Find Local Plants and Animals for Macro Photography

Walking about and waiting for things to jump out at you is one method to capturing macro and close-up shots of natural subjects, but if you prefer to have more control over your destiny, then there are some ways to ensure you have the specific opportunities you want.

By doing some research in your area, you may find that you can gain access to exotic and interesting subjects for a fee, for example botanical gardens that grant you access to a variety of flowers, plants, and wildlife. You can find these gardens all over the country, and even in metropolitan areas, providing natural macro and close-up opportunities to photographers who are surrounded by urban environments.

One downside to botanical gardens is that you have to go by their hours of operation. This may keep you from getting those shots at dusk or dawn, but make the most out of the situation and get in there as early as possible or try to stay up until the very last minute.

Some other options to look into are whether your area has a butterfly garden, a zoo, or an aquarium, and to see what nature hikes are available to you. Find out whether there are any gardening clubs in your area. The members most likely have a treasure chest of species to photograph and would be happy to receive beautiful close-ups of their prized flowers and plants.

There are certain companies that take in exotic creatures that are unwanted by their previous owners or have been injured in the wild. In some cases these companies will bring the creatures into classrooms to provide a close-up experience with them to the students.

You can hire the company for a similar experience, which enables you to photograph exotic insects, reptiles, spiders, and whatever else they have available in the presence of a knowledgeable handler who informs you of just how close you can get to each creature and how to approach them.

This can be a bit pricey, but it provides a unique opportunity and a great experience. If you know of other photographers in the area, or are a part of a group or class, perhaps you can convince everyone to pitch in and make it a group experience to lighten the cost.

With direct access to these subjects it’s easier to spend quality time getting out-of-the-ordinary shots, and you can even stage shots based on a concept you’ve wanted to try, or a stock photo you’ve been looking to create.



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