Metadata Checklist for Creating iPhone Applications

For an iPhone application to function, it needs to check all the boxes for metadata. Follow these rules to make your metadata functional and helpful:

  • Primary language chosen

  • Company name defined

  • SKU number is defined; use UPC if available

  • Application name and description are set

  • Application description is concise but full and views well on the iPhone

  • Primary app category and subcategories chosen

  • Secondary app category and subcategories chosen

  • Copyright and version strings are defined

  • Application URL is defined, valid, and stable

  • Support URL is defined, valid, and stable

  • Support email address is defined, valid, and receives e-mails

  • EULA written and defined (if needed)

  • EULA (if defined) is consistent with iTunes minimum terms and conditions

  • If user must accept EULA, the app asks user within app itself

  • Supported devices selected

  • Game advisories defined

  • Distribution regions chosen

  • Payment information defined on iTunes Connect (Paid Applications contract)

  • Price tier chosen

  • Encryption: US Department of Commerce approval obtained if encryption is used for anything other than authentication



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