Understand Suffixes to Expand Your Vocabulary

The larger your vocabulary is, the faster you can read because you don’t stumble as often on words you don’t know or recognize. When you read words that you’re already familiar with, you read beyond the words for their meanings. In the act of reading, you absorb ideas, thoughts, feelings, and descriptions — not individual words. You see the forest, not the trees.

One way to get a head start on expanding your vocabulary is to be able to recognize and interpret prefixes, roots, and suffixes in words. Many English words are constructed from the same prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Master these affixes (as linguists call them) and you can interpret many words you don’t understand without having to resort to a dictionary.

A suffix appears at the end of a word and gives the word a different inflection or meaning. The following table gives you some common suffixes, plus their meanings and examples of them in action.

Common Suffixes
SuffixMeaningExample words
able (ible)capable ofagreeable, manageable, visible
aderesult of an actionblockade, stockade
ageresult ofspillage, storage, wreckage
al (ial)relating tocategorical, gradual, manual, territorial
algiasicknessmyalgia, neuralgia, nostalgia
annative of or toAmerican, artisan, Cartesian
ance (ence)stateassistance, defiance, independence,
ancy (ency)capacityagency, vacancy, transparency
ateofficecandidate, graduate, potentate
ationstatematriculation, specialization
cianhaving a skillmagician, physician
cyactioninfancy, privacy, prophecy
domqualityfreedom, kingdom, wisdom
eeperson receiving actionnominee, refugee, employee
enmade ofmolten, silken, waxen
ercomparativebrighter, happier, tougher
er (or)doerboxer, collector, lover, professor
escenein processadolescence, obsolescence
esenative ofChinese, Japanese
esis (osis)in processhypnosis, neurosis, mimesis
estsuperlativecleanest, fastest, happiest
et (ette)smallanklet, baguette
ficcausinghorrific, terrific
foldmanner ofmanifold, tenfold
fulfull ofbountiful, fanciful, mindful
fymakingdeify, indemnify, simplify
hoodconditionadulthood, childhood, manhood
ianone who ispedestrian, equestrian
iatryhealingpodiatry, psychiatry
icquality ofacidic, metallic, monolithic
icarts, sciencesarithmetic, economics
iceconditionjustice, malice
ilequalitydomicile, juvenile, projectile
ionconditionabduction, reaction
ishcomparativefoolish, newish, whitish
ismconditionalcoholism, baptism, neologism
istprofessionartist, dentist, podiatrist
itequalityanchorite, socialite, urbanite
ity (ty)qualitycelebrity, clarity, novelty
ivequalityabusive, cooperative, sensitive
izecause, makeemphasize, fantasize, proselytize
lesswithoutloveless, mindless, motionless
mentstateabatement, contentment, refinement
nessqualitycalmness, kindness, tenderness
ologystudy ofbiology, geology, neurology
ousqualityadventurous, courageous, nervous
shiprelationshipambassadorship, brinksmanship, friendship
somequalityadventuresome, lonesome, winsome
ureconditionconjecture, exposure, rapture
warddirectionforward, heavenward, southward
ytending tocrafty, faulty, guilty



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