How to Get the Most from Your Meditation

To get the most from your meditation practice, you must commit to it. When you start meditating regularly, you can reap myriad benefits — from lower stress and cholesterol to higher levels of satisfaction and happiness. The tips in the following list offer ways to reap the best benefits from meditation:

  • Meditate regularly — preferably every day.

  • Set aside a quiet niche where you can meditate undisturbed.

  • Decide beforehand how long you're going to meditate — and then follow through, no matter how restless or bored you become.

  • Don't sit on a full stomach — wait at least an hour after a meal before meditating.

  • Find a comfortable sitting position — and be sure to gently straighten your spine.

  • Rest your tongue lightly on the roof of your mouth and breathe through your nose.

  • Take a few deep breaths before you start, and consciously relax your body on the exhalation.

  • Drop any expectations about what you're supposed to be achieving or experiencing, and just be, exactly as you are.

  • As much as possible, extend the qualities of mind and heart you develop in your meditation to every area of your life.



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