Is NaturallySpeaking Inserting Extra Little Words?

Some days, you find your Dragon NaturallySpeaking documents littered with little words like in or to or and. You are sure you didn’t say them. Your NaturallySpeaking assistant just seems to have an overactive imagination today.

These extra little words come from two places. The most likely explanation is that your microphone is positioned badly. If the mic sits in front of your mouth rather than to the side, your words are being punctuated by little bursts of air.

Those puffs hit the microphone and make a short, sharp noise that NaturallySpeaking interprets as a short word. It’s also possible that the breath coming out of your nostrils is blowing across the microphone. In either case, move the mic farther to the side of your mouth.

The second possibility is that you are trying too hard to enunciate consonants. For example, maybe you had trouble a few lines ago getting NaturallySpeaking to recognize your Format command. It heard formal, form, for Matt, or some other phrase that wasn’t Format.

Then the next time you needed to format something, you tried too hard to make NaturallySpeaking hear the t at the end. And NaturallySpeaking did hear it — a little too well — and so it typed format to. The only solution here is to relax; go back to speaking the way you naturally speak. (That’s why they call it NaturallySpeaking, you know.)



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