Excel 2003 for Dummies

Running Excel 2003 is easier when you know the shortcut keys to manage your worksheets and cell entries. The Speech Recognition feature in Excel 2003 lets you enter data, like symbols and punctuation, by dictating specific words and phrases.



Shortcut Keys for Manipulating Worksheets in Excel 2003

Learning keyboard shortcuts will make operating your worksheets easier in Excel 2003. Here are some shortcut keys to basic commands in your Excel worksheets:

Ctrl+Page DownActivate next sheet in the workbook
Ctrl+Page UpActivate previous sheet in the workbook
Shift+Ctrl+Page DownSelect current and next sheet in workbook
Shift+Ctrl+Page UpSelect current and previous sheet in workbook
Shift+F11 or Alt+Shift+F1Insert new sheet in workbook
Alt+OHRRename current sheet (Format→Sheet→Rename
Alt+OHHHide current sheet (Format→Sheet→Hide)
Alt+OHUUnhide current sheet (Format→Sheet→Unhide)
Alt+OHTSelect new color for sheet tab (Format→Sheet→Tab
Alt+EMMove or copy current sheet in workbook or to new workbook
(Edit→Move or Copy Sheet)
Alt+EDDelete current sheet (Edit→Delete)




Shortcut Keys for Editing and Formatting Cell Entries in Excel 2003

Each one of those little squares on a worksheet in Excel 2003 is called a cell and it holds important information. Here are some keyboard shortcut keys that help you organize and correct your cell entries:

Ctrl+1Display Format Cells dialog box
Alt+’ (apostrophe)Display Style dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+~ (tilde)Apply General number format
Ctrl+Shift+$Apply Currency number format with two decimal places and
negative numbers in parentheses
Ctrl+Shift+%Apply Percent number format with no decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+#Apply Date number format with day, month, and year as in
Ctrl+Shift+@Apply Time number format with hour and minute and AM/PM as in
12:05 PM
Ctrl+Shift+!Apply Comma number format with two decimal places
Ctrl+BAdd or remove bold
Ctrl+IAdd or remove italics
Ctrl+UAdd or remove underlining
Ctrl+5Add or remove strikethrough
Ctrl+Shift+&Apply outline border to current range
Ctrl+Shift+_ (underline)Remove outline border from current range
Ctrl+F1Open and close the Task pane at the right side of the workbook
document window
F2Edit current cell entry and position insertion point at the end
of cell contents
Shift+F2Edit comment attached to current cell and position insertion
point in comment box
BackspaceDelete character to left of insertion point when editing cell
DeleteDelete character to right of insertion point when editing cell
entry: otherwise, clear cell entries in current range
EscCancel editing in current cell entry
EnterComplete editing in current cell entry
Ctrl+CCOpen Clipboard Task pane
Ctrl+CCopy cell selection to Clipboard
Ctrl+XCut cell selection to Clipboard
Ctrl+VPaste last copied or cut cells from Clipboard
Ctrl+hyphen (-)Open Delete dialog box to delete cell selection and shift
remaining cells left or up
Ctrl+Shift+plus (+)Open Insert dialog box to insert new cells and shift existing
cells right or down
Ctrl+ZUndo last action
Ctrl+YRedo last action




Dictating to Excel: What to Say for Common Punctuation

The Speech Recognition feature in Excel 2003 dictates a word or phrase you speak into your PC's microphone for common punctuation and symbols. Here are the words to say and what Speech Recognition executes:

Word(s) You SayWhat Speech Recognition Enters
At sign@
Close paren)
Close quote
Dollar sign$
Ellipsis. . .
End quote
Exclamation point!
Greater than>
Less than<
Open paren(
Open quote
Percent sign%
Plus sign+
Question mark?
Single quote




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