A blog, short for Web log, is an online journal. You can use a blog on your business's Web site to make a connection with your business's customers (and potential customers). Blog topics run the gamut, but they almost always have the following features:
Graphically simple and full of short entries, called posts, that are updated frequently and arranged so that newest items appear first
Focus on a single point of view or interest area, and reflect the opinions of the blog author
Informal in tone
Allow users to search story archives
Use RSS or a similar format that allows blog posts to be distributed and shared on other sites with a link back to the originating site
Here are some suggestions for starting a blog on your business's Web site:
Be sure you’re ready to commit to the upkeep of a blog, which involves keeping content fresh and updated daily, or at least weekly.
Be clear about the distinct point of view or interest area your blog will advance. If a blog sounds like it’s full of corporate lingo, it’s basically dead on arrival.
Visit Blogger for free assistance in getting your blog up and running.
Be ready to receive and respond to reader feedback.
Promote your blog through ongoing marketing efforts and by registering it with blog directories.
The best business blogs have posts that don't sound like infomercials, corporate spin, or sales pitches but instead offers insight into the company's particular products or industries or news that relates to these industries. Business blogs can also be used to promote the business's ideas or visions, or simply to offer a quick introduction to the business owner, or his or her expertise in the field. A blog should always be informative and fun, not tedious or dry.
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