HTML/XHTML Codes for Web Design

If you’re designing Web sites, you’re going to use HTML and/or XHTML — after all, you need to use some type of language so that your Web sites can communicate, right? The table here gives you HTML/XHTML tags and tells you what each does.

<!--...-->Defines a comment
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type
<a>Defines an anchor
<b>Defines bold text, though <strong> is better
<blockquote>Defines a long quotation
<body>Defines the body element
<br>Inserts a single line break
<caption>Defines a table caption
<cite>Defines a citation
<code>Defines computer code text
<div>Defines a section in a document
<em>Defines emphasized text
<font>Deprecated. Defines text font, size, and color
<form>Defines a form
<frame>Defines a frame within a frameset
<frameset>Defines a set of frames
<h1> to <h6>Defines header 1 to header 6
<head>Defines information about the

<hr>Defines a horizontal rule
<html>Defines an HTML document
<i>Defines italic text, though <em> is better
<iframe>Defines an inline subwindow (frame)
<img>Defines an image
<input>Defines an input field
<label>Defines a label for a form control
<li>Defines a list item
<link>Defines a resource reference
<map>Defines an image map
<meta>Defines meta information
<noframes>Defines a noframe section
<noscript>Defines a noscript section
<ol>Defines an ordered list
<p>Defines a paragraph
<pre>Defines preformatted text
<script>Defines a script
<select>Defines a selectable list
<span>Defines a section in a document
<strong>Defines strong text
<style>Defines a style definition
<sub>Defines subscripted text
<sup>Defines superscripted text
<table>Defines a table
<td>Defines a table cell
<textarea>Defines a text area
<th>Defines a table header
<title>Defines the document title
<tr>Defines a table row
<ul>Defines an unordered list



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