Input Spreadsheet Data with NaturallySpeaking

Spreadsheets are all about manipulating numbers, so the obvious question is how to get the numbers into the spreadsheet in the first place. The basic idea of how to get a number or date or time (spreadsheets think of dates and times as numbers) into a cell is fairly simple. Here are the steps:

  1. Select the cell.

    You can just say, “Cell C2”

  2. Dictate the number.

    There are no special commands here, so think of NaturallySpeaking as if it were a keyboard. Whatever you want to see in the cell, say it. If, for example, you want the cell to contain the date 5/17/99, say, “Five slash seventeen slash ninety-nine.”

    If you want to see 1.52E+01 in the cell, say, “Spell One point five two Cap E plus zero one.” A good spreadsheet should recognize many formats as numbers.

  3. Move to another cell.

You’ll really enjoy filling in your cells in NaturallySpeaking. Here are some quick ways you can fill in your spreadsheet with the format you need.

To put in the days of the week, pick the cell you want to start in by saying, "Cell <location>.” Then say, “Sunday through Saturday down.” That column where the cell was now shows all the days Sunday through Saturday. You can then “Bold that” or format it in any other way you want.

To put in consecutive numbers, choose your cell, and then say, “One through ten across.” Those numbers will be put in the row you chose.

The same goes for months of the year or any other grouping of numbers or letters. If you have a consecutive sequence, you can use the Through command.



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