Text Input/Output Functions in the C Language

When you start dealing with variables in C, you'll invariably stumble into the garden of I/O, or input/output. The computer's primary input device is the keyboard, and its primary output device is the monitor, and you need to know how to get C to recognize input and create create output.

Here is a quick summary of the C language text input and output functions that you can use to help read information from the keyboard and push information to the screen.

C Language Text I/O Functions
atof()[numvar = ]atof(string);Converts a floating-point value found in string into a
floating-point number, which can be stored in a variable, class="code">numvar, or used immediately. Requires the
STDLIB.H header file to be included.
atoi()[numvar = atoi](string);Converts an integer value found in string into an integer,
which can be stored in a variable, class="code">numvar, or used immediately. Requires the
STDLIB.H header file to be included.
fflush(stdin)fflush(stdin);Removes characters from the input stream (keyboard).
fpurge(stdin)fpurge(stdin);Removes characters from the input stream (keyboard). This
function must be used in Unix rather than class="code">fflush(stdin).
getchar()[ch = ]getchar();Reads a single character from the keyboard. The character is
displayed and, optionally, stored in the char variable class="code">ch.
gets()gets(string);Reads a string of text from the keyboard (terminated by the
Enter key). The text is stored in the variable class="code">string.
printf()printf("format"[,var[,var...]]);Displays formatted text according to the class="code">format string. Optional values or variables,
var, can be specified to match
placeholders or conversion characters in the format string.
putchar()putchar(ch);Displays the character ch on the
screen, where ch is a single character
(or escape code) in single quotes or the name of a char
puts()puts(string);Displays the text string on the
screen, where string is a literal string
of text (enclosed in double quotes) or the name of a string
scanf()scanf("format",&var);Reads information from the keyboard according to the conversion
character in the format string. The
information is then stored in the variable class="code">var, which must match the type of conversion
character that's used (int, class="code">float, or char, for



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