Why LinkedIn Is So Important to Your Job Search

The highest-leverage social professional network is LinkedIn. Hiring managers in the current economy prefer to leverage their social and professional networks to fill positions.

As with any social network, the power is not only with having a compelling profile but also with who you know, who those people know, and who those people know. Experienced networkers know that the best professional opportunities come from second- or even third-degree connections.

Building your LinkedIn network to this capacity is a very reasonable goal for any job seeker.

Another compelling reason why LinkedIn is so important for your job search is that if you have a strong profile, you’re likely to rank on Google’s first results page when someone searches for your name. This fact makes a powerful LinkedIn profile the first step to building a strong online reputation.

Put yourself in the shoes of a hiring manager in today’s economy. Your company is going through tough economic times. Your HR department has been drastically downsized, and you’re being asked to find and recruit talent to fill your open positions — a task that you aren’t even compensated for.

Do you (A) pay a major job board $600 to $800 to post the job and get lots of spam and unqualified people applying, or (B) ask your trusted network, on- or offline, for free, to get qualified referred talent to fill your position?



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