When you first create a Web page, you need to do a certain amount of setup. Luckily, CoffeeCup enters the necessary HTML tags for you (in contrast to having to type them out yourself in a text editor). CoffeeCup supplies the following necessary tags:
Begin and end HTML: Although your Web page will almost certainly work without them, you really should tell the Internet what protocol your page is made up of. You do this by framing the entire content of your Web page with the <html> and </html> tags at the beginning and end of the page.
Head and body: The Web page is made up of two blocks of information. Head information is processed before anything visible shows up on the Web page (with one exception, next). The head area is surrounded by the <head> and </head> tags. Body information is everything you see on the Web page, including text, links, and more. Right after the closing </head> tag is the opening <body> tag, and the body area is terminated by the </body> tag — the last thing in the HTML file except for the </html> tag.
Page title: The title of a Web page is meant to be descriptive information for different programs that crawl the Web, such as search engines. But some early Web browsers displayed the contents of the title at the top of a Web page, and now it’s noticed by Web users — to the extent that it’s important you get it right. The title is in the head area, and is surrounded by the <title> and </title> tags.
Meta tags: Meta tags are “meta-information”, that is, information about the Web page as a whole. For instance, CoffeeCup automatically inserts the standard information, <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>. Meta tags were once used heavily by search engines, but now are less used or even ignored. The best way to use meta tags is for the information of yourself or others who might look at the HTML code to tell what the page is about; and if the meta tags help a search engine along the way, great.
Comments: Comments are notes to yourself or future Web authors who might look at the HTML. CoffeeCup automatically inserts a few lines of comments, such as the following: <!-- Created with the CoffeeCup HTML Editor 2008 →. You may wish to add comments in the HTML; there’s no way to add them in the Visual Editor.
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