How to Make Sharing Possible in Windows XP

To configure sharing for folders and printers on your Windows XP computer, you must customize the network connection. It’s normally done when you first set up the computer for networking. But it can also be accomplished by following these steps:

  1. Open the Network Connections icon in the Control Panel.

  2. Right-click your computer’s network connection icon.

    You should have only one icon for the main Ethernet connection, though laptop computers will have two — one for the wired and another for the wireless connections. Yes, that means you need to repeat these steps for both types of connection.

  3. Choose Properties from the shortcut menu.

  4. In the connection’s Properties dialog box, ensure that a service titled File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is listed.

    If it is, great. Ensure that a check mark appears by that option (which turns on the option), and you’re done. Skip to Step 10. Otherwise, continue:

  5. Click the Install button to summon the Network Component Type dialog box.

  6. Choose Service.

  7. Click the Add button.

  8. From the list in the Select Network Services dialog box, choose File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click the Close button in the connection’s Properties dialog box.

If you’re prompted to restart the PC after completing these steps, do so. Otherwise, your computer is all set up to share folders and a printer.



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