Finding Your Customers in Social Media

Social media has complicated the lives of web marketers because customer demographics shift constantly. Currently, search engine results are still more important than social networking sites when it comes to driving traffic to websites, especially among older users. For younger Internet users, social media are much more popular.

However, some studies show rapid growth in the use of social media by older adults and an increasing number of women using Facebook. It’s almost impossible to keep up with these trends, especially as new social channels evolve continuously.

Your best bet is to use Quantcast or Alexa to obtain current demographic data for any social media site that you plan to use.

To organize your findings, build a spreadsheet with rows for each of the marketing methods selected on your checklist. Then create columns for audience, impressions (the number of times an ad is seen), cost per month, venues, and delivery schedule. You can incorporate offline marketing in this spreadsheet or duplicate this arrangement for offline expenses and then add the two together.

The combination of marketing methods you decide to implement is called your marketing mix. When completed, this spreadsheet encapsulates your marketing plan, showing how your marketing mix will achieve the objectives you’ve already established.

If you lose direction, you’ll end up wasting money. After several months, discard the methods that don’t work and put more money into the ones that are successful — or add another method or two. Over time, you’ll develop an optimized, online marketing program that you can monitor and tweak as needed.



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