The Best Twitter Tools and Support Apps

Twitter applications can really make Twitter fun and easy to use and turn it into a great marketing tool. Here’s a list of the top Twitter applications that you can use to help you go about your daily Twitter marketing routine.

  • BeTweeted: BeTweeted allows Twitter users to get involved by sharing companies’ content. The advertisers pay to have their content tweeted, and bloggers can use the tool to subscribers. It’s an interesting tool that could help you build awareness for your product or service but also help you make some money on the side.

  • CoTweet: CoTweet is a Web application that allows you to manage corporate Twitter accounts through a single CoTweet login. This is a great tool for businesses with more than a couple of employees using Twitter at one time. With CoTweet, you can monitor keywords and different trending topics on Twitter, as well as assign tweets and on-duty notifications for your employees. It’s an awesome tool.

  • Digsby: Digsby isn’t a Twitter-based application, but you can still use it to make Twitter a more enjoyable experience. It’s a social-networking tool that alerts you of events, such as when you receive new messages, and it gives you a live newsfeed (like Facebook does) about what your followers (on all networking sites) are up to.

  • monitter: monitter is a great Twitter tool that allows you to monitor the Twitter world for when twitterers use a set of keywords so that you can watch what people are saying about your product, service, or idea.

  • SocialOomph: The value of SocialOomph comes from the ability to automatically find followers, preschedule DMs to your clients, manage multiple accounts, purge DMs from your account, and manage Facebook. SocialOomph is hands down one of the better automation management applications. While it’s not great for managing content, the tool is brilliant at automating processes at Twitter.

  • TrackThis: This application allows you to track shipments of your postal packages. Direct messages are sent directly to your Twitter account to update the status report on your packages.

  • Twimailer: Twimailer is an application that allows you to siphon all that annoying e-mail from Twitter into one main stream account. If you want to organize the e-mail you receive from Twitter, Twimailer is the way to go!

  • TwitHawk: TwitHawk is a real-time targeted marketing engine that allows you to search Twitter on a chosen topic (or keyword) and either autoreplies to that person or generates a list of matches for you to respond or reject. The point of this application is to hit the conversation while it is happening and then follow up. Make sure that you are being sincere when using the tool. Do not spam.

  • Twitoria: You type in your Twitter username and select a length of time from the drop-down list, and Twitoria sorts who you’re following based on how long it’s been since each person tweeted. Use Twitoria if you want to cut down your follower count.

  • TwitPic: TwitPic that allows you to share your favorite pictures on Twitter. For example, you can use TwitPic to introduce your new product to your network of followers.

  • Twitter Toolbar: The Twitter Toolbar is a handy and easy-to-use shortcut/quick-links toolbar that brings Twitter so close, it’s only one click away. With the Twitter Toolbar, you have access to a large variety of highly requested tools and resources. -bapp02

  • TwitterFox: TwitterFox is the Echofon for Firefox (the Web browser) extension that notifies you of your friends’ tweets on Twitter. The Firefox extension adds a tiny icon to the Firefox status bar that notifies you when your friends update their tweets.



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