| next_to_icon
• If you prefer using the more formal salutation as the default setting, choose Tools --> Preferences and click the Salutation Preferences button conveniently located on the General tab.
• Referred By: This field is one of the most commonly overlooked ones in the database. Information entered into this field is used in the Source of Referrals report; failure to enter Referred By information renders the report useless. So what's the big deal? Suppose you're paying for advertising in two newspapers — wouldn't knowing which one attracted the most prospects be nice? If you're attending trade shows or putting a lot of time and effort into your Web site, wouldn't you like to know if your efforts have resulted in any new business? And, if an existing customer is sending you lots of new leads, wouldn't honoring him with a nice ham at Christmas rather than the customary fruitcake be nice?
• User: Notice that several User fields are in the bottom half of the Contact Detail window. These fields hold information that's specific to your business.
• Leave these particular fields blank until you rename them. If you don't, you may end up with various kinds of data entered into one field.
You can always go back and add, change, or delete field data at any time!
6. Don't be alarmed when ACT! automatically formats some of your field data when you enter information.
7. Add your data as uniformly as possible.
8. If necessary, add multiple entries to a field.
Generally, limiting yourself to one item per field is the best practice. From time to time, however, you find a situation in which a contact falls into two categories. For example, JoAnne Chamar might be both a friend and a client. In this situation, you can use the drop-down list to enter more than one item into a field.
To select several criteria to be included in a single field, follow these steps:
• a. Place your cursor in the field.
• b. Check off your desired selections.
• c. Click the desired entries from the Edit List Values dialog box.
• d. Click anywhere outside of the dialog box to close it.
• The various entries appear in the field, separated by a comma.
9. When you fill in the information for each new contact, don't forget to click the various tabs at the bottom of your layout.
You find additional fields lurking on these tabs. The Home Address tab is the place you record personal information about a contact. You might have a few other tabs that you can also choose from.
Different layouts display different tabs. If you change your current layout, you're probably looking at a different set of tabs.
If you forget to click those tabs along the bottom of the Contact Detail window, you just might overlook some of the fields that you need to fill in important information. So, be sure to click those tabs!
10. Save the new contact information.
Theoretically, you don't have to save new contact information; it's saved if you do any of the following:
• Execute any other ACT! command, which includes anything from adding a note or sales opportunity to scheduling an appointment.
• Move on to another record in the database.
• Click the Save button (represented by the small floppy disk icon on the toolbar).
• Press Ctrl+S.
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/adding-new-contacts-in-act-2005.html
Perhaps you sometimes find it hard to tell whether BGP is really working. The key to finding out if the session you configured is established is the show bgp neighbor command. The show bgp neighbor command shows a lot of information, most of which isn’t terribly relevant most of the time, but you do need to focus on a couple of important fields in the output, especially when determining whether a successful connection was established. Here, focus on only the first four lines of output: mike@router1> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 200 Local: AS 100 Type: External State: Established Flags: <ImportEval Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None The basic part of determining whether a peering session is up is to identify the state of the session. In this case, the state is Established, which means the BGP configuration worked. Other possible states include the following: idle: This is the starting point for BGP sessions prior to any messages being exchanged. If you see an idle state, you probably just need to wait until BGP begins sending messages. connect: connect indicates that BGP messages are being exchanged and BGP is waiting for the underlying TCP connection to be established. This state means that things are either in progress or they’ve stalled on the TCP side of things. active: The most misleading of the state names, active does not mean that the BGP session is active; it means that BGP is actively looking for its peer. A common cause for these types of issues is misconfiguration, so check your AS numbers and make sure that they’re configured correctly. OpenSent and OpenConfirm: These are transition states while BGP is negotiating. If you see these states, just enter the show bgp neighbor command a second time and see whether the states have transitioned to Established.
Depending on the state value, you can use the peering information at the top of the output to determine whether the peering address and autonomous system (AS) number are configured correctly. Remember that the BGP configuration on both sides of the peering session must be correct to establish the session correctly, so if you’re having problems, the issue may not reside on your router but with the peer it is trying to connect to. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-determine-that-bgp-is-working-on-a-junos-ne.html
The mouse needs cleaning more than any other part of the computer. Optical mice especially seem to collect junk and hair on the desktop, which causes the mouse pointer to behave erratically on the screen. A good cleaning fixes the problem. To clean an optical mouse, position the mouse pointer on the screen such that, if you accidentally click the mouse, nothing “bad” happens. Even better, disconnect the mouse. Then place the mouse upside down in one hand and use a pair of tweezers in the other hand to remove gunk from the mouse’s optical “eye.” You might also use a blast of air to finish the job. Mechanical mice rely on a rolling ball to detect movement. To clean a mechanical mouse, follow these steps: Roll the mechanical mouse over on its back. Remove the base plate that holds in the mouse’s ball. Remove the mouse ball. Clean the mouse ball by wiping it with a damp cloth. Clean the sensors inside the mouse by using a pair of tweezers and an air can.
Rolling sensors inside the mouse detect movement of the mouse ball. Often, crud wraps itself around the rollers, which you can remove by using tweezers. (Sometimes, an X-Acto knife may be needed to scrape off the gross filth encrusting the rollers.)
You might also consider cleaning out the cavity that the mouse ball occupies, to remove bits of fingernail, potato chip, and hair. Replace the mouse ball.
You can now continue to use the mechanical mouse, which should be more responsive to your input. Yes, a tiny hair can obscure the optical mouse’s ability to properly interpret movement. There’s no way to avoid a dirty mouse. Because mice roll on the desktop, they collect crud as you work. Fortunately, a dirty mouse manifests itself by exhibiting unreliable mouse pointer behavior. So the mouse doesn’t stay dirty undetected.
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-clean-a-mouse.html
Beekeepers use all kinds of fantastic tools, gadgets, and equipment. Quite frankly, part of the fun of beekeeping is putting your hive together and using the paraphernalia that goes with it. The makings for a beehive come in a kit form and are precut to make assembly a breeze. The work is neither difficult, nor does it require too much skill. Some suppliers will even assemble the kits for you. Honey bee hive manufacturers traditionally make their woodenware out of pine and/or cypress. Hardwoods are fine, but too expensive for most hobbyists. A custom mahogany hive, for instance, runs more than $1,000 versus a standard pine and cypress hive for about $150 to $300. Many beehive suppliers offer various grades of components from a commercial budget-grade to a select best quality-grade. Go for the highest quality that your budget allows. Although they may be a little more expensive upfront, quality parts assemble with greater ease, and are far more likely to outlast the budget versions. Any of this stuff is available from beekeeping supply stores. Most of these vendors are now on the Web. Don’t wait until the last minute to order your first startup kit. In the United States, springtime is the beginning of the beekeeping season. If you wait until spring to order your kit, you will likely have to wait to get it (the suppliers become swamped with orders at that time). Ideally it’s best to get all the stuff you need a few months before you plan to start your hive. Many suppliers offer a basic startup kit that takes the guesswork out of what you need to get. These kits often are priced to save a few bucks. Make certain that your kit contains these basic items: Bottom board Lower and upper deep Honey super (shallow or medium) Inner and outer covers Frames and foundation for both deeps and the honey super Hardware to assemble stuff (various size nails, foundations pins, and so on) Veil and gloves Smoker Hive tool
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-order-beehive-kits-and-parts.html
Virtually all Mac OS X applications have their own keyboard shortcuts that perform the same operation as a menu command or toolbar button. Although the mouse might seem the easier path when controlling your Mac, it’s not always the fastest. Those who learn common keyboard shortcuts can zip through a spreadsheet or warp through a complex outline at speeds that no mere rodent-wrangler could ever hope to attain. The most common keyboard shortcuts for the Big X are shown in the following table. Common Mac OS X Snow Leopard Keyboard Shortcuts
Combination Key | Action | Location |
Command+A | Selects all (works in the Finder, too) | Edit menu | Command+C | Copies the highlighted item to the Clipboard | Edit menu | Command+H | Hides the application | Application menu | Command+M | Minimizes the active window to the Dock (works in the Finder, too) | Window menu | Command+O | Opens an existing document, file, or folder (works in the Finder, too) | File menu | Command+P | Prints the current document | File menu | Command+Q | Exits the application | Application menu | Command+V | Pastes the contents of the Clipboard at the current cursor position | Edit menu | Command+X | Cuts the highlighted item to the Clipboard | Edit menu | Command+Z | Reverses the effect of the last action you took | Edit menu | Command+? | Displays the Help system (works in the Finder, too) | Help menu | Command+Tab | Switches between open applications | Finder | Command+Option+M | Minimizes all Finder windows to the Dock | Finder | Command+Option+W | Closes all Finder windows | Finder | dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/mac-os-x-snow-leopard-keyboard-shortcuts0.html
When you start PowerPoint 2007, you might be overwhelmed by all the buttons surrounding the blank center screen. Important parts of the PowerPoint 2007 screen appear below to help you get a better understanding of the window: dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-powerpoint-2007-window.html
Now that you have seen what Twitter looks like, you may be as perplexed as many other business owners who ask, “What in the world would I tweet about?” The list of answers is limited only by your creativity. The best way to find out is to read other tweets, especially from your competitors and some of the leading tweeters, such as @GuyKawasaki. Think about your marketing goals and objectives and the audience you want to reach. Then consider whether tweeting is appropriate for your business to achieve certain goals, such as Improve customer relations. Quickly identify and resolve problems. Enhance brand image. Tweet about community activities or charity participation, for example. Announce special offers and discounts. Distribute Twitter-specific rewards for followers or offers to the general public. Promote events or services. Promote webinars, trade shows, exhibits, training sessions, or tech-support hotlines. Solicit customer input. Ask about new features or product design, or conduct a poll or survey with a tool such as Twtpoll. Publicize your schedule. This task is a perfect use for Twitter if you have a business that moves around, such as a coffee cart. Take orders. The first tweet was a to-go order for a burrito. Link to white papers, e-books, and industry blogs. These links can be on your site or elsewhere. Observe and comment. Think about industry trends, the business climate, economic shifts, new technology, or whatever else interests the audience you’re trying to attract. Consider retweeting other people’s comments as casting bread upon the waters; they’ll come back to you.
For a good example of how a tourism business takes advantage of Twitter to attract guests, see the following illustration. > >
Credit: Courtesy of Three Tree Inn> The tweet stream for Three Tree Inn includes a reply and a retweet.
> dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/deciding-whether-twitter-fits-your-web-marketing-n.html?cid=RSS_DUMMIES2_CONTENT
Leadership and management are two related but distinct sets of behaviors for guiding and supporting people through a project. Project managers must be able to lead and manage to keep team members on track. Here are the differences: Leadership emphasizes defining a vision and encouraging other people to help make that vision a reality; management focuses on creating plans and assessing performance. Leadership focuses on people; management focuses on systems, procedures, and information. Leadership facilitates change; management creates order and predictability.
As you plan your project, explore the why of the project (a leadership issue) to help elicit people’s buy in and commitment. Also explore the what, when, and how (management issues) to develop a feasible approach for successfully achieving the project’s goals. As you organize your project, clarify who will support the different project activities (a management task) and help them get excited about doing so (a leadership task). Throughout the project, continually let people know how the project is progressing, and deal with any problems you encounter along the way (management tasks). Remind people of the project’s benefits, and acknowledge their contributions to the project’s success (leadership tasks). Because personal power is the ability to influence and guide the actions of others, the first step in developing this power is understanding why people choose to do what you ask in the first place. People respond to your requests and directions for many reasons, including the following: Rewards: People do what you ask because they want the benefits you can give them. Examples of rewards include raises and recognition. Punishments: People do what you ask because they don’t want what you can give them. Examples of punishments include poor performance appraisals and undesirable job assignments. Your position: People take your requests more seriously because they feel the project manager should direct team members. You can lose this power if you behave inappropriately, but you have it initially. What you stand for: People do what you ask because they agree with your goals. They know that your requests and actions are attempts to achieve the same results they want to achieve. Who you are: People listen to you because they appreciate and respect who you are, as reflected by your sensitivity, your loyalty to others, your sense of humor, or other positive characteristics of your attitudes and behaviors. Your expertise: People listen to you because they respect the skills and knowledge that you bring to your job. They listen to you because they believe you’re probably right.
You don’t have to be the technical expert on your project to command the respect of your team members and effectively lead your project. But you do have to be an expert in the skills and knowledge that your job demands on the project. Because you’re the project manager, these skills and knowledge include your abilities to plan and control the project, encourage effective communication, encourage a positive and productive work environment, and understand the political environment in your overall organization. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-be-an-effective-project-leader.html
All tracks purchased from Spotify appear on a dedicated Download page, accessible from the Downloads option on the left sidebar. They are also stored in a dedicated Downloads folder — by default, the Music folder in your Windows or Mac Library. You can easily change the location of your downloads in Spotify’s Preferences. From your Downloads folder, you can do what you want with the files — burn them to a CD, put them on an MP3 player that isn’t supported by Spotify syncing, or just back them up to a drive for safekeeping. The MP3 files are encoded at a top-quality bitrate of 320 Kbps (a small proportion of the catalogue, less than 5 percent, is available at 256 Kbps — but even this bitrate should provide more than enough quality in sound). All downloads are DRM-free, meaning the tracks have no copy restrictions (DRM stands for digital rights management, a way for labels to restrict digital tracks from being transferred to many devices). Being DRM-free means you can copy them to all your computers and devices. The download option is particularly useful if you’re a Spotify Free account holder and have either run out of your monthly listening allowance or have frustratingly come to the end of your lifetime five-times-per-track listening limit. Spotify Unlimited or Premium subscribers may not have as much need to download tracks as Free users because they have constant access to a massive library as long as they keep up their subscriptions. But every Spotify subscriber has the option — if you really love an album or playlist, and want to keep it forever, or you want to put together an old-school compilation CD and burn tracks to it, then you can buy the MP3 so that you can do that. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/spotify-download-basics.html
The shares that a commodity master limited partnership (MLP) issues are called units, and investors who own these units are known as unit holders. When you invest in an MLP, you’re essentially investing in a public partnership. This partnership is run by a general partner for his benefit and, more important, for that of the limited partners (which you become when you buy MLP units). General partnerThe main responsibility of the general partner (GP) is running the MLP. The GP isn’t always an individual. In fact, most GPs are actually other corporate entities set up for the specific purpose of running the MLP. These entities are sometimes set up in the form of corporations or limited liability companies (LLCs) and are often owned by an even larger corporation. Limited partnerAlthough the general partner is responsible for managing the MLP, the limited partners bring in the capital that the MLP manages. To become a limited partner in an MLP, all you have to do is purchase units of that MLP on an exchange. After you purchase the MLP units, you are officially a limited partner in that MLP. As a limited partner, you have virtually no say in how the partnership is managed, but you get to participate in the MLP’s cash flow distribution, which is probably the most important reason you want to own MLP units in the first place. When you purchase MLP units, you can make money from two sources: quarterly cash flow distributions and appreciation of the unit price. Because units are publicly traded, they may appreciate in value as the partnership expands and grows over time. In addition, because the MLP is obligated to distribute all available cash back to its unit holders on a quarterly basis, your units generate quarterly income for you as well. As a matter of fact, the MLP yields (the amount of cash distributed back to shareholders) are among the highest of any asset class, with an average yield of 6 percent. Some MLPs actually have yields as high as 10 percent! MLP yields are similar to stock dividends, except that they’re slightly more advantageous, thanks to the favorable tax treatment they enjoy. The biggest drawback of being an LP is that you don’t get to make any decisions about where the partnership is heading. You essentially transfer power to the GP, who makes all operational decisions. However, because certain incentives are built into the MLP agreement, it is in the GP’s own interest to make sure that the MLP generates as much cash flow as possible. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/roles-of-the-partners-in-commodity-master-limited-.html
Before you can begin creating your digital movie spectacular, you need to import the video files from your video camera. And if you want to use the video files with Windows Live Movie Maker, for some reason, Windows 7 requires you to first import them into Windows Live Photo Gallery. Windows Live Photo Gallery and Windows Live Movie Maker don't come installed on Windows 7. You can download them free as part of Windows Live Essentials. Open Windows Live Photo Gallery and connect your digital camcorder to your computer.
Windows 7 should recognize it immediately. If not, try switching the camcorder to playback mode (Some camcorders label that setting as VCR.)
If you're importing video through FireWire (IEEE 1394), you need only connect a single cable between the camcorder and FireWire port. With that one cable, Windows 7 grabs the sound and video and controls the camera. Choose Import From a Camera or Scanner. Choose the icon for your camera in the Import Photos and Videos window. Then click Import. Enter a name for your video.
First, name your incoming video after the event you’ve filmed, be it a vacation, wedding, or visit to a skateboard park. Choose how to import the footage and click Next.
Choose one of the three ways Windows 7 offers to import the video into your Videos library. Import the Entire Video: This option imports all the video on your tape, breaking each shot into a separate segment. (This is usually the best choice) Choose Parts of the Video to Import: When you choose this option, Windows 7 displays a playback window with on-screen controls. Fast forward to the section you want, click the Import button to record your desired snippet, and then click Stop button. Repeat until you’ve gathered the shots you want and then click Finish. Burn the Entire Video to DVD: Choose this to copy your entire unedited video unedited to a DVD. Although it's convenient, this forces your audience to see everything you’ve shot, even the excruciatingly boring bits.
Your computer needs lots of processing power for importing video smoothly. Don’t work with other programs or browse the Web until it’s finished. Click the Start menu, choose All Programs, choose Windows Live, and select Windows Live Movie Maker. Add the videos, pictures, and music you want to include in your video.
The menu in Movie Maker Live offers Add buttons in two sections: Videos and Photos: Click the Add button, select the videos you want from your Videos library, and then click Open. To add photos, repeat the process, selecting items in the Pictures library. Soundtracks: Click the Add button in the Soundtracks section to add any music files.
Windows Live Movie Maker’s right pane will be stocked with all the video, photos, and music you need to assemble your movie.
If you add items to Windows Live Movie Maker’s right pane by mistake, click them and click the Remove button. (That just removes the items from the list, it doesn’t delete the originals.)
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-import-videos-into-windows-live-movie-maker.html
The global marketplace is divided into three types of market: developed, emerging, and frontier. The investable countries of the world are slotted into one of these categories. However, only 75 of the 192 countries of the United Nations are classified as developed or developing. The other 117 nations matter to the world but not necessarily to investors because they’re really small, really poor, or just not open to outside investors. The list of emerging markets isn’t fixed. A country may well move from problems and poverty to frontier- and emerging-market status. It may take a decade or two — it may even take a revolution or the death of a dictator — but it could happen. Don’t you want to be there when it does? Developed marketsIn general, a developed market is one of the 33 nations that belong to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, and shown in the following list. These nations are usually thought of as fully developed countries that have demonstrated a commitment to democracy and a market economy as defined by the countries in North America and Western Europe that set the group up. The participants agree to collect and share information about their economies in order to develop new policies for themselves and to assist in the development of the rest of the world. Australia | Hungary | Poland | Austria | Iceland | Portugal | Belgium | Ireland | Slovak Republic | Canada | Israel | Slovenia | Chile | Italy | South Korea | Czech Republic | Japan | Spain | Denmark | Luxembourg | Sweden | Finland | Mexico | Switzerland | France | Netherlands | Turkey | Germany | New Zealand | United Kingdom | Greece | Norway | United States |
The OECD’s Web site is a great research tool with a wealth of information on the economic state of the developed world. Emerging marketsEmerging markets aren’t quite fully developed but are making efforts toward developing further. These countries have some infrastructure, some stable government systems, strong human capital, and success with economic growth. To be truly emerging, a country’s economic growth should be expanding beyond its borders. It should be producing enough goods that it can export products to other countries, becoming an active participant in global trade. It should have people who can take the jobs that local companies are creating. And it should be open to capital and investments from outside the country, whether by individuals, financial institutions, or multinational corporations. An emerging market needs to have a stock market so that investors can buy and sell securities. One of the simplest ways to tell whether a market is emerging is to see if it appears in a financial index that tracks emerging markets, such as the MSCI Emerging Markets or the MSCI Frontier Markets index. MSCI Barra, one of the larger financial index and data firms, posts lists of emerging countries, which include those in the following list: Brazil | India | Poland | Chile | Indonesia | Russia | China | Malaysia | South Africa | Colombia | Mexico | South Korea | Czech Republic | Morocco | Taiwan | Egypt | Peru | Thailand | Hungary | Philippines | Turkey |
Frontier marketsFrontier markets are a subset of emerging markets. These countries are in the earliest stage of development but do have a stock market and investable securities. Growth can be explosive, and the profit potential is enormous. That means the risk is high, too. If they have potential and if they have securities that investors can trade, though, they’re going to attract attention. These markets have exciting potential and are worth considering if you can handle the risk. The countries in the following list are classified as frontier markets: Argentina | Kenya | Saudi Arabia | Bahrain | Kuwait | Serbia | Botswana | Lebanon | Slovenia | Bulgaria | Lithuania | Sri Lanka | Croatia | Mauritius | Trinidad and Tobago | Estonia | Nigeria | Tunisia | Ghana | Oman | Ukraine | Jamaica | Pakistan | United Arab Emirates | Jordan | Qatar | Vietnam | Kazakhstan | Romania |
| dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/market-categories-and-the-countries-in-them.html
Windows users who have made the switch to Mac OS X have some new mouse clicks, keyboard techniques, and touchpad (trackpad) gestures to learn. Have a look at some top tips for working on a Mac: To right-click when using a single-button mouse, hold down Control and then click. To right-click on a laptop or track pad, click with two fingers resting on the trackpad. Control-click also works. The top row on Mac keyboards is used for special controls, such as audio volume and brightness. To use them as function keys, hold down the Fn key. You can reverse this behavior by choosing System Preferences@@→Keyboard. The Keyboard preferences pane also has a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. Closing an application's last window usually doesn't close the application itself. Apple applications and many third-party Mac applications save your edits automatically while you work and keep track of different versions. To rename a file in a Finder window, click the filename once and then press Return. The filename becomes editable.
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/top-mac-os-x-hints-for-windows-users.html
When you're playing poker in your home or someone else's, the rules of etiquette are mostly commonsense conventions and normal poker protocols. Following are a list of things to do and things to avoid doing during a friendly game at home: Do . . . Be honest: Don't try to short-change the pot or otherwise cheat. Play quickly: No one likes a slow player. Be courteous and friendly: No one likes a whiner or a gloater. Be a good winner: Gloating and making fun of other players is a definite no-no. Be a good loser: We all lose. It happens. But show some class and don't show your temper, swear, or throw cards. Definitely don't insult the other players. Let the other players know if you plan to leave early: It's courteous to let the other players know in advance if you plan to quit early. Bet in sequence: Bet, call, or fold when it's your turn. Acting out of turn can adversely affect another player's hand.
Don't . . . Give a player advice in the middle of a hand even if asked: This is a no-win proposition. Either the player who asked will be upset at you if the advice is wrong or the person who loses against the player will be mad at you. Look at another player's hand, unless you have permission: Some players strongly object to your looking at their hand. Play poker with a guy named "Doyle," "Amarillo Slim," or "Harpo": These guys are too good for your normal home game.
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/poker-etiquette-at-home.html
This hearty gluten-free Tex-Mex corn bread recipe can be served as an entrée. The filling includes ground beef, pork sausage, beans, peppers, and spices as the savory base for a corn bread topping. Be sure to add the cornmeal mixture while the meat filling is very hot. Start baking the bread as soon as it touches the filling ingredients or the bottom will be soggy. Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 55 minutes Yield: 8 servings 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1–2 jalapeño peppers, minced 1 pound lean ground beef 1/2 pound gluten-free pork sausage One 15-ounce can gluten-free refried beans One 15-ounce can kidney beans, rinsed and drained One 8-ounce can tomato sauce 1 cup salsa 2 teaspoons chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1-1/4 cups yellow cornmeal 1/4 cup minus 1 teaspoon (31 grams) brown rice flour 1/3 cup (38 grams) corn flour (masa harina) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 cup sour cream 3/4 cup buttermilk 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Grease a 9-x-13-inch glass baking dish with butter. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, and jalapeño pepper and cook and stir until crisp-tender, about 5 to 6 minutes. Add the ground beef and pork sausage. Cook, stirring with a fork to break up the meat, until the meat is browned, about 6 to 8 minutes.
Drain off the excess fat. Add the refried beans, kidney beans, tomato sauce, salsa, chili powder, cumin, and pepper to the skillet. Stir to combine and bring to a simmer.
Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine the cornmeal, brown rice flour, corn flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a medium bowl, combine the eggs, sour cream, buttermilk, and Parmesan cheese; add to the dry ingredients and mix just until combined. Pour the hot beef mixture into the prepared dish and top with the cornmeal mixture. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes, until the corn bread is light brown and set.
Per serving: Calories 646 (From Fat 193); Fat 21g (Saturated 8g); Cholesterol 96mg; Sodium 1,260mg; Carbohydrate 84g; Dietary Fiber 12g; Protein 29g. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/glutenfree-texmex-corn-bread-bake.html
When you configured Lion Server, the server assistant may have created a master zone with reverse lookup and a machine record for your primary DNS name. A DNS zone is an organization entity that contains different types of records that relate to a domain. You could have a zone that contained IP addresses for servers in the acmehigh.edu domain, such as www.acmehigh.edu and mailserver.acmehigh.edu. A master (primary) zone contains all the records for the zone, and it is the Internet’s authority on that domain. A secondary, or slave, zone contains copies of master zone information that is stored on another server. A DNS zone can contain several types of records. Here are the most common: Machine record, also called Address (A): This basic record holds the IP address for a domain name for a server or service. Canonical name (CNAME), also called an alias: You can use CNAMEs to resolve multiple domain names to one IP address (such as www.abc.com, ourserver.abc.com, and mail183.abc.com). For example, you might have a DNS zone with a CNAME record and an A record, as follows:
www.abc.comclass="code">. | CNAME | ourserver.abc.comclass="code">. | ourserver.abc.comclass="code">. | A | |
In this case, when there is a lookup for www.abc.com, the IP address is returned. (Note that a dot is always used in domain names in DNS records.) Mail exchange (MX) record: This identifies a computer as a mail server. MX records are not created by Server Assistant during installation/configuration. Service (SRV) record: This identifies services that are hosted by one or more servers. It maps requests for the service to an IP address.
To a certain degree, Lion Server automates working with records. Server Admin asks you for information about the computer you’re adding to the zone, and it creates the zone record that resolves to the computer’s IP address. The focus is on the computer rather than the zone records. Server Admin also automatically creates a reverse lookup zone when you create a master zone. A reverse lookup zone supplies a corresponding domain name when an IP address is presented by another computer. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/dns-concepts-for-lion-server.html
If you just love the capabilities that PivotTable reports in Excel and Visio offer, you'll be glad to know that the same capability has come to Microsoft Project 2007 in the form of Visual Reports. Pivot tables enable you to view data from a variety of perspectives beyond the Project standard report capabilities. Pivot tables offer perspectives that are especially useful for data analysis. The Visual Reports feature allows you to select the fields you want to view and to modify your reports on the fly. Looking at what's availableProject offers six categories of Visual Reports, as well as custom reports that you can build yourself. Some are based on timephased data (data distributed over time, such as allocations of resource time or costs), and some aren't. The report categories include - Task Usage: Based on timephased data for tasks, this category of report gives you a peek at information such as cash flow and earned value over time.
- Resource Usage: Based on timephased resource data, these reports include cash flow, resource availability, resource costs, and resource work data.
- Assignment Usage: Also based on timephased data, this category of reports provides information in areas such as baseline versus actual costs and baseline versus actual work.
- Task Summary, Resource Summary, and Assignment Summary: These three categories of reports provide diagram views of a variety of work and cost data. These three categories are not based on timephased data.
Creating a Visual ReportGenerating a Visual Report is simplicity itself; you simply choose a report, decide whether you want to generate it in Excel or Visio, and view or print the report. You need to know a couple of things before you create a Visual Report: To access Visual Reports, you have to have installed .NET Framework 2.0 from Microsoft (a free download) before you installed Project. If you have a version of Excel or Visio that's earlier than 2007, you have to add .NET Programmability support. The Microsoft Office Project page offers more information about both products. Follow these steps to generate a standard Visual Report: 1. Choose Report --> Visual Reports. The Visual Reports dialog box appears. 2. Use the check boxes in the Show Report Templates Created In area to specify whether the report should be shown in Excel or Visio. 3. Click a report to select it. 4. Click the View button. The report is generated in the selected application. You can modify the Visual Reports templates or create your own templates by using the New Template and Edit Template buttons in the Visual Reports dialog box. Editing a template allows you to add or remove fields from it; creating a new template involves specifying the format (Excel or Visio), choosing the data you want to report on, and selecting fields to include. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/creating-a-visual-report-in-microsoft-project-2007.html
If you’re scratching your head trying to figure out the structure of master-limited partnership (MLP) commodity investment firms, don’t worry. Because of regulatory, legal, and corporate reasons, the structures of many MLPs can get pretty convoluted! Here’s an example. Kinder Morgan is one of the largest energy transportation and distribution companies in the United States. The Kinder Morgan family of companies consists of three separate entities, including its successful master-limited partnership (MLP), Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, LP (NYSE: KMP). Kinder Morgan’s MLP is managed by a general partner called Kinder Morgan Management, LLC (NYSE: KMR), which was established to manage the MLP. The Kinder Morgan general partner (GP) is, in turn, owned by an even larger entity: Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE: KMI). So the Kinder Morgan MLP (KMP) is run by the Kinder Morgan general partner (KMR), which is owned by Kinder Morgan, Inc. (KMI). Besides managing the MLP, the GP generally has a financial stake in the MLP itself (usually 2 percent) and is eligible to receive incentive distribution rights (IDRs) based on performance. IDRs are a percentage of the total payout the GP gets to keep after hitting specific targets. Because the raison d’être of the MLP is to distribute cash back to its unit holders, most MLPs include incentives for the GP if and when it distributes certain levels of cash back to the LPs. The distribution rights that an MLP grants the general partners are disclosed in the MLP’s partnership agreement with the GP. Before investing in an MLP, comb through the partnership agreement carefully to understand the incentive rights granted to the GP. This is important because IDRs have a direct impact on how much money you get to keep at the end of the day. The most important piece of information to look for in the partnership agreement is the MLP’s IDR structure. To understand the MLP structure, you need to fully appreciate the degree of autonomy that the GP has in running the MLP. Keep a few points in mind: Limited partners have limited voting rights. LPs have no say in day-to-day operations, which the general partner carries out. The GP often has no fiduciary duty to the LPs. An MLP isn’t required to hold annual meetings for unit holders.
Essentially, when you invest in an MLP, you turn over the keys of the kingdom to the GP. The GP exercises a high degree of control over how the MLP is run, how much cash is distributed back to the unit holders, and the general governance matters relating to the MLP. It’s a good idea to thoroughly investigate the general partner’s track record and historical performance. At the end of the day, you can’t do much if you disagree with what the GP is doing, except sell your units. In this way, an MLP is different than a corporation, where, as a shareholder, you can attend annual meetings, issue proxy statements, and generally exercise a larger degree of control. That said, most GPs do a good job of running MLPs because it’s in their best financial interest to do so. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-organizational-structure-of-mlp-commodity-inve.html
Finding goats to supplement your green lifestyle or to raise as pets isn't difficult. If you're looking for a rare goat breed or have very specific needs, finding the goats you want locally might be a little harder, but take your time and use some of the resources discussed here: Local feed stores: Get acquainted with the proprietors of local feed stores. Often, the owners or clerks at the feed stores know the farmers in the area and are willing to direct customers to them. They also usually have a bulletin board with livestock and farm-related ads, business cards, and flyers — a good place to start in your search for goats. Agriculture papers or thrifties: These publications are a good place to look for goats for sale in your area or a short drive away. Craigslist: Craigslist is a good resource for finding goats locally and often at a competitive price. Just go to the site for your city or a close city and look in the farm and garden sale section. Breeders' Web sites: You can find people who breed the type of goat you want by going directly to their Web sites. Just search for the type of goat you want and the word breeder. You'll find a number of Web sites, usually with pictures, pedigree information, and sales pages. Some breeders also include information on their management practices and helpful hints for raising goats.
Unless you want to pay for shipping, narrow your selections to nearby breeders. Registries and goat clubs: A breed club promotes the breed they're interested in and sometimes sponsors shows. A registry is usually a nonprofit association that keeps a herdbook on goats. When you join, you get a member handbook or contact information for other members who have the type of goat you want.
You may also be able to find a local or regional goat club to join. These clubs often offer a newsletter and sponsor shows. They may also hold conferences to educate goat people and give them a chance to network. County or State Fairs: Your next county or state fair is likely to have a goat exhibit, which is a really good way to find out more about goats, look over some goats, and network with other goat people. Goat exhibitors use the fair as a place to acquaint people with their animals and to market them. Goat shows: In regions with a large goat population — Texas comes to mind — goat shows happen quite frequently. Read the paper and watch the feed store bulletin board ads to find out when a show will occur.
Some areas also have an annual goat day or goat conference. For example, the Northwest Oregon Dairy Goat Association (NWODGA) has an educational goat conference every February. Few goats are sold there, but people network, offer goat products for sale, have a raffle, and often hand out sales brochures.
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/where-to-find-goats-to-buy.html
If you accepted the defaults for page orientation and size, margins, columns, and gutters when you created your InDesign Creative Suite 5 document and then find that you need to change them, you are not alone. Fortunately, InDesign CS5 makes these changes easy. Page orientation and sizeWhen you create a new document, you can set its page orientation and size. If you ever need to change your settings after you’ve created a document, choose File→Document Setup and change the following options, which affect all pages in your document: Page Orientation: Select either Landscape or Portrait. One of the first things you decide on when you create a new document is how to orient the pages. A landscape page is wider than it is tall; a portrait orientation is taller than it is wide. Page Size: Choose from many standardized preset sizes, such as Letter, Legal, and Tabloid. Alternatively, you can set a custom page size for the document. Make sure to properly set the page size so that it fits the kind of paper you need to print on.
You can also use the pages panel to adjust the size of individual pages and make some pages a different size. Margins, columns, and guttersMargins, columns, and gutters help divide a page for layout and confine its dimensions: Margin: The area between the edge of the page and the main printed area. Together, the four margins (top, bottom, left, and right) look like a rectangle around the page’s perimeter. Margins don’t print when you print or export the publication. Column: Divide a page into sections used for laying out text and graphics on a page. A page has at least one column when you start, which is between the margins. You can add column guides, represented by a pair of lines separated by a gutter area. Column guides aren’t printed when you print or export the publication. Gutter: The space between two columns on the page. A gutter prevents columns from running together. You can define the gutter’s width by choosing Object→Text Frame Options.
You can change margins and columns by setting new values in the Margins and Columns dialog box. Choose Layout→Margins and Columns and then modify each individual page. Margins and columns are useful for placing and aligning elements on a page. These guides can have objects snap to them, enabling you to accurately align multiple objects on a page. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/change-layout-settings-in-indesign-cs5.html
JavaScript is still one of the most used programming languages, especially for client-side programming, and the following table offers a summary of the most useful functions and what they do. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/selected-javascript-syntax.html
In Windows Server 2008 if you want to temporarily prevent a user from accessing the network, you can disable his or her account. Then you can enable the account later, when you’re ready to restore the user to full access. Here’s the procedure: Log on as an administrator.
You must have administrator privileges to perform this procedure. Choose Start→Administrative Tools→Active Directory Users and Computers.
The Active Directory Users and Computers management console appears. Click Users in the console tree. In the Details pane, right-click the user that you want to enable or disable. Then choose either Enable Account or Disable Account to enable or disable the user.
dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/network-administration-windows-user-account-enable.html
A trust that makes annual payments to a beneficiary while you’re still alive is an intervivos trust. If you set up a trust to become effective and start making payments after your death, you’ve set up a testamentary trust. Unlike a testamentary trust, an intervivos trust generally doesn’t have to go through probate, but the probate court still has jurisdiction over an intervivos trust if any controversy or problems arise, just as it does for a testamentary trust. If your primary objective in creating a trust is to provide an economic benefit (cash payments, transfer of real property that is currently in your estate, and so on) to specific people or institutions, some type of intervivos trust makes sense. Here are some benefits of an intervivos trust: Payments and other types of property transfers may begin while you’re still alive. You know what your estate is worth and how much is available to fund such a trust. You have a higher degree of control with an intervivos trust than with a testamentary trust. When you set up an intervivos trust, you can initially fund the trust with certain property from your estate, add more property throughout your lifetime, and even make arrangements for additional property to be added to the trust upon your death.
If you aren’t particularly concerned about providing economic benefit to a trust beneficiary while you’re still alive, you can still set up an intervivos trust, or you can hold off on creating the trust until after your death and instead, create a testamentary trust under your will. So how exactly do you set up a testamentary trust if you’re already dead? Actually, you lay the groundwork for a testamentary trust in your will while you’re still alive, which means the following: You include appropriate language to set up a testamentary trust that, just like everything else in your will, doesn’t actually “come alive” until your death. Your will goes through probate and must be in compliance with various will statutes Your testamentary trust also needs to be in compliance because it’s technically part of your will.
Which is better for your estate plan: an intervivos trust or a testamentary trust? It all depends! Intervivos trusts, together with plain old gift giving, are a good way to reduce your estate’s value and reduce or negate the effect of federal estate taxes. On the other hand, suppose that you only want a trust to come alive if you die before a certain age and you want to make provisions for your minor children’s care, education, and so on. You can use a testamentary trust as part of your will. If you live long enough so that your children are no longer minors and are out on their own and don’t need to have money parceled out, you can revise your will and eliminate the testamentary trust provisions. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/trust-fund-payment-plans-intervivos-and-testamenta.html
Doctors have recommended the BRAT diet for years, which helps when a toddler has an upset stomach. With the BRAT diet, you increase your child’s fluid intake and offer foods that naturally help with the problem. Bananas: Bananas reduce stomach acidity and keep your child’s potassium level in check. Potassium helps regulate the body’s blood pressure. Rice: Rice is a quick source of carbs and protein, and it helps when a child has diarrhea. It’s easy to digest and provides energy. Apples or applesauce: Apples are easily digestible (important for already aggravated tummies) and provide a good source of sugar and vitamins, which provide energy for your ailing youngster. Toast: Serve dry toast. It helps provide carbs and often settles the stomach.
When your child is sick, always check with a healthcare professional for advice. dummies Source:http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-use-the-brat-diet-when-your-toddler-is-sick.html