PayPal Fee Schedule

If you have a personal PayPal account you use to send or receive money online, you generally pay nothing to manage your account unless you’re converting foreign currency. If you’re a merchant who receives payments through PayPal or have a premier account, you pay a percentage of your receipts to cover the costs — nothing is totally free, right? The following table shows the PayPal fee schedule:

ActivityPersonal AccountPremier or Merchant Account
Opening a PayPal accountFreeFree
Sending moneyFreeFree
Withdrawing funds from your accountWithdrawing to a US bank is free; the fee for withdrawing to an
international bank account varies by country.
Withdrawing to a US bank is free; the fee for withdrawing to an
international bank account varies by country.
Adding funds to your accountFreeFree
Receiving fundsFree$0.01 to $2,999.99: 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction

Merchant Discounts:

$10,000.01 to $100.000 — 2.2% plus $0.30 per

Over $100,000: 1.9% plus $0.30 per transaction
Converting from one currency to another2.5% fee2.5% fee



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