Baby & Toddler Meals For Dummies

You can tap into many resources when it comes to planning meals for your baby or toddler. Babies younger than 2 years old have some special dietary don’ts you need to know about. For recommendations on the types of foods young children should eat, you can consult the food pyramid compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You can make use of suggested shopping lists of perishable and non-perishable foods to keep on hand. And, when your young one is sick, what you feed them can help cure them.



Food Pyramid for Young Children

Gone is the old food pyramid you grew up with, but the new pyramid the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends you use to plan meals for babies and toddlers is a fantastic resource. The following food pyramid for feeding 2- to 8-year-olds offers general guidelines. You can get info tailored to your child’s needs at the USDA’s MyPyramid Web site.


The food pyramid doesn’t include guidelines for babies younger than 2 because their needs change so much.




Foods to Avoid during Baby’s First Year

When it comes to planning meals for your baby, all foods aren’t created equal. Be sure to steer clear of the common problem foods in the following list. They’re the ones that can cause serious allergic and intolerance reactions during the first year of your baby’s life!

Citrus fruitNuts
Cow’s milk and milk productsShellfish




Helpful Foods for Common Childhood Ailments

When your child is sick, follow the advice of your doctor (of course). In addition, you can plan to feed your baby or toddler nourishing meals to promote a speedy recovery. Along with any medicine the doctor may prescribe, consider serving the following foods when your child (over age 1) isn’t feeling well:

  • For a cold: Chicken soup (the old standby)

  • For a fever: Oatmeal and juices

  • For a sore throat: Flavored gelatin and fruit smoothies

  • For a stomachache: Bananas, rice, apples, and toast (dry), also known as the B.R.A.T. diet




Staple Foods for Feeding Your Baby and Toddler

Grocery shopping for the ingredients for healthful meals for your baby or toddler isn’t the easiest task. The following list contains perishable and nonperishable foods you’ll want to have on hand, so you can take care of the essentials in one fell swoop.

Don’t serve the foods with stars to kids under age 1. For two stars, wait until age 2.

Nonperishable foodsNonperishable foodsPerishable foodsPerishable foods
Broth, reduced sodium, chicken or beefOil, olive and vegetableAmerican cheese, slicesMilk, whole (for children age 1 or older)
CheeriosPasta, assortedBread, whole wheatMozzarella cheese sticks (string cheese)
CinnamonPeanut butter**Butter, not margarineMozzarella cheese, shredded
Flour, all purpose and whole wheatPepperCheddar cheese, shreddedParmesan cheese, grated
Fruit, dried (chewy fruits are best, such as dried
Pizza sauceEggsSoy sauce
Honey*RaisinsEnglish muffinsTortillas, wheat or flour
Jelly or jam, low sugarRice cakesFruits, assorted and fresh, including apples, avocados,
bananas, pears, strawberries*, tomatoes
Vegetables, assorted and fresh, including broccoli, carrots,
lettuce, and squash (summer or winter varieties)
Maple syrupRice, brownKetchupYogurt, full fat and varied flavors
Mustard, dry groundRolled oatsMayonnaise, full fat
Nonstick cooking spraySalt

Nuts, assorted* (For peanuts, wait until age 2.)Sunflower seeds




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