Yoga Relaxation Techniques

Use yoga for relaxation before sleep

If you want to enjoy deep sleep or are experiencing insomnia (but don’t want to count sheep), the following exercise can help you. Many people don’t make it to the end of this relaxation technique without falling asleep.

For this exercise, you need the following props: a bed or other comfortable place to sleep, two pillows, and one or two blankets. Allow five to ten minutes. Follow these steps:

  1. Prepare yourself for sleep and get into bed, lying on your back under the blankets.

    Your legs can be straight or bent at the knees with your feet flat on the mattress.

  2. Place one pillow under your head and have the other one close by.

  3. With your eyes closed, begin to breathe through the nose, making your exhalation twice as long as your inhalation.

    Keep your breathing smooth and effortless. Also, don’t try to direct your breath to any part of your body. Let the 1:2 breathing ratio be effortless, something you can keep up.

  4. Remain on your back for eight breaths, then roll over onto your right side and place the second pillow between your knees.

    Now use the same 1:2 ratio for 16 breaths.

  5. Finally, roll over on to your left side, with the second pillow still between your knees, and use the 1:2 ratio for 32 breaths.



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