Using the Task List in ACT! 2007

The ACT! 2007 Task List gives you a listing of all the activities for all your contacts. Access the list by clicking the Task List icon on the ACT! Nav bar. You can filter the Task List by using different criteria, such as the date range, type, priority, and the users whose activities you want to view.

You can also include a few more activity options by clicking the Options button and opting to add Private, Timeless, Cleared, and/or Outlook activities to the Task List.

Creating a lookup from the Task List

Here's the scenario. You wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to face another new day. You get to the office, view your Task List, and stop dead in your tracks: The length of your Task List is so long that you don't even know where to begin. Consider creating a lookup directly from the Task List. By doing so, you lump all your similar tasks together. By spending the first hour of your day sending out all those faxes and brochures that you promised — and then the next hour returning your phone calls — you can get everything done.

When you break down your tasks into manageable pieces, the Task List becomes less intimidating. Here's how to do it:

1. To open your Task List, click the Task List icon on the ACT! Nav bar.

2. Select the date range of the activities for which you want to create a lookup.

3. Select the activity types in the Types area to indicate the activities that you want to work with.

When you select these options, your Task List hopefully becomes a bit shorter. You can filter your Task List even further by selecting the priority types you'd like to include and making sure that your tasks are the only ones visible in the Task List.

4. Right-click the Task List and select Create Lookup.

ACT! creates a lookup of the selected activities. You can now scroll through your contacts and work on all similar tasks at the same time.

Printing the Task List

As great as ACT! is, it can be useless if you don't have access to a computer or hand-held device. Or maybe you work with a technically challenged co-worker who prefers to have a hard copy of his or her Task List printed on a daily basis. No need to fret; ACT! can easily perform this task for you:

1. Click the Task List icon on the Nav bar.

2. Choose File --> Quick Print Current Window.

The Quick Report dialog box opens.

3. Click OK to print the Task List.



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