Electronics Projects: How to Create Sound Effects

With creative use of PBASIC commands, you can create some interesting and at times annoying sound effects in your electronics projects. The idea is to use short durations in the FREQUOUT command and use FOR-NEXT loops or some other means to vary the frequency. You can also use PAUSE commands between tones to create beeping or clicking effects.

The best way to learn what kinds of sound effects are possible with the FREQOUT command is to experiment. Use the programs included here as starting points for your own experiments.

This program plays two different beeping sounds when you press one of the pushbuttons. If you press Switch1 (on pin 14), a 5,000 Hz tone beeps twice per second. If you press Switch2 (on pin 10), a 5,000 Hz tone beeps five times per second.

' Sound Program
' Doug Lowe
' July 15, 2011
' This program creates fast and slow beeping sounds.
' A piezo speaker must be connected to pin 0.
' The normally open pushbutton switches must be connect to pins 10 and 14.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
Speaker PIN 0
Switch1 PIN 10
Switch2 PIN 14
Frequency VAR Word
Time VAR Word
IF Switch1 = 1 THEN
FREQOUT Speaker,250, 5000
ELSEIF Switch2 = 1 THEN
FREQOUT Speaker,100, 5000

This next program shows how you can use FREQOUT within a FOR-NEXT loop to create a continuously rising or falling tone, much like a police siren. The program varies the frequency from 3,000 to 5,000 Hz. When you press either of the pushbuttons, the rate at which the pitch rises and falls changes.

The rate at which the pitch rises or falls is governed by a variable named Time. Each time through the FOR-NEXT loop, the program calls a subroutine named GetTime, which checks the status of the pushbutton switches and changes the Time variable if either of the switches is down. That’s how the program changes the rate of the pitch change when the buttons are pressed.

' Siren Effect Program
' Doug Lowe
' July 15, 2011
' This program generates a rising and falling pitch similar to a police siren.
' The rate at which the pitch rises and falls changes if you press either
' of the two pushbuttons.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
Speaker PIN 0
Switch1 PIN 10
Switch2 PIN 14
Frequency VAR Word
Time VAR Word
FOR Frequency = 3000 TO 5000 STEP 15
FREQOUT 0, Time, Frequency
FOR Frequency = 5000 TO 3000 STEP 15
FREQOUT 0, Time, Frequency
Time = 15
IF Switch1 = 1 THEN
Time = 5
IF Switch2 = 1 THEN
Time = 2



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