguments: the range you want and the filename. For example, if you name your program "showline" and you want to see lines 10 through 20 of the somefile.txt file, you use this command line:

showline 10-20 somefile.txt

The following program prints a range of lines:

open(IN, $ARGV[1]) or die "Could not read $File.\n";
($Start, $Stop) = split(/-/, $ARGV[0]);
for($i=1; $i<=$Stop; $i += 1)
{ $Line = <IN>; if($i>=$Start) { print $Line } }

Listing just the files in a directory

At times, you may want to ignore the subdirectories in a directory and just focus on the files. You can use the following -f file test to list all the files in a directory:

foreach $f (<*>) { if(-f $f) { print "$f\n" } }

Listing a directory by size

To sort, a directory listing by anything other than its filenames, your program has to keep a list of records consisting of the names and other items in the listing. Hashes are great to use for this kind of list that has records with a key (the filename) and a value (the other directory information). The following program creates a hash that lists the size of each file in the directory and then sorts the items for output. (You can easily modify this program to sort by date instead of by size.)

foreach $f (<*>) { $i{$f} = -s $f };
foreach $k (sort{ $i{$b} <=> $i{$a} } keys %i)
{ printf "%8d %s\n", $i{$k}, $k }

Sorting directories by extension

Sorting by a portion of a filename is a slightly more difficult process than sorting by file size or by the date the file was modified. The following program breaks the filename into two and sorts by the second part. If you're running Perl on a UNIX or Macintosh system, this program works predictably only if the filenames have no period or one period:

foreach $FullName (<*>) {
($Name, $Ext) = split(/\./, $FullName, 2);
push(@Temp, "$Ext\t$FullName");
foreach $Val (sort(@Temp)) {
($Ext, $FullName) = split(/\t/, $Val);
print "$FullName\n";

Creating a simple calculator

Ever needed a simple-to-use calculator to knock off some quick-and-dirty math? The following program uses Perl's eval function to print out the answers to any equation you enter. To end the program, enter a blank line. Here's that program for creating your own calculator:

while(<STDIN>) {
$i = $_; chomp($i); unless($i) { last }
$o = eval($i); print "Answer = $o\n";

When you run the program, you can enter something like the following:

((2**8) + (3**8))

and you get this result:

Answer = 6817

Randomizing a list

In Perl, generating random numbers is easy, but randomizing the order of an array isn't as simple. Nevertheless, you can use the splice function to pull a random element from an array and then place the element in another array. The following program randomizes the list @MyList:

my @TempList = ();
{ push(@TempList, splice(@MyList, rand(@MyList), 1)) }
@MyList = @TempList;

The trick here is that rand(@MyList) picks a number between 0 and the number of elements in @MyList, and splice changes this random number to an integer.

Generating random mnemonic passwords

Trying to convince computer users to come up with passwords that aren't easily guessed is one of the most challenging jobs for a system administrator. People always seem to insist on using their birthdates or pets' names for passwords — breaching security then becomes child's play.

The following program generates random passwords. Instead of a jumble of hard-to-remember letters, however, the passwords are somewhat mnemonic because they appear in pairs of consonants and vowels that are pronounceable. By stringing together a few goofy-sounding syllables, you can generate easy-to-remember nonsense phrases.

Each syllable of the password can represent any one of 100 numbers; therefore, a single four-syllable password, such as votahubo, is one of 100 million (100 to the fourth power) possible passwords the program generates. Having a system administrator assign these passwords provides more security than letting users pick their own, easily guessed passwords:

print "Enter a seed number: "; $s=<STDIN>;
srand($s ^ time);
@c=split(/ */, "bcdfghjklmnprstvwxyz");
@v=split(/ */, "aeiou");
for($i = 1; $i <=4; $i += 1)
{ print $c[int(rand(20))], $v[int(rand(5))] }

The first two lines of this program initialize the seed for the random numbers, and the next two lines create lists containing the 20 consonants (minus q) and 5 vowels of the alphabet. The for loop simply prints the four syllables.



Strategic Planning: How Do You Want to Exit Your Business?

As the founder of the company, the best time to start planning your exit strategy is when your venture is launched. Any number of front-end decisions and strategies can have long-term impact on the operations. No matter whether you consider an outright sale or decide to groom another person to lead the business, think about these critical factors as you start developing your exit strategy:

  • Timing: When is the right time? Timing has an impact on the quantity and quality of buyers. You need to decide when the right time is based on your business life cycle. Ideally, you’ll exit when you’re on the top, not on the downward slide.

  • Value: What’s an objective sale value or price for your company? Business owners are often unpleasantly surprised at the low value an outside entity places on their business. Get an outside valuation so you won’t be surprised when you’re ready to exit.

  • Succession or sale: What’s the appropriate selection process or training sequence to prepare for a smooth transition?

  • Income tax: Uncle Sam’s cut can play a bigger role than you may like. Maximizing value requires reducing income taxes as much as possible. Talk to your CPA about the best way to handle income taxes.

  • Separate self (management) from the investment: How will you separate yourself from the value of the business? You want the investment to stand alone, without your involvement. To do all these things, you need to slowly pass clients, relationships, and responsibility to other employees in your firm.

    Often, business owners have branded their last name into the business name. If that’s true for your business, figure out whether you can eliminate that tie.

  • Purpose beyond business: What are you going to do after the transfer? Don’t wait until after the sale or exit to answer this question. Have a plan for what you’ll do without your current daily activities.

    For some of you, having a plan for after your business is sold may be easy and for others, not so much. Take care of yourself just as you’re taking care of your employees during this time of transition.



Cancer and Your German Shepherd

Cancer occurs frequently in all breeds of dogs, and some breeds are predisposed to certain types of cancer. Unfortunately, the German Shepherd is one of them.

For example, hemangiosarcoma, a malignant cancer of the circulatory system, is seen more often in German Shepherds than in any other breed. No screening tests are available, and the hereditary component, if any, is not known. Most often, hemangiosarcoma occurs as a tumor on the spleen or heart. As the tumor grows, internal bleeding may occur. Affected dogs may suddenly appear disoriented, collapse, and exhibit signs of hypovolemic shock. They may also be extremely thirsty. Perhaps most noticeable, their gums may be almost white.

If the tumor is on the spleen, the spleen can be removed. Not all tumors of the spleen are malignant, so it's a good idea to have a biopsy done and wait for the results before making a decision. If the tumor is malignant, or if it is on the heart, treatment is usually unrewarding. Unfortunately, most dogs with hemangiosarcoma succumb either to its primary effects (internal bleeding that cannot be stopped) or to cancer spread to other organs.

Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) occurs more frequently in large breeds, including the German Shepherd. It develops most often on a long bone of a leg and can sometimes be seen as a lump. More often, the owner first notices the dog limping; osteosarcoma is very painful. Owners face the terrible decision of amputation that must be made quickly, as time is of the essence to prevent the spread to other parts of the body. Dogs adjust to the loss of a limb fairly easily, but factors such as age, weight, arthritis, and other joint problems factor into how well the dog can cope with only three legs. Unfortunately, even with the best therapy, survival time for dogs with osteosarcoma is usually only a few months.

Mammary gland tumors are among the most common cancers in dogs, occurring mostly in females who were not spayed early in life. Spaying after the age of 2 years doesn't impart the protection from mammary cancer that earlier spaying does. Approximately 50 percent of all mammary tumors are malignant. Therapy may include surgical excision and chemotherapy.

Lymphosarcoma is another of the more common cancers in dogs. This cancer affects the blood and lymph systems; symptoms may include swelling of the lymph nodes, especially in the lower neck area and behind the "knees." Chemotherapy can extend the lives of many affected dogs.



Getting to Know Your Pocket PC

So just what is a Pocket PC, anyway? Is it a real PC, and does it really fit into a pocket? Do you look like a propeller-head as soon as you pull it out and start using it? Here are some basics about the Pocket PC to answer some of these types of questions:

  • A Pocket PC is a real computer that's shrunk down into a very small package — typically about five inches high, three inches wide, and three-quarters of an inch deep. So, yes, a Pocket PC actually does fit into a pocket as long as the pocket is average-sized.


  • Although a Pocket PC fits into a pocket, stuffing one into your jeans pocket isn't a good idea. Pocket PCs are, after all, electronic devices that aren't well suited to being sat upon.

  • Pocket PCs are referred to as palm-sized PCs. But because someone else already makes similarly sized PDAs using the Palm brand name, Pocket PCs use the name "Pocket PC" to avoid confusion.


    Pocket PCs and Palm PCs use completely different operating systems (OS), meaning that they can't run each other's programs. Make certain any programs you buy specifically state that they are designed for the Pocket PC.


  • The Pocket PC OS is technically a version of Windows, but this doesn't mean that you can run your favorite Windows-based programs on your Pocket PC. You need special Pocket PC versions of any programs you want to run. But because the Pocket PC OS is based on Windows, at least you won't have to learn new ways of doing things as most of what you know about using Windows-based programs still applies on your Pocket PC. Figure 1 shows an example of the Pocket PC screen when Pocket Word has a document open.


Figure 1: Your Pocket PC runs special versions of some of your favorite Windows programs.

Your Desktop PC's Partner

Even though your Pocket PC is a powerful computer on its own, thinking of your desktop PC and your Pocket PC as partners is probably the better way to go. The two of them make a great team, and each has features that complement the other. It's just a fact that there are some things you simply wouldn't want to do with one or the other. For example:

  • Even though you can type on the onscreen keyboard or even use the handwriting recognition feature to enter data into your Pocket PC, you aren't likely to use either one when you type in your great novel. Your desktop keyboard simply works better when you need to enter a lot of text.

  • On the other hand, your desktop PC or even your notebook PC simply won't fit into a shirt pocket — no matter how big your shirts may be. When you're on the go, your Pocket PC gives you access to your files in a package that is easy to carry along.

Figure 2 shows how you can write notes directly on your Pocket PC's screen. Of course, if your handwriting is really bad, you may end up with some interesting results after you click the Recognize button.


Figure 2: You can enter information using the character recognition feature on your Pocket PC.

What really makes the partnership between your desktop PC and your Pocket PC work is that you can easily share files between the two. In fact, it's very easy to designate certain files or even complete folders that you want to synchronize between your Pocket PC and your desktop PC. Then, whenever the two of them connect, those files are automatically updated. So, if you add a new person to your Pocket PC address list, that person can be added to your desktop's address list without any further effort on your part. Of course, your address list is just one example. You can also synchronize your calendar, your resume, or even your Pokemon collection database. The possibilities are endless.


You can set up partnerships between your Pocket PC and two different desktop PCs, making your Pocket PC a great way to work on the same document on the PC in your office and the one in your home. Having said that, read the following paragraph . . . .


Even though you can partner your Pocket PC with two desktop PCs, you can synchronize your e-mail only with one desktop PC. If you need to have the same e-mail messages on two different desktop PCs, you may want to configure the e-mail program on one of them to leave messages on the server, and then later download those messages on the second PC. Or maybe it would simply be easier to set up a Web-based e-mail account at Hotmail or OperaMail and forward important messages to your second desktop system using the Web mail account.



Camera Settings for Photographing in Mountains

In landscape photography, you need to have the right equipment and the right settings to get fabulous photos. Here are tips for which focal length range will yield great photos of mountain ranges. I also discuss camera settings and other helpful goodies. When you visit a mountain range, set up your camera as follows:

  • Focal length: The focal length you use depends on how close you get to the mountain range. Assuming you’re actually in the mountain range, you’ll use a wide-angle focal length with a 35mm equivalent of 28mm or wider. This range gives you the power to capture a large landscape in one picture.

    When you use a wide-angle focal length, you capture a lot of information in a single photograph — perhaps too much information for your viewer to get a clear idea of what you’re photographing. Make sure you have a definitive center of interest, or something large in the foreground to draw your viewer into the picture.

  • Shooting mode: Use Aperture Priority to control depth of field.

  • Aperture: Choose an aperture with an f-stop value of f/11 to f/16. This gives you a large depth of field. The resulting photograph shows detail from the foreground to as far as the eye can see.

  • ISO setting: Use the lowest ISO setting for the current light conditions that will yield a shutter speed of at least 1/30 of a second when using a lens with a 35mm equivalent focal length of 28mm. If your camera or lens has image stabilization, you can take pictures with a shutter speed as low as 1/15 of a second when using a lens with a 28mm focal length.

    If you’re shooting on a cloudy day, you may have to bump the ISO setting to achieve a shutter speed of 1/30 of a second. Don’t exceed 800 ISO (full-frame camera) or ISO 400 (for cameras with a sensor smaller than a full frame of 35mm film), or you’ll get noisy images.

    If the light gets dim and you don’t have a tripod to steady the camera, open the aperture to f/8.0 and focus two-thirds of the way into the scene. This will yield an acceptable depth of field, and everything in the photograph will be sharp enough to show excellent detail.

  • Tripod: A tripod with a spirit level is an excellent accessory when you’re capturing landscape images. The tripod keeps the camera steady, which is an asset in any lighting scenario. When light conditions conspire against you and yield a shutter speed that is too slow to handhold the camera, the tripod ensures you’ll get a sharp image.

    When using a tripod, use a cable release or remote trigger to actuate the shutter. This prevents a blurry image that can occur from vibration that is transmitted to the camera when you press the shutter button.

    If you use a tripod with a camera or lens that has image stabilization, disable it before mounting your camera on the tripod. Image stabilization can be counter-productive when you have your camera on a tripod.

    In lieu of a cable release, use the camera self-timer and set it for its shortest duration. The vibrations dissipate during the slight delay from the time you press the shutter button to the time the shutter opens.

  • Mirror lock-up: Use this in conjunction with a cable release or self-timer countdown. The mirror locks up when the shutter is actuated. This prevents any vibration from blurring the image when the mirror stops. Check your camera's menu to see if it has the mirror lock-up option.

  • Polarizing filter: A polarizing filter darkens a blue sky, which makes any clouds pop out in sharp relief. Polarizing filters yield the best results when the camera is aimed 90 degrees from the sun.

  • Graduated neutral density filter: This filter is useful when you photograph a mountain scene and the sun is in your picture. The dynamic range of brightness from dark shadows to the radiant sun is more than your camera can capture. A graduated neutral density filter darkens the top of the image, and the image gradually becomes clear in the middle of the filter.

    You can get a round filter that screws into the accessory threads on the front of your lens. However, you have more control if you purchase a square filter and a filter holder. A square filter enables you to precisely align the middle of the filter with the horizon line.

When using a graduated neutral density filter, choose a larger aperture (smaller f-stop value) so that the blend line in the middle of the filter is not noticeable in your image.

