Ask for What You Want for Your Mom Blog

Most blogs are a business of one, which means you’re the only one who can stand up for yourself and go after the things you need in order to make your blog successful. That doesn’t mean you don’t have any support — the folks in the mom-blogging community are extremely supportive of each other.

Part of the problem of not asking for what you want is that you might not know what you want nor know what’s appropriate to ask for. Other times, bloggers undervalue what they offer and sell themselves short.

At the BlogWorld Expo in 2008, a panelist stated that in the corporate and agency world, it’s easier to get approval to spend $20,000 than it is to spend $200 on a campaign. In the world of big players and big budgets, a $200 blogger campaign isn’t perceived as a serious and viable marketing initiative.

The ad execs don’t yet value that blogger’s work as something that could possibly deliver the high-value results they need to deliver for management. It would cost them far more than $200 in hourly wages to manage the project in the first place.

That doesn’t mean you should increase all your rates by 10,000 percent. It means that if you know you can deliver real value to a company or brand — value that will affect its bottom line — then you should charge what you’re worth.

This usually means going way outside your comfort zone. Unfortunately, the very nature of going outside your comfort zone means you’ll be . . . well . . . extremely uncomfortable. But here are some ways you can cope with feeling completely out of your element:

  • Talk it out: The doubting voices in your head sound a lot less valid when voiced.

  • Accept where you are: It’s natural that being outside your comfort zone doesn’t feel good — so feeling scared, insecure, or full of self-doubt doesn’t necessarily mean that something is wrong.

  • Trust yourself: If you really get off track, you’ll know. Really.

  • Remind yourself of the positives: No matter how hard it is to think positively, you really have to just commit to doing that. “Fake it 'Til You Make It” really does work. Also, now would be a really good time to recap your accomplishments to yourself.

  • Don’t give in to your fears: If you’ve gotten this far, you already know that following your fears is a bad move, so don’t start now.

  • Failure is always an option: Nobody ever did anything great without taking a risk. The greatest successes never come on the first try.



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