Latin For Dummies

To get a handle on Latin, you have to study the normal language things like verb conjugations, including those irregular verbs and verb endings. You need to pay attention to noun cases as well, and learn the basic question words and the short words that help you connect your thoughts. And, as you discover more Latin, you come to realize that its contributions to English are evident in words you use every day, so, even though there are no native Latin speakers anymore, the language lives on.



Latin Noun Cases

In Latin, what form a noun takes depends on how it’s being used. You use different forms of a noun if it’s a subject, another if it’s an indirect object. The following table lists noun cases and uses.

Basic Noun CaseUses
Dativeindirect object
Accusativedirect object, place to which, extent of time
Ablativemeans, manner, place where, place from which, time when, time
within which, agent, accompaniment, absolute




Common Irregular Latin Verbs

Like any language, Latin has regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs follow common rules when you conjugate them; irregular verbs follow their own rules. The following table shows some of the most used irregular verbs, their conjugations, and pronunciations:

fero, ferre, tuli, latus (feh-ro, fehr-reh,
tu-lee, lah-tus)
to bear, carry
sum, esse, fui, futurus (sum, ehs-seh, fu-ee,
to be
volo, velle, volui (woh-lo, woh-leh,
to want
nolo, nolle, nolui (no-lo, no-leh,
not to want
malo, malle, malui (mah-lo, mah-leh,
to prefer
eo, ire, ii, iturus (eh-o, ee-reh, ih-ee,
to go




Helpful Latin Verb Endings

In Latin, you don’t always need two words to form a complete sentence. The ending of a verb can provide a pronoun, so the quote attributed to Julius Caesar — "Veni, vidi, vici" — grammatically translates as "I came, I saw, I conquered." The following table shows verb endings and the pronouns they represent:

–o, –r, –m, –i = I–mus, –mur = we
–s, –ris, –isti = you (s.)–tis, –mini = you (pl.)
–t, –tur = he, she, it–nt, –ntur = they




Counting On — and Pronouncing — Roman Numerals

Actual Latin speakers — or more truthfully writers — used Roman numerals instead of the Arabic system English speakers use today. But Roman numerals are still in use, probably most notably in counting Super Bowls and in copyright dates. The following table shows you the basic numbers, the Latin, and the pronunciation:

Roman NumeralLatinEnglish
Iunus (oo-nus)one
IIduo (du-oh)two
IIItres (trays)three
IVquattuor (kwuht-tu-ohr)four
Vquinque (kween-kweh)five
VIsex (sehks)six
VIIseptem (sehp-tehm)seven
VIIIocto (ohk-to)eight
IXnovem (noh-wehm)nine
Xdecem (deh-kehm)ten
Lquinquaginta (kween-kwah-gihn-tah)fifty
Ccentum (kehn-tum)one hundred
Dquingenti (kween-gehn-tee)five hundred
Mmille (mihl-leh)thousand




Useful Little Latin Words

In Latin, as in other languages, little words can mean a lot. How can you make a point without being able to say, “I see your point, but . . .?” The short Latin words in the following table provide some crucial transition words:

et (eht), atque (uht-kweh), ac (ahk), que (kweh)and
sed (sehd)but
autem (ow-tehm)however
aut (owt)or
sive . . . sive (see-weh, see-weh)whether . . . or
neque (neh-kweh), nec (nehk)and not
ita (ee-tuh), sic (seek), tam (tuhm)so
si (see)if
nisi (nih-sih)if . . . not




Latin Question Words

Being able to ask questions is an important part of learning any language. Latin question words are listed in the following table. Use them and you can sound both knowledgeable (not many people can speak Latin) and puzzled (because they are questions after all).

cur? (kur)why?
ubi? (u-bee)where?, when?
quis? (kwihs)who?
quid? (kwihd)what?
quantus? (kwuhn-tus)how great?
quot? (kwot)how many?
qualis? (kwuh-lihs)what kind of? agent, accompaniment, absolute




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