Install and Enable Ubercart on Your Drupal Site

Ubercart is a single download composed of a number of modules which facilitates setting up a storefront on your Drupal site. Ubercart also depends on several other modules that must be downloaded and installed. The following goes through the steps to download and install Ubercart and the other modules it requires.

Ubercart works best when users can register for your site automatically. Because you can post a link to a shopping cart in a block on your site, you may want to devote an entire Drupal site to being a store rather than adding Ubercart to your existing site.

In the case of this example, a new Drupal installation at DrupalforDummies Store was created. A link on the main site to the store, and vice versa was made, making the Primary navigation match both sites. The same theme was used on both sites to help with branding.

Getting Ubercart and additional modules

You can install just the minimum necessary modules, or the complete system.

It is recommended that you download and install all the modules for the full system. That way, even if you don't want to use all the features, you can have them available for future enhancements.

For the full installation, you will need the latest Drupal 7 modules from each of these sites:

Installing Ubercart and additional modules

The next task is to install the modules you’ve downloaded. For each module, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click (or Control-click for the Mac) the link to the .tar.gz or .zip file and choose Copy Shortcut (in Internet Explorer) or Copy Link Location (in Firefox).

    The URL has now been saved to your Clipboard.

  2. Using Notepad or another word processor, choose Edit→Paste and paste the URL.

    You will need this URL in a moment.

  3. On your Dashboard menu bar, click the Modules link.

    This opens the Modules page.

  4. Click the Install New Module link.

    The Install form appears.

  5. Copy and paste the URL to your new module in the Install from a URL text box.

  6. Click Install.

    Your module or theme is now installed.

Take a few minutes to look at the documentation about the new module or theme. This documentation is generally available on the page with the download link and may contain detailed help to get the new theme or module up and running.

Your new modules appear on the Modules administration page on your site.

Enabling the basic Ubercart installation

To enable a basic storefront website, follow these steps:

Don't enable all the new modules at once. There's a specific order that Ubercart recommends.

  1. Choose Modules from the Dashboard menu bar.

  2. Under the Core section, select the Path check box.

  3. Under the Ubercart – Core section, select the Cart, Order, Product, and Store check boxes.

  4. Under the Rules section, select the Rules check box.

  5. Under the Other section, select the Entity API and Entity Tokens check boxes.

  6. Click Save Configuration.

Your site has now been configured to allow you to create product listings and take orders.



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