How to Edit Facebook’s Spotify Privacy Settings

Facebook allows you to change your privacy settings for Spotify so that you can share as little or as much as you want about your listening habits. Follow these steps to access the Spotify Settings window:

  1. In Facebook, click the down arrow that appears at the top-right.

  2. In the menu that appears, click Privacy Settings.

    The Choose Your Privacy Settings page appears.

  3. In the Apps and Websites section, click Edit Your Settings.

    You’re taken to your privacy settings for Apps, Games, and Websites.

  4. In the Apps You Use section, click the Edit Settings button.

    You’re taken to the App Settings page.

  5. Next to Spotify, click the Edit link.

    The window expands to display a range of information and activity that Spotify is allowed to access.

Limit App settings

You can still have Facebook keep a record of your listening data while hiding the information from certain friends. You can even limit an app so that only you can see its activity. Access the Spotify Settings window and then follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Activity Privacy button and select Customize from the pop-up menu that appears.

    You can select who can see posts and activity from the Spotify app. From the menu, you have a choice between Public, Friends of Friends, Friends, or Customize.

  2. In the Make This Visible to These People or Lists drop-down list, select who can see the app.

    You have a number of choices. Select Only Me if you don’t want anyone but yourself to see your activity, or either the Friends of Friends or the Friends option to give your Facebook circle access. Otherwise, select Specific People or Lists, and then begin typing the names of people with whom you don’t mind sharing your Spotify habits.

  3. (Optional) In the Hide This from These People or Lists text box, enter who can’t see the app.

    If you want to hide the app from specific people (such as that ex-girlfriend you can’t shake off your Friends list), then type her name in this text box.

  4. Click Save Setting.

Choosing to stop publicizing your activity doesn’t mean the end of sharing music from within Facebook. You can still manually post links to playlists and tracks within Facebook.

Limit access to Facebook information

When you first authorize Spotify to connect to Facebook, you have to give Spotify permission to access certain features of your Facebook setup, such as your Timeline and your personal information.

However, if you aren’t keen on Spotify accessing any but your most basic Facebook details (which are necessary to run the service), you can go into Facebook after you add the Spotify app and further edit Spotify’s access settings.

The curious among you, take note: You can even see what kind of personal information Spotify last accessed.

Say that you’re happy to let Spotify post to your Timeline but want to block it from accessing data at any time. To amend this unwanted access, open the Spotify Settings window and then follow these steps:

  1. In the This App Can Also section, next to both the Access Posts in Your News Feed option and the Access Your Data Any Time option, click Remove App.

    The Remove App feature appears as an X next to the option.

  2. (Optional) Next to Last Data Access, click See Details to launch a pop-up window, where you can see what data Spotify accessed on your behalf.

  3. Click Close when you finish.

This technique can be applied to all apps that you have authorized and installed on Facebook; not just Spotify!

Although most people love the Facebook and Spotify integration, some people aren’t happy about having to use Facebook to log into Spotify. You can actually delete all the options in the This App Can Also section, so that all Spotify has on you is your name, e-mail address, and birthday — in other words, the bare minimum that it needs for you to log in.



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