How to Tweet in Ten Minutes a Day for Job Seekers

You may spend way too much time on Twitter to the detriment of other important job-seeking activities. Try the following simple, ten-minute checklist to keep your Twitter activities on task while maximizing your time online. Feel free to modify the list as you see fit.

  1. Respond to any @replies in your Mentions column.

  2. Respond to any DMs (direct messages) in your Messages Inbox.

  3. Write an original tweet and share it with your network.

  4. Read through your timeline and lists, retweet what resonates with you, and @reply to engage in conversation.

  5. Add new, strategic people to your network and add them to an appropriate list.

    Use a Twitter directory and a hashtag search to help.

  6. Occasionally, unfollow people who haven’t followed you back. Likewise, make sure you follow back people who are worth your time.

    Use to analyze your network.

  7. Occasionally, DM strategic people you want to deepen your engagement with.

    Strategic people may be contacts at a company you’re targeting, a key influencer in your industry, or an author you admire.



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