Online Community Search-Engine Strategy and Promotional Campaigns

As online community manager, your primary goal is to attract traffic to your community. A good search engine strategy and promotional campaigns can be helpful ways to achieve this goal.

Online community search-engine strategy

Just as you want to have a strategy to attract new members, you want to have a plan to dominate the search engines. The higher you rank in the search engines, the more traffic your content will bring in, and the more your community will grow.

Use your stats to pinpoint the most popular search terms for your community. Knowing what search terms visitors use to find you in the first place will help you understand why they’re coming to your community. If you notice that most searchers are looking for an inexpensive product or service, this information is your cue to create campaigns that attract bargain seekers.

Moreover, knowing what types of content, products, and services people are searching for allows you to create the kinds of products and services that they’ll not only investigate, but also spend money on.

Online community promotional campaigns

When you know a lot about your community, it’s easy to plan campaigns that build both traffic and community. If your stats indicate that the majority of visitors to your community are coming for an educational experience, give them one. Bring in experts to answer questions and give interviews, give webinars, and write how-to articles.

If the majority of your community members are reacting to your offer of free samples, invite them to test more products or offer discounts. If your community members are music lovers, have a song-lyric contest. If it’s summer, invite your members to a virtual picnic, and have them post images of the dishes they’d like to bring.

Your stats enable you to give the people what they want. All the clues into their habits, usages, wants and needs are right there at your fingertips.



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