Dreamweaver CS4 All-In-One For Dummies

Dreamweaver CS4 helps you create professional, attractive, user-friendly Web sites. Knowing the PC and Mac shortcuts for basic and toggle commands in Dreamweaver CS4 will get you moving quickly and efficiently through this Web-building software.



Dreamweaver CS4 Command Shortcuts

When designing Web pages in Dreamweaver CS4, these shortcut key commands will help get things done a lot faster. Working in Dreamweaver CS4 is more efficient when you use this chart for PC and Mac key combinations and the tasks they perform in Dreamweaver:

To Do This: (Action)Press: (PC Shortcut)Press: (Mac Shortcut)
Create a new documentControl + NCommand + N
Open an existing documentControl + OCommand + O
Save an open documentControl + SCommand + S
Close an open documentControl + WCommand + W
Close all open documentsControl + Shift + WCommand + Shift + W
Quit DreamweaverControl + Q or Alt + F4Command + Q or Opt + F4
UndoControl + Z or Alt + BackspaceOption + Delete
RedoControl + Y or Control + Shift + ZCommand + Y or Command + Shift + Z
CutControl + X or Shift + DeleteCommand + X or Shift + Delete
CopyControl + C or Shift + InsertCommand + C or Shift + Insert
PasteControl + VCommand + V
Paste SpecialControl + Shift + VCommand + Shift + V
Select AllControl + ACommand + A
Find and ReplaceControl + FCommand + F
Open the Preferences PanelControl + UCommand + U
Refresh Design ViewF5F5
Make Selected Text BoldControl + BCommand + B
Make Selected Text ItalicControl + ICommand + I
Apply Paragraph Formatting to Selected TextControl + Shift + PCommand + Shift + P
Apply Heading Formatting (H1-H6) to Selected TextControl + 1 through 6Command + 1 through 6
Add New ParagraphReturnReturn
Add a Line Break <BR>Shift + ReturnShift + Return
Insert a Non-Breaking SpaceCommand + Shift + SpacebarCommand + Shift + Spacebar
Move object or textDrag selection to new locationDrag selection to new location
Copy object or textControl-drag selection to new locationOption-drag selection to new location
Select a wordDouble-clickDouble-click
Select a rowTriple-clickTriple-click
Run a Spell CheckShift + F7Shift + F7
Open the Help WindowF1F1
Zoom InControl + =Command + =
Zoom OutControl + -Command + -
Preview in Primary BrowserF12Option + F12
Preview in Secondary BrowserShift + F12 or Control + F12Command + F12
LiveViewAlt + F11Option + F11




Dreamweaver CS4 Toggle Command Shortcuts

Sometimes you'll need to switch between two settings creating Web sites with Dreamweaver. To do so, you use Dreamweaver toggle commands —via these Mac and PC keyboard shortcuts — to get you back and forth quickly:

Toggle DisplayPC ShortcutMac Shortcut
Visual AidsControl+Shift+ICommand+Shift+I
Page PropertiesControl+JCommand+J




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