What Is Bisexuality?

2 of 9 in Series:
The Essentials of Same-Sex Relationships

Bisexuality is when a person is attracted to members of both sexes. This definition sounds straightforward, but in reality, there are many who doubt bisexuality as a “valid” sexual orientation. Others label themselves as “bi-curious,” meaning that they want to try sex with both sexes but haven’t made up their mind as to their sexual orientation. With such a fuzzy reality, what exactly does bisexuality mean in real life?

There's no doubt that there are people who have sex with both the opposite sex and their own sex. What is open to question is whether this is a permanent state or a transitional one. Now, to people who consider themselves bisexual at any given point in time, it will seem as if this is how they will always feel, and yet research has shown that some bisexuals do end up becoming either heterosexual or homosexual — as determined by how they feel on the inside. (Someone could never have had sex with a person of the same sex, say, but still feel the attraction.)

Being bi-curious is simply a state of exploration. A person who calls himself bi-curious wants to experiment with sexual relations with both sexes, and may even have done so. Such a person does not consider himself a bisexual, but a person who is still determining sexuality as either homosexual or heterosexual — after giving both a try.

Unfortunately, there appears to be some peer pressure with regards to this, so young people are engaging in sexual acts just to be thought of as cool, rather than because they are really unsure of where they stand. Because most experts agree, you should only have sex with someone with whom you share a romantic relationship, and because having sex with multiple partners incurs health risks, the best advice is not to experiment simply out of curiosity.

Just as humans don’t know everything there is to know about homosexuality, people also can’t close the books on bisexuality either. Perhaps one day conclusive research will be done on the remaining open issues so the information will be available to help people to not only understand, but accept others' various sexual orientations.



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