Correcting Your Mistakes with WordPerfect Office 2002

WordPerfect's QuickCorrect feature, which is turned on by default, provides as-you-type error correction. Type a word incorrectly, and WordPerfect fixes it as soon as you hit the spacebar. If you type teh, for example, WordPerfect assumes that you really meant to type the, so the program automatically changes teh to the.It doesn't even bother you with a dialog box, beep, or other whiny complaint — it just goes quietly about its cleanup business.

To access options that control QuickCorrect, choose Tools --> QuickCorrect or press Ctrl+Shift+F1 to display the QuickCorrect dialog box. The Replace Words as You Type option determines whether WordPerfect corrects your spelling as you type, as just described. If the option is selected, as in the figure, your little typing buddy is at your service.

To determine which words need correcting, WordPerfect consults an internal list of commonly misspelled and mistyped words. The list appears in the QuickCorrect dialog box. If you want to add a word to the QuickCorrect list, type the misspelled version in the Replace option box and then type the correct word in the With option box. Then click Add Entry. You can keep adding more words or click OK to exit the dialog box.

If you turn on Correct Other Mis-typed Words When Possible, WordPerfect goes beyond the QuickCorrect list in correcting words. If you type a word that's misspelled according to WordPerfect's spell-checker, the program fixes the word. WordPerfect doesn't make the correction, however, if it finds two or more possible ways to correct the word. If you type thier, for example, no correction is made, because WordPerfect doesn't know whether you meant to type their, thief, tier, or some other variation of those letters.

Overruling unwanted corrections

As helpful as QuickCorrect can be, it can also get in the way sometimes. Suppose that you want to use the word august in its adjectival sense rather than referring to the month — as in, "The king had an august nature." WordPerfect plows right ahead and changes your lowercase august to August.

You can overrule WordPerfect by deleting the word that it's correcting from the QuickCorrect list. Choose Tools --> QuickCorrect to open the QuickCorrect dialog box, select the word in the list on the QuickCorrect tab, and click Delete Entry.

If you want WordPerfect to substitute different text after you type a particular word or set of characters, select the original word in the QuickCorrect list, enter the new replacement text in the With option box, and click the Replace Entry button. (This button becomes available after you click the With option box.) Click OK to make your wish the law of the land.

To turn off QuickCorrect altogether, deselect the two check boxes underneath the word list.

Fixing other flubs on the fly

In addition to fixing typing errors, WordPerfect can make sure that the first letter in a sentence is capitalized, change two uppercase letters in a row into an uppercase letter followed by a lowercase letter (changing THe to The, for example), eliminate double spaces between words, and convert two spaces at the end of a sentence to a single space.

To turn these features on and off, choose Tools --> QuickCorrect or press Ctrl+Shift+F1 to open the QuickCorrect dialog box. Then click the Format-As-You-Go tab to display available options. The sentence-correction options are located in the top half of the dialog box.

Click the Exceptions button to enter words or phrases for which you don't want WordPerfect to automatically capitalize the first letter following a period or other end-of-sentence punctuation. For example, if a product name includes such punctuation — as in CorelDraw! — you may want to enter the product name as an exception.



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