NaturallySpeaking Tools and When to Use Them

You’re saying, "Let’s dictate, already!" But NaturallySpeaking will never get any better at its job if you don’t use the tools found in the menus of the DragonBar. They help you get the most accuracy from your NaturallySpeaking assistant.

Following are some of the tools that you most likely need:

  • Correction menu box: Use this to educate NaturallySpeaking whenever it makes a recognition error. You may have to use it several times for the same error, but NaturallySpeaking will make the error less often.

    The Correction dialog box also appears in response to the Correct That voice command, the – (minus) key on the numeric keypad, and the Correct That icon on the toolbar. You can also say, “Correct <xyz>,” where “xyz” refers to the words you want to select for correction.

  • Audio Setup Wizard: Run this wizard if NaturallySpeaking seems to be making more errors than it did previously. It adjusts the volume of the microphone input.

  • Vocabulary Editor: Use this tool to add specific words to your vocabulary or to train NaturallySpeaking in your pronunciation. It’s also useful for creating shortcuts in which a single spoken phrase like “my address” causes NaturallySpeaking to type some complex text.

  • Audio training: Use audio tools to tell NaturallySpeaking how you pronounce a particular word or command.

If you often find yourself doing a specific type of function, such as only inputting numbers, consider using one of the Recognition Modes that are available in NaturallySpeaking. To access them, go to the DragonBar and choose Modes from the menu. Then select the one you need. The five available modes are as follows:

  • Normal Mode: This is the default mode. In this mode, the program can discern the difference between commands, words, and numbers.

  • Dictation Mode: In this mode, most of what you say is interpreted as dictation, except for a few standard commands like “New line.”

  • Command Mode: Not surprisingly, this mode will only recognize commands. Use this one if you only want to move around in a document.

  • Numbers Mode: Can you guess this mode’s function? Yep, this one only recognizes numbers. This may be helpful when you are doing your monthly tally of something.

  • Spell Mode: In this mode, you can only spell things out. This can be useful for creating things like a household inventory of serial numbers.



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